
- Frostyhills24 - - Gender - Female (She/Her) - Rank/role - Brood Dragonet (watches over eggs and younglings and is not allowed to have her own) - Personality - motherly, submissive, protective, possessive, caring - Other - Recently came of age, so it is being decided if her role in the castle clan will be switched. Her caretaker is a teenage brunette girl. - Size - 50ft long Edited at November 3, 2022 11:56 PM by Frostyhills24

I woke up to the sound of my name and something rolling in the room. The smell of freshly dead beef called to me, I opened my eyes to see my rider and caretaker Melinda. The teenager was a 6ft brunette; She was tall in general but lightweight and easy to carry. She wheeled the dead cow over to me and spoke of what our day would consist of. “Today we have been given a day off and we are allowed to wander, with a guard watching over us of course,” I looked at her after tearing a piece off and swallowing it as a crocodile does. “You had some armor made for you Frosty, my guess is they want you to be the queen of the clan’s personal Brood dragonet so you would have to travel with them. Hence the armor, but it is still up for debate because they also want you to be a breeder Dragonet” I snorted at that and kept eating. I wouldn’t mind the breeder dragonet position; Being the queen's personal brood dragonet is a lifelong role and I want hatchlings of my own at some point. When I finished eating in came the armor and my saddle. I repositioned myself so everything could be adjusted properly, the armor was light, it probably wasn't that strong then. Most likely just a test run to see how I reacted to it and seeing how much I could handle. The saddle came next, it was already fitted; It has to be every so often since dragons never stop growing. I stepped off the flight area and we were in the air, I decided to save my energy. I didn’t know how long we were going to be flying and needed to save energy. I missed flying free like this, it reminded me of when I was a hatchling and all I had to do was check in every so often. Ever since the current clan leader was put in place hatchlings can not be left unattended. It just gave more dragons jobs though, like me. I zoned back in and continued on my way seeing a lake ahead. I landed on the beach to get a drink and Melinda got off to stretch the guard traveling with us did the same thing but stuck by Melinda's side while the Dragon guard stood by mine.

Sundew Gender: She/they Rank: wild Appearance: Elegant almost snake like body with long legs and almost leaf like wings. She has emerald green scales speckled with gold and bright Amber eyes. Personality: Ferice, pertinent, passionate, loyal. Other: injury: badly torn wing. Edited at October 16, 2022 04:41 PM by Dawnforest

Sundew woke to the rising sun, streaming into the mossy cavern. She raised her head listening to the birds' early morning singing. She blinked, then got up folding her wide wings behind her. She walked out to the stone ledge she used for taking of and landing then jumped into the air, the chilly dawn air wooshed around her wings as she soared through the sky. A few moments later she spotted a small herd of deer, perfect for hunting. She glided in a circle the tucked her wings in a dove, scooping a small deer into her front talons. She flew to a clearing to eat. She walked the short distance to a stream for a quick drink. She heard a growling behind her, she turned sharply and was met with a group of wild cats. One lunged and Sundew flapped her wings trying to escape cat claws tore through her right wing. She was only able to fly a short distance before gravity took hold and she fell to the ground. She didn't know we're she was but there was the sound of waves and a strong scent of salt. She stepped out of the forest risking being out in the open. Two blurry far away shaped were visable a dragon, maybe and something she couldn't identify.....

We all watched a dragon crash into the lake, and the males got defensive and ready to attack. "stay here" the human guard instructed then got on his Dragon and went to pull the dragon out of the lake. They pulled her out around 500 feet away from us. Melinda got on my back and it was a quick and short flight over but we still kept our distance, all wondering what the female dragon was going to do.

Sundew spotted the creatures and rose into a defensive stance trying to look fierce.... Well as fierce as a Dragon can look badly injured and I worn out. Edited at October 16, 2022 05:29 PM by Dawnforest

I immediately got in a protective and defensive stance on Melinda, shielding her with my body. The guards stood in front of us, neither of us knew what was going on. The male dragon stepped in saying a word "Calm down, we just pulled you out of the lake and stopped you from drowning a sorry would be nice!" He snapped, clearly not happy that this dragon wasn't grateful.

Sundew stepped back slightly this wasn't natural dragon behaviour... " who are you... " letting just a small hint of a growl in her voice..... these new dragon behaviour wasn't normal.

"I am a Dragon Guard at the local kingdom!" He roared pissed that this dragon was demanding when she was in no place to be. "Now who are you, demanding information out of a guard!?" he was not happy. I bit him on the tail as a warning to back off, he was probably frightening her and she was becoming defensive. He whipped around and looked at me all pissed but I just gave him the look all mother dragons give their young when they have done something wrong. His head dropped low quickly, he backed off and let me step forward. I nudged Melinda to stand behind the guard. "I'm Frosty, I'm a brood Dragonet in the local kingdom's clan. You look injured are you alright, and what happened?" I said looking at her with soft eyes and relaxed muscles trying to make myself seem smaller and less intimidating.

Sundew cocked her head slightly "huh" she said raising her right wing " isn't it obvious " she slightly flexed her claws slightly trying to prepare for a fight without anyone noticing she had just given a strange dragon her weakness after all.