
I searched through forums and couldn't find anything about this. So I was curious if a wolf with Excellent Wrestling or Excellent Howling has a higher chance of producing a higher rating puppers or if its all chance. I've bred my excellent howlers and excellent wrestlers a few times now and I've noticed that they at most only tend to give one excellent pup in either rating. There has even been a few occasions where they give an excellent rating puppy in a rating neither parent was good at.
So I don't know, I'm just kind of confused on the matter and wondering if anyone has any info about this.

According to the FMC descriptions, howling and wrestling are somewhat inheritable. Keep in mind that each generic rating covers a wide spectrum. Your wolf may be classified as "excellent" but are still very close to "above average". When I breed my excellent howler, who has consistently won top 10 on the howling leaderboard, with another top 10 howler, all their pups so far have had excellent howling.

Game Moderator Neutral
Yes, the howling, wrestling and disposition ratings are inheritable. Higher rated wolves will be more likely to produce higher rated pups, same for lower ratings. It's not guaranteed though, it's just more likely to produce higher ratings if the parents have high ratings Edited at February 18, 2018 09:02 PM by Destinations End
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Alright, thanks for clarifying! ^.^