
Little forum for Soulsilver and I to carry out this RP. Gonna post my character sheet on this post, so if you wanna post yours in the next post, go for it ;) DEMOGRAPHICS Name: Atria Quinn Knotley Species: Fae Age: 16 Birth date: 13 November Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual APPEARANCE: Eye color: Dark green Hair color: Ashy blonde, with dark brown lowlights Height: 5'6 Weight: 150 lbs. Body type: Fit, slight curves Standing at 5'6, Atria is average in height and build - not too fit, but she definitely stays in shape. Dark green eyes are slightly upturned, helping to highlight prominent cheekbones and a deep cupids bown in the lip. Her nose is straight, adding to the angular features of her face. Often times, Atria is seen in nothing more than jeans and an oversized tee shirt, or her gym clothes. Most days, she does very little makeup, but goes to great efforts to ensure mascara is on - her eyes are her biggest insecurity. Her hair is roughly shoulder length, and more often than not, is down framing her face. When she has to, she puts it half up, but rarely fully up. PERSONALITY Stubborn | Defiant | Hot-tempered Atria is always right. It's just how the world works. When challenged, she will fight - sometimes literally - to prove that she is right. Backing down is not her strong suit. Although she defends herself with vigor, she is too stubborn to acknowledge when she is wrong, often times leading her to stew in silence until she musters the strength to apologize - albeit halfheartedly. Loyal | Mischievous | Defensive When it comes to her friends and family, Atria will defend them with the courage of a pride of lions; nobody says ill of her family and gets away with it. Overhearing even the whisper of a threat will send her tackling the perpetrator to the ground, followed by a trip to the infirmary. When brute strength fails, Atria is a downright rotten prankster. She will use everything to her advantage when fighting someone, often in a war they don't even know they've waged. Her ability to commit the most atricous pranks never fails her, and has wound up biting her in the ass on multiple occasions - even once landing her in a prison cell for the night. Likes: Tacos, pasta, books, dogs, snakes, plants. Being right. Orange scented chapstick, but sea scented candles. Dislikes: Watermelon, spicy food, rodents. Required physical education classes. Math. Tea, of any kind. SCHOOL Year: First year Abilities: Water manipulation, some air manipulation. Atria can control water in large amounts, shaping it into solid beings and turning it to ice when necessary. She can carry the water with her for large distances, but only in smaller amounts. She can also use slight air manipulation to create shields of wind, but since this is not her main power, it drains her quickly at this point and must be used in moderation. Edited at April 4, 2023 12:35 PM by Acerbus.

Name: Inferno Species: Hellhound Abilities: Shadow and fire manipulation. She's stronger when it's hotter and darker. She can use the shadows like tendrils, like vines, and make them become solid. She can use them as shards and can shadow blink (teleport) short distances. She can't travel long distances yet cause she hasn't built up the stamina. With her fire, she had good control of that: She can choose what she wants to burn and protect the things and people around it from burning as well, and she doesn't get burned. Gender: Female Age: 15 Year: 1st year Appearance: {Wolf form} A sleek and agile black wolf with gleaming red eyes. {Human} Pale skin with a splash of freckles over her nose bridge, she has long raven-black hair and red eyes. Personality: Standoffish and aggressive, she isn't the easiest to get along with. She's loyal and stubborn, but also cunning and clever. Strengths: Heat and darkness make her stronger, and she's great at puzzles and plotting. Great at sneaking around, too. Weaknesses: Water or ice, the cold. She HATES it. Likes: The dark, warmth, silence, books! Like ice cream too....weird. Dislikes: The sun, lmao. Kidding, she just doesn't like bright lights all that much. Hates the cold, loud noises, and annoying people. She also doesn't like being bored, cause that makes her fidget.

