
Dylan was practically running through the hallways of the Academy. He was late to class, and Professor Thurkins hated it when people were late. He weaved in and out of cliques of students hurrying on their way to class as well. He sighed. It was different for them, they werent alpha. Alphas had so much pressure on them to do well. His parents didnt help either. In fact, they made it worse, telling him if he didnt do well in his classes, he wouldnt be allowed to attend the Academy.
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Eclipse was also hurrying to class, although there wasn't much farther to go. Whether she knew it or not, she had class with a certain someone... Well, she had to hurry as she was also an Alpha, and also had pressure on her to do well and such. Weaving throughout the different social groups, she didn't hear the sound of someone running behind her. Until it was too late, and she got knocked over and was almost on the ground. Then Eclipse's instincts kicked in and wings sprouted from her back, beginning to flap and stop her fall.

Dylan lurched forwards, almost smacking his head on the stone floors. He caught his balance at the last second, and straightened up. "I'm so sorry!" He yelled behind him. As much as he really did want to stay and help whoever he'd smacked into, he didn't want to be late. He rounded the last corner, and slid into his seat. Professor Thurkins turned. "Thank you for joining us, Dylan. However, due to your tardiness, you missed part of a test, and will have to sit out in the hall until we are finish." Groaning, Dylan slouched out into the hallway.
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As she straightened up, she caught a glimpse of who bumped into her before he rounded the corner. She heard him yell "I'm so sorry!" and she was caught up in a mix of emotions. Should she feel angry? Or sad? Or something else? Well, she shook herself, beginning to hurry to her class again. As she headed to class, she saw the same guy out in the hall by her class, but thought nothing of it and went in. The professor turned to her, and said to her "Thank you for joining us, Eclipse. However, you've also missed part of the test and will need to sit in the hall until we finish." Sighing heavily, Eclipse made her way back out, noticing the guy was still there. "Hey! Shouldn't you be in class?"

Dylan let out a humourless laugh. "Nah, I was too late. Should've paid more attention to the time." He tore his hands through his shorter blonde locks. "My mum is gonna be so mad." He gnawed on his lip, then yanked his school books out of his satchel. "May as well study." He muttered some choice words as he flipped randomly through the book. He selected a chapter on werewolves, and the differences between them and normal wolves, and started to skim the page, obviously not paying a lot of attention to the words. "Hey, wait. Did I smack into you in the hallways?" He had looked up from his book, and caught her eyes.
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"I was... also late. A problem occured and it took a while, and soon enough it made me late to class." Those blonde locks of hair looked familiar... Eclipse sat down next to him- or, well, almost a foot away from him, also pulling out her school books. She began to flip through and find a chapter that she needed to review, and soon she was focused on reading. When he spoke again, she slightly startled and looked at him, meeting his eyes. "Uh... Yeah, I think so. Before you disappeared around the corner, I caught a glimpse of you, and also heard you say sorry to me." She let out a small laugh, which sounded like harmonious musical notes.

Dylan winced. "Sorry again. I was really hoping I'd hit one of the football boys or something." He sighed. "Wanna ditch? Since we can't exactly take the test..." He paused, thinking. "We could go down to the lake. It's kinda cold, but we could still dip our feet in or something. I just hope we don't run into Addie..." He shook his head and shuddered. "That girl gives me the heebie jeebies." He stood up, and held out his hand. "Come with me?"
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Eclipse laughed again. "Yeah, that would've been funny. Although, no need to apologize. I understand the situation at hand." He offered to ditch, saying that they could go to the lake. Taking no mind on what he said next, she smiled- or well, grinned. Packing up her things and the standing up, she took his hand and said "Sure! I do need to relax. It's been stressing with all that I have to worry about." Eclipse then realized something. She started to giggle upon realizing it.

Dylan ginned, and started to walk down the hallway. "We have to be super quiet though, cause we walk past the Headmaster's office, and she'll whoop my ass if she catches me ditching again." He tiptoed along trying to keep the shadowy sides of the halls, and breathing as quietly as possible. A sudden noise caused him to stop and glace around. He groaned. "It's Addie. She's such a snoop." He sighed, and waited for the werewolf girl to come around the corner, feeling like the day honestly could not get much worse.
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She stopped giggling, and nodded. Beginning to follow after him, creeping carefully through the halls. Then, the other stopped after hearing a noise and looked as if he was waiting for someone to come around the corner. "Who's Addie?" She inquired about who this girl was, before a scent reached her nose. Werewolf.