
I am going to attempt to train one of my wolves, and I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips. I am maxing her up in battle and resolve. A few questions I have are: What is the best level and biome to start training in? Should I switch once I get trained to a certain point? If so, when? How should I start getting my wolf wins? Should I use some better trained wolves wolves to start off the attack on the prey? If so, how long should I wait? Is there some sort of training schedule that people follow? Any other tips would be greatly appreciated.

Best Level and Biome:- Forest, level 2. Don't switch at all. It maintains about the same amount of predator and prey through all the seasons. Killing Animals - It's imperative that you, at minimum, max Battle and Resolve for the best chances of hitting your target. 130lbs+ wolves are also great battlers as they have a +5 Battle bonus. They hit the hardest. You can use better wolves to hit predators first, but I find it much easier just to let the trainee double hit. However, bringing a super nice wolf with tons of CP and nice BE can help for pesky predators that won't die. You can even have a pup tagalong and gain some CP for it :) Training Schedules - Honestly, just whenever you feel like it. Most start when the wolf is 2 to get the max usage out of the wolf. Miscellaneous Tips - Always finish the level. If you can't, though, don't waste all your mushrooms on finishing it to the max extent you can barely muster. With the exception of spring, you probably won't profit from training, so be wise about how much you spend on moves. - Empathy is a really nice trait to have maxed on a trainer wolf. In Forest 2, there are a lot of injured fawn/bear encounters you can complete to gain more moves. - If you feel burnt out or your wrist begins to ache, don't push yourself. This is only a game with a bunch of pixels.
I hope this helps. PM me if you have more questions <3

Thank you! This really helps! :)
If anyone has anymore tips/tricks, please share.

Also, another question. When I am redoing level 2, and I leave the page, I have to completely restart the level, right? I can't just go back to where I was? I thought I could, but I tried and I just keep restarting. Edited at October 19, 2019 02:53 AM by Makato


I've got another exploring question with this new werewolf event: where should I BE train? Werewolves are obliterating my trainee in forest.

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Stay in Forest 2. Since you're replaying a level and it will reset when you've used all of your moves, it doesn’t matter if you fight the werewolves and predators or not. You can just ignore the werewolves and move on if you want to.
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I've lost 1000 mush today trying to explore Forest 2, so. I want to try something else XD

I recommend having Battle and Resolve (Agility is very good to max with the current site event but not necessary if you're exploring in forest lvl 2, you will need it in higher levels though), I prefer having 50 CP minimum in Empathy, Luck (or Perception) and Stealth to help during explore. The more CP in Luck and/or Perception, the more often your wolves will find mush and items. Stealth will help you track more prey. I always buy 340 moves, it makes 380 with my free moves. I usually make the extra 20 moves through encounters in explore. I usually spend my time in forest 2 or 3 (2 more often than not). I will make about 340+ mush, normally minimum what I spent on moves. I always don't leave the level until I finish it to avoid restarting. Season doesn't affect you when replaying levels either. If you keep leaving the level, you will lose mush. Finish the level and you will find that later in the level, around mid-late level, is where you get the most mush. Edit: Always take a full team of wolves exploring, even if your only training 1-2. The others will help lessen damage to the two your training and help with explore encounters. Make sure to have them on defensive moves if you don't want them gaining BE. Edited at August 5, 2020 07:20 AM by Pandemonium