
right so i do a lot of traveling and love taking photos of nature i also have 100 million more images. not sure if people would buy them here though, or is this something that should be kept in art gallery section? thoughts?
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oh and credits all go to me, mother nature and my lovely camera:)
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you could probably use them for stock images on deviant art. on here, probably auction them off for like avatars, maybe even stuff for bios? i could possibly help you with the editing (if you decide to do that) if you wanted me to ^^

1) would buy, they're stunning 2) are some of those taken in Montana?

Ooo, those look nice. Definetly something i'd consider buying, I just dunno what you could price em at-
If you ever start doing something with 'em, throw me a pm? 👀

awe thanks! they are taen from all over, nicaragua,gran canyon etc. Not sure about Montana, i forget Ratatouille said: 1) would buy, they're stunning 2) are some of those taken in Montana?
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They're really pretty, like WP backgrounds!

:) thanks, um probas like SB 10-20mush i dont know lol The Whispering Wolf said: Ooo, those look nice. Definetly something i'd consider buying, I just dunno what you could price em at-
If you ever start doing something with 'em, throw me a pm? 👀
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Ratatouille said: 1) would buy, they're stunning 2) are some of those taken in Montana?
my home lmao

:) hm i will think about deviant art, i dont use my account much right now xd. it would actually be neat if you help with editing, my program keeps crashing on the computer. if i do sell, maybe we do a deal where you edit anything people would want edited(and paid). I was thiinking about selling, but ha insecurity always comes first queen. said: you could probably use them for stock images on deviant art. on here, probably auction them off for like avatars, maybe even stuff for bios? i could possibly help you with the editing (if you decide to do that) if you wanted me to ^^
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