
If you are not a part of the roleplay please do not post here. This is used as a member chat space and for deciding drama points in the roleplay (Such as: does this team get stranded). Edited at April 20, 2023 08:12 PM by Spider Bat

Links: Roleplay Sign up link: Roleplay Link: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=16&t=85225 Edited at April 20, 2023 08:24 PM by Spider Bat

Current Drama Point: At the first checkpoint the Darkshade musher decides to sabatoge the Frozen root's rope which keeps the dogs attached to the sled. They make a small cut in it assuming the rope would just simply break, and the dogs would keep running without the sled and musher but, when the team is nearing the next check point a mild snow storm hits and vison is limited. A bob cat appears from nowhere causing the musher to call for a sharp turn but the rope snaps as they turn causing the sled to fly into a pile of snow and the dogs to get thrown into a bush while still tied together. Over some time the team Tundra's Paws pass, do they help?

Hellos fellow sled dogs :D


Just to let yous know, Nero and Estelle are gonna be friends in the rp lol


iArema said: Just to let yous know, Nero and Estelle are gonna be friends in the rp lol
Lol alright, eska and rosemar are going to be like heavy rivals so-

So just like letting yall know; i plan to have one team crash. The other two teams will have to decide what to do

Spider Bat said: So just like letting yall know; i plan to have one team crash. The other two teams will have to decide what to do
Which one? o>o