
this is a privite roleplay between me and alpha don't post thank you

My wolf form has is half black half white my black side has a blue eye and my white side has a green eye my human form I have blonde hair and my eyes are the same color I come from a very weird werewolf pack that leaves deep in the mountains far away from humans but when we are humans we are we live in town keeping our identities secret I am kind dominant curious courageous smart cunning strong fast and independent I am 19 The alpha male of the pack is called Gabriel he is a blackish gray wolf with brown eyes as a human but his wolf eye color is a golden yellow orange color as a human he has black hair and he is 21 Sorry I added him just so you know what he would look like a little bit better

my charater is a 6,1hh boxer/cage fighter he is 20 and he has long hair but would cut if needed he has it in a short ponytail and he weres black shirts and blues jeans everytime he does things never seen shirtless


sure _ Avain walks out on to his pouch of his apartment since he didn't have that much money to pay for a house yet as avain walks back in he sighed and said " this is going to be a long day for me " as he grabs coffee and breakfest then left the house towards the training center where his trainer was waiting for him to get their, it was a beauitful day out and he could walk there if he wanted to but then again it was far and he was in a rush to get there also he knew a lot of girls was always staring at him wanting to be his girlfriend or as least be with him

Aurora came with came with Gabriel because Gabriel wanted Aurora to start training and fighting just so people wouldn't think that they were weird even though that they could straight fight as really well Aurora Aurora didn't want to go but she had to cuz Gabriel told her that she had to go Gabriel walked her to the training center and signed her up Aurora looked annoyed Gabriel gave her some money to buy food and a new apartment because Gabriel didn't want her to be a werewolf for the rest of her life he wanted her to be a human for at least one year so she would know how it was to live as a human she looked annoyed but she went and sat down on the benches waiting for the trainer to come and bring the best fighter so he or she could show her the ropes

Avain got to the training center and got out before walking inside and met with belly the instructor that trained him pretty much good as the walked inside to the fighting hall and towards the chairs avain was wondering where and what he was doing he knew he had someone to show the ropes of how to do things but he didn't think it was right now

Aurora saw the trainer and a guy with her with him she stood up and said hello my name is Aurora I'm new here and I would like to learn everything that I can about this place and what are all the rules she looks at the trainer and the guy right next to him waiting for them to answer

The trainer said " welcome Aurora, Avain she all yours " avain groans lowly before saying " welcome I am Avain ill show you around and some rule that you have to follow " as he looks at her before looking around and said " we better get started " as he wasn't up for talking at the moment

She follows where Avon is going and she listens to everything that he tells her