
please do not post here unless your name is in the title :)thread. Edited at December 27, 2022 12:37 AM by queen.

i'm writing this here and gonna pin it so if we ever get confused we can just look here heh
atasi & armen -- adopted ruth and partially issa, as she is more independent and out of touch with the dogs in the pack. ruth adores her doggy parents heh. reese eventually gets adopted by them.
themba -- becomes something of a father figure to reese, however she will end up becoming more close with atasi and armen, though their bond is inseperable.
issa & ruth -- two orphans, issa is the older out of the two. much older. ruth was the result of an accidental pregnancy before her mother died and she was the only living pup. issa is very protective of her, another reason why she is wary of the dogs.
reese -- the stray pup who wanders onto the territory. themba takes her under his wing reluctantly, eventually being adopted by armen and atasi. themba would go on to forever protect her.
mazikeen --
kasai --
kahn --
nasir & karhu -- two brothers; nasir being the wolf, and karhu being the half-breed because they have different mothers. these two rarely ever get along, but deep down, they must learn to love one another despite their differences. nasir is the more honorable, more respected one out of the pair while karhu is rebellious and honestly misunderstood.
nolwandle -- a very gentle female within the pack. probably one of the more 'pure' souls of the bunch.
this will probably update with more and more characters <: Edited at December 30, 2022 02:08 AM by queen.

mwahahahah themba is posted

do we post the uhh npc forms


i meannnn we could but we don't have to considering they're not going to be huge huge parts
maybe armen and atasi >.>

ehhh lets just skip the npcs and just do armen and atasi's form


shall i do the first uhhhhhh post

if you could >.>
you can start off however :) Edited at December 28, 2022 12:32 PM by queen.