
Zarrow i made it >:3 but am still drawing the She-cat am gonna start rping with

Ok i might not be able to draw mine out, suck at drawing cats.


just do your best lol >:)

[Mod Edit:] Not credited artwork. Please be sure to mention if all of the artwork is yours, if the lineart isn't, etc. Meet.. Sparrow'Leap! Gender: She-cat Clan: River clan Mate: None? Role in clan: Warrior Bio:.. Meet Sparrow Leap, a short Strong Loveing She-cat! She's A great swimmer, she Swim once in the gorge it was a scary moment for her but she did Save 2 kits from drowning from the gorge. She Spends her time on Wood Seats, Sparrow loves Watching kits play it kinda re-minds herself as a kit. she Finds and pick herbs on her own. Sparrow get offten get Blushy when she's around Lagre our..Big Tom cats. But she try's to be herself most of the time. she's Very Heavy when she's Pinning down a Large/Small Cat. Not very well as hunting prey but she trys!. Sparrow loved her mother when she was a small kit, so she doesn't take her Blue Scraff off even tho some of her clan Mates Get mad our even ask about it but she trys and Aviod it. (i think thats about it >:3 ) Edited at November 17, 2022 07:52 AM by Rushie

[Mod Edit:] Not credited lineart (Line art not by me) Name: DarkHawk Gender: Tom Clan:ThunderClan Mate: None Role in clan: Deputy Bio: He was the only tom in his litter, he has 2 sisters (HallowWind, ShallowFawn), He always strived to be the best warrior after his father died in a fight with Shadowclan. He is a very focused cat and spends most of his time working on things to help with his clan. Though he likes to sneak off when no other cats are around he can get away from other cats. He is also very blunt and down to things without wasting time, his strong suit has always been running and hunting due to his long legs and lean body. Edited at November 17, 2022 07:50 AM by Rushie


[=` Sparrow'leap Yawn, Stretching her legs, and paws, as she felt a small wind pick up Bushing thorough her Short coat and fluffy tail, she glared around her warrior size den, felling moist moss on her stomach, sparrow yawned once more, getting up to look for prey. as two Kit stombled apon her, she gave them a warm smile`=] |` You guys..should be in your den..`| [=` she mewoed, leading the two kits to there kit den, as she watch the two crawl into there den Sparrow saw her leader Spotted'star, Sparrow Knew there was gonna be a Clan meeting soon..announcing about a new deputy..Sparrow sighed and Walked on the side in fornt of the rock as she waited..As her ear flicked she heard the sound of a clan meeting by her leader. "Let all cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words!" Spotted'star letted put a Blowing meow as All Cats Scarmed around looking for a spot to sit..`=]

[=` Sparrow Look up glareing at her leader..Sparrow didn't want to be as much as a deputy..it would have been hard work for her..and she Nugged her shoudler. "I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of river clan is..." Some of the clan cats Panicked a bit..as sparrow peaked and looked at them a little worryed. "Dirt'Claw!.." Some of the tom cats had a small hiss as the rest of the clan cheered for Dirt'Claw, Sparrow Smiled Also Cheering for Dirt claw "Meeting Dismissed..You may now send out portols Dirt'claw.." Spotted star Nodded, as he Walk off to his Den" Sparrow watch the leader walk into his den, as Sparrow Sighed..As Dirt Claw Called off some cats To do Portols, as sparrow Patted off Before they could go Do Portols..`=]

DarkHawk got up streatching, he walked out of his den blinking to let his eyes adjust to the light, most of the clan was already up busiling about, pregnet she-cats grooming one another watching their kits run around. He walked over to his clan leader Silverstar who was lying by his den with his mate. "Its a nice day for hunting if you want me to send out a few extra hunting partys." He said sitting down next to them. "Ok that would be great," He replyed getting up and walking away. DarkHawk got up and walked over to a few other warriors to start making the patrols. After he finished he headed out of the camp with his hunting patrol consisting of RainWisker, FeatherSong and LittlePaw. They headed of to the RiverClan border where the sun should be shining and pray should be out running aroun.