Inferno shifted into her human form, shoving her hands in her pockets as she looked up at the school with annoyance and uninterested. This was supposed to be the great school of the supernatural? She had to admit that the architect who built the school knew what they were doing. It was a dark wooden mansion with several buildings flanking the sides. It’s curved, elegant windows were made out of a slightly lighter wood, and a large set of brass double doors were set into the wood. The entrance. Inferno sighed, walking towards the doors. She honestly didn’t want to come here. Here meant other creatures, loud noise, and professors thinking they know more about your powers than you do. But, her parents had decided that she needed it and had enrolled her in the school. Pushing the doors open, she strolled into the building confidently, walking up the front office. “Inferno, 1st year, Hellhound.” She told the creature, most likely either a drakon or dragon with the slope of their eyes and the fangs they flashed at her as they gave her her information. Stepping out of the office, Inferno looked over her information. Name: Inferno Speices: Hellhound Pyrokenisis and Umbrakenisis Dormroom: 13 Roommate: Yes Narrowing her eyes at the word Roommate, Inferno let out a low growl. Great, someone who she had to deal with for the whole year. They better respect her boundaries or there would be some issues. Stalking to the dorm building, she walked to her dorm room and opened the door. Looking round briefly, she saw a hearth, two beds, two wardrobes, a table, and a door leading to what she assumed to be the door to the bathroom. She grabbed one of the pairs of keys that were resting on the table and then face-planted onto the bed by the empty hearth, claiming it as her own. She had dropped her duffle by one of the wardrobes, planning to unpack it later. Edited at April 4, 2023 12:52 PM by Soulsilver

Atria glanced nervously up at the towering form of the building. It was so...large. She wrung her hands together, fidgeting with her feet as incoming students bustled past her. Someone ran into her, shocking her out of her stupor. With a heavy sigh, Atria took her first steps into the building. When her family had gotten the letter that she was able to enroll in the school, shock was the polite way to put how she felt. Although her parents were both Fae, they were of a considerably lesser standing, and rarely got powers. They had known Atria had something different, but never considered it would be enough to warrant her acceptance into this school. She slipped into the door before it closed, trailing the last student to come in before her. Watching warily, she took in the confidence of the student as they swaggered towards the front office. Atria cringed at the way they addressed the secretary, who looked menacing with her fangs and tilted eyes that narrowed at the tone of the child. Inferno. Atria hoped they wouldn't spend much time together. After the student - Inferno - left, Atria stepped up to the desk. She smiled at the secretary before stating, "Atria Knotley, first year, Fae." Upon handing her the information, she could have sworn the secretary growled. What a terrifying thing. She looked over her information, making sure all was correct. Name: Atria Knotley Species: Fae, unknown lesser Hydrokinesis, moderate aerokinesis Dormroom: 13 Roommate: Yes Atria grinned at the prospective friend she was about to meet as she wheeled away from the desk and took a deep breath away from the scary secretary. Maybe her roomate would have aerokinesis, and would be able to show her how to make a better shield. She grinned as she walked to the dorms, before finding number thirteen - the first floor, thank goodness - and pushing the door open. Her slight intake of breath was all the emotion she allowed to show as she came face to face - no, face to back, with the swaggering, aggresive creature she had just seen. Scenting, Atria distinguised that she was a Hellhound, which made her cringe. Noted, no aerokinesis.

Inferno lifted her head when she heard the door of her dormroom open, slowly sliding her crimson gaze over to where her new roommate was standing in the doorway. Her gaze sharpened and narrowed when she detected the cold scent of water. She twisted into a sitting position, her eyes hard as she stared at her new roommate for a couple of moments before speaking. “So you’re the creature they stuck with me, eh?” Inferno said boardly, looking her up and down. “A fae. And one with hydrokenisis. Of course they would have me share a dorm with one of you water manipulaters.” The last part she muttered to herself, just loud enough that the fae could here. Inwardly, she groaned. A water bender. Really? They couldn’t have found anyone else, like another hellhound or fire kitsune? She would have even taken a dragon! “Inferno, Hellhound.” She growled. “I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t use your water abilities. And, don’t touch any of my stuff, don’t ask any personal questions, and don’t try to make friends with me. I’m here only to learn ‘how to control me abilities better’, as my parents said, not to be buddy-buddy with everyone here.” Inferno flicked her finger, and a shadowy vine wrapped around the other pairs of keys on the table and tossed it at the fae. “Your keys to the dorm. Respect my space. Your bed, my bed. Your wardrobe, my wardrobe.” With that, she got up and walked to her bag and plunged her hand into it, pulling out an old, thick book and settled back on her bed, back turned towards her roommate. “Dinner starts at 7 and goes until 08:30.” She said over her shoulder opening her book and turning to the page she was on. "And you have to be quiet starting at 10."

Atria caught the keys flung at her face, sharply glaring at the female in front of her. "There's nothing wrong with my water powers. Be mindful of what you say - I could always drown you." Atria couldn't mask her sneer at the Hellhound, almost laughing at the thought that she would touch anything that belonged to the beast. Setting her keys down, she listened idly to the rant before plopping onto her own bed. "And who," she began, "are you, to tell me what I can and can't do? This is my room, too. You better learn to get used to not getting your way every second." Atria eyed the ancient book on the bed, before snorting and turning over. At least she could try to nap before dinner, and figure out what the hell she was going to do about this god-awful monster she was sharing with. "Stupid Hellhound," she muttered to herself, knowing the creature could hear her.

Inferno smirked at the Fae's threat. "And I could always burn you." She growled. "Or choke you with my shadows, impale you with them, the list goes on and on, you realize." "I don't care if it's your room too. Don't try me, fae, or things are going to get ugly real fast." She shot back. She felt immensely irritated at this creature and wanted nothing more than to throw her into a fire, but hey, they were at a school, and she was sure that they would like that. Not that she cared, really, but she didn't want her parents on her back about being expelled the first week. Inferno turned her head sharply as she heard the snide remark about her, her blood-red eyes glaring at her roommate. "What did you say, Fae?" She snarled. "Say it louder, will you? Don't ever insult my species, or me." Oh, this Fae was testing her resilience. She felt her body getting hotter, and the room getting darker as her anger grew. The shadows started to pool around her, and her eyes darkened. Taking a deep breath, Inferno tried to calm down. Luckily, the book she was gripping in her hands didn't combust into flames because of her control, but wisps of flame weaved around her fingers.

Atria snorted at the building anger of the Hellhound, rolling over to watch as her temper unleashed strands of power. With an unbothered flick of her finger, Atria sent a splash of water towards her roommate, aiming it towards the flames now wreathing her fingers. "When you learn not to burn our room to ash, let me know," she grumbled, turning back to the wall before letting out a derisive snort and closing her eyes. She put a small field of air between her and the Hellhound, not trusting her to not burn her to cinders while her back was turned. Traitorous dog, she thought to herself. Dinner wasn't for an hour yet, and Atria already wanted to go home. Her parents had said this was a good school to come to, but already she wished for the comfort of her family, her bed. Living with this creature was surely not going to help her mentally, although she would learn a great deal of restraint in not harming the snarky being. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed her mind and allowed sleep to overcome her for the small amount of peace she hoped to receive.

Inferno jerked her hand back as soon as the water hit it, dropping the book on the bed and leaping back, growling as she shook her hand. The water had immediately evaporated into steam the moment it hit her skin, and the steam rose from her hand. Her hand felt freezing. The one thing she hated about being a hellhound was their intolerance to the cold. That’s why she always wore jeans or pants, and long-sleeved shirts, jackets, or hoodies. Even though the water must have been only room temperature, it felt like ice water on her skin. She glared at the Fae’s back, wiping her hand on her hoodie even though it was already dry. She sat back on her bed, forcing herself to calm down. “I have more control over my abilities than I let on.” She muttered angrily. She tucked her hand that was hit with the water under her leg, trying to heat it up as quickly as possible. She decided to ignore the Fae until dinner time when she got up without a word and stuffed her keys into her hoodie pocket and walked out the door. "Make sure you lock up the room whenever you decide to leave," Inferno called over her shoulder, not really wanting to get into another spat with her roommate.

Atria groaned, having been forced awake by the commotion of the Hellhound. As the door clicked shut, she let out a sigh before rolling out of bed and walking to the desk. Grabbing a paper, she began to write. Dear Mom and Dad, Can I come home yet? They put me in a room with a Hellhound! She's angry and mean and I am going to get into a fistfight before the first week is over because her voice is just IRRITATING. I'm going to dinner after I write this, and I don't even know where to sit, because it won't be with her. Her name is Inferno, if you wondered, and I may have already doused her flames out once. She has no control. I miss you guys. Love you, Atria XX Sighing, she folded the letter, grabbing an envelope from the stack the school provided. She would mail it later, but her stomach grumbled in hunger as she realized it had been about 10 hours since she last ate. With a huff, she walked out of the room, following the smell of found and the sound of voices until she entered the dining area. The room was huge, with multiple long benches set up like picnic tables. Groups of Fae, Hellhounds, and other lesser creatures sat separate from each other. She didn't need to think before walking over to a large group of Fae girls and sitting on the edge of the bench. "Sorry to interrupt, but they stuck me with a Hellhound, and I'd rather be stuck in an ice bath than deal with her more than I have to." The group of Fae girls looked at her, some nodding in agreement before ranting about their own roommate selections. Quickly, Atria found herself relaxing into the group, happy to at least have some sense of normalcy for her first dinner.