
Game Moderator Neutral
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Game Moderator Neutral
Age: around 2 and a half Gender: Fluidflux Breed: Coydog (mostly coyote) Percentages: - Coyote: 45%
- Ryukyu Inu 10%
- Basque Shepherd Dog(Iletsua variety) 10%
- Berger Picard 6%
- Bouvier des Ardennes 6%
- New Ginia Singing Dog 4%
- Border Collie: 4%
- Rough Haired Dutch Shepherd 4%
- Kai Ken: 3%
- Pastor Garafiano(Garafain Shepherd) 3%
- Australian Cattle Dog(Red Heeler) 2.5%
- American Pitbull Terrier 2.5%
Orientation: Asexual Demihomoromantic Relations: Mate to Kensaku; adoptive mother of Mukul and Kiet. Sister-in-law to Mazin Other: Completely blind in right eye. Has multiple health problems and disabilities - Age: between two and two and a half Gender: Spayed female Breed: double merle Australian Koolie, Aidi, Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, Australian Cattle Dog Percentages: Koolie 27.5% Aidi 25% Australian Shepherd 22.5% Border Collie 17.5% Australian Cattle Dog 7.5%
Orientation: Asexual Homoromantic Relations: Mate to Wolf, adoptive mother to Mukul and Kiet. Half sister of Mazin Other: has a decreased sense of sight and hearing, though she's not completely blind or deaf, which the majority of double merles are. - Age: between two and a half and three years old Gender: Male Breed: The offspring of a coyote/golden jackal/dingo and a Garafian Shepherd/Basque Shepherd Dog(Gorbeiakoa variety)/Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever/German Shepherd cross Orientation: Gay Other: Kasai is completely blind. Mate to Raiden; adoptive father to Iseul, Mazin and Gulzar - Age: two and a half Gender: Male Breed: Basque Shepherd Dog (Iletsua Variety), Bouvier des Ardennes, Laekenois, Otterhound hybrid and a Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Sapsali, Smithfield Collie mix Orientation: Gay Other: Raiden also has hyposomia(almost complete 100% anosmia) and talks with a noticeable stutter. Mate of Kasai; adoptive father of Iseul, Mazin and Gulzar - Age: 2-3 months old Gender: Demiboy Breed: Cane Corso, Alentejo Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Barak Hound, Shar Pei, Seppala Siberian Sleddog, Griffon Nivernais Percentage Alentejo Mastiff 20% Cane Corso 20% Bullmastiff 18.5% Barak Hound 13% Shar Pei 13% Griffon Nivernais 8.5% Seppala Siberian Sleddog 7% Orientation: too young(grows up to be asexual aromantic) Other: - Age: 6 months old Gender: Male Breed: Mastiff/Great Dane/American Pittbull Terrier/East European Shepherd/Dutch Shepherd(mostly Great Dane and Mastiff) Orientation: Gay, Poly Other: The adopted son of Wolf and Kensaku. Adoptive brother to Mukul; Boyfriend to Gulzar and Anu - Age: 5 months old Gender: Male Breed: Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Great Dane, Ariege Pointer, Mountain Cur, Braque du Bourbonnais hybrid Percentage: Braque du Bourbonnais 27.5% Ariege Pointer 27.5% Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog 15% American Leopard Hound 15% Great dane 7.5% Mountain Cur 7.5% Orientation: Hetero Other: Adopted son of Kasai and Raiden; adoptive sibling to Mazin and Gulzar; boyfriend to Avery - Age: 5 months old Gender: Female Breed: the offspring of a Texas heeler (Australian Cattle Dog and Australian Shepherd mix) and Malinois X (Belgian Malinois and German Shepherd mix) Orientation: Hetero Other: Adopted daughter of Kasai and Raiden; adoptive sister to Iseul and Gulzar; girlfriend of Bernie - Age: 6 months old Gender: Make Breed: Border Collie/Australian Shepherd/Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Orientation: Gay, poly Other: Adoptive son to Kasai and Raiden; adopted sibling to Mazin and Gulzar; boyfriend to Kiet and Anu - Age: 6 months old Gender: Male Breed: (Mutt) standard schnauzer / giant schnauzer / Wirehaired Pointing Griffon / Scottish Deerhound / Pudelpointer / Sapsali / Carea Leonés / Dutch