
Name: Eclipse Ashoka Nickname/s: Lunar (non-close people), Moon (close people) Age: 22 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/They Personality: Kind | Caring | Loving | Semi-Trusting | Fatherly to anyone who accepts it Hobbies: Practicing archery, drawing, writing, singing, making flower crowns or feather crowns Likes/Favorites: Drawing, writing, making flower/feather crowns Dislikes/Hates: Rude people, hunters Appearance: Very tall || Very long hair (goes past his waist) || Raven black hair with a bluish shine to it || Deep blue eyes that turn crimson red when very angry || Has a black pawprint mark on his cheek to symbolize he's a Shifter || Wears a cloak most of the time || Mostly wears a little makeup on his cheek to hide the mark, and also some eyeliner Edited at November 11, 2022 05:36 AM by Crystal Hills

Should my character be male or female?
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Name: Hayden Astin Age: 21 Personality: Flirty | Loyal | Impatient | Honest to the point of brutal | Sometimes selfish | A bit full of himself Pronouns: He/him Hobbies: Archery, baking, calligraphy Likes: Dogs (but not small rat ones), running, joking around Dislikes: Small spaces, heights Appearance: (I don't have any pics :P) Taller than average, reddish hair, brown eyes with hints of gold
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He hurried down the street, hoping to get home before anything happened. He was going home late from his job, which was one where he tutored people on how to write better. Be it creative, journaling, poem-making, or something else that had to do with writing, he was a tutor for that. He mostly taught high-school students or middle-school students, helping them with their writing classes and all that. He also tutored on drawing and all that, helping future artists do well and achieve their dreams. And he was good at what he did, too. That's why he was a tutor for others. As he hurried down the street toward his house, he didn't see the person walking in a different direction. One that took them into a collision course with himself. He crashed into the other person, causing them to fall. He balanced himself though, and didn't fall. "I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you." He extended his hand out, offering to help the other up.

Hayden had been almost jogging, trying to get back to his apartment before it got too late. He had SO much homework from his college classes, and he'd also promised to design a wedding cake for one of his friends. He hadn't been paying much attention to where he was going, trying to mentally plan the cake, so it would knock something off his list. Instead, he knocked into someone, and was so surprised that he fell.
Wincing, he glanced at his palms. Both were red and raw, the skin scraped off. The person he had hit seemed apologetic, and Hayden sighed. "Thanks, I'm alright though." He showed the stranger his hands. "I think that would just make it worse."
He stood up, scowling at his hands. "I'm sorry for running into you."
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As he saw the person's hands, he gasped and started rushing out words. "I'm so sorry! Here, let me help bandage those up." The other then apologized for running into him, but he shook his head fast. "Nono, don't apologize! It's my fault for not looking at my surroundings! I should've seen you beforehand!" He swung his backpack off his back and bent down, before reaching into it and pulling out some bandage wraps. It was a good thing that he carried some around in his backpack. He always brought some with him, in case someone needed them for keeping their hand from cramping while drawing or writing. He extended his hand, saying "Here, give me your hands so I can bandage them."

Hayden peered at his scraped hands for a moment, then held them out. "I'm surprised you already have stuff for this kind of thing." He laughed softly. "I never would have thought to bring anything like that."
Hayden glanced at the person, and felt a strange feeling, like he should know something about them. Shaking his head, he brushed away the feeling. He was probably just getting headache from the fall or something. How could he know something about a stranger? He turned his attention back to the person, and shifted his hands. "My name's Hayden."
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He took the other's hands, beginning to wrap them up. "Well, when you have a job like me, you can expect to need these." He looked at the other, pausing for a moment. He felt like he's seen this stranger around, and should know him or something. His feeling was answered once the other said his name, and suddenly an image flashed in his mind. It showed a younger version of himself playing with what seemed like a younger version of the stranger. He silently finished wrapping the other's hands, before putting the bandage wraps back in his bag. "I knew there was something about you... Remember me? It's me, Eclipse." He softly spoke, not wanting anyone to overhear or anything.

Hayden scrunched his brow, trying to remember. A memory flashed into his mind, a day at the park, a picnic, and some weird occurences. He looked up and met the stranger's eyes. After a moment, he ran a hand down his face. "It's really you." A million thoughts flashed through his mind. Why wasn't the memory of the stranger-no, Eclipse, so blurry? And how had they managed to run into each other almost a decade later? He huffed, and, forgetting about his palms, shoved his hands into his pockets. He winced again, and carefully withdrew them. "Wha-what are you doing here? What are we gonna do?"
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Eclipse tensed, slightly tearing up. Those words brought back... memories. "That's best to talk about later, when we're in a safer place." As he spoke, there was a slight wobble to his voice. Eclipse sighed, rubbing his hand against his face. "I am going to escape from here and 'run away'. It's not safe here anymore." He gently touched his left cheek, where his Shifter Mark lay hidden. Thoughts and memories whirled around in Eclipse's head. He shook himself, trying to clear his mind. "It's best I get going, I need to prepare."