
Is there a way to remove the weird formatting that comes with using special keys like the quotes or apostrophe? I see others who do not have the weird format issue. Is there a way to fix it?
When I use quotes this happens Same with apostrophes Edited at February 18, 2018 06:38 PM by DemonsOfDespair

Game Moderator Neutral
It's because your device has smart punctuation turned on. If you look closely at the quote and apostrophe in your post, and the ones in posts of users that aren't experiencing the same problem, you'll see they look somewhat different. ' and "
Smart punctuation doesn't work with WolfPlay, which is why it's giving you those Â's, turn it off in your settings and it won't post the Â's
If you're on an apple device, such as an iPhone or iPad, follow these steps
1. Open up the settings 2. Go to general 3. From general go to keyboard 4. Once you get to keyboard you'll find smart punctuation, turn it off and you'll be good to go
If you're on a computer or a different type of smart phone, it could be slightly different steps for turning it off. I only know how to turn it off on an iPhone or iPad, but I do know you should find it in the settings, or keyboard settings(if those are two separate places for your device) for any device. Edited at February 19, 2018 09:50 AM by Destinations End
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Is there probality of changing wolf's affinity with other (alphas)

Is there probality wolf will die before15s? Edited at February 26, 2018 12:12 PM by TheCrescentWolfs

Game Moderator Lightbringer
They won't die before 15 unless you retire them.
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