
How do you view messages from other people?

In pms, you click the name of the message which will usually be "No Subject" unless changed.
In forums, you go to that forums page and can view it there.
If it says left a comment on your page, go to your den and at the bottom of your bio there is a comments box.
For the chat box, make sure it's unhidden and the post is still there, only a limited number of posts can be shown.

Pitbull said: In pms, you click the name of the message which will usually be "No Subject" unless changed.
In forums, you go to that forums page and can view it there.
If it says left a comment on your page, go to your den and at the bottom of your bio there is a comments box.
For the chat box, make sure it's unhidden and the post is still there, only a limited number of posts can be shown.
I didn't quite understand, as I'm new

Pack > Game Mail > scroll down to Mail List
If it's a private message from another user, click the message name (default is "No Subject" unless customized). If it's a game notification, you'll want to go to the Game folder and click on the name of the notice (could be Crafting Alert, A Wolf Is Bred, Sales Alert, etc.)
Once you've clicked on the name, scroll down more to Messages and you should be able to see the contents.

This gif shows you how. :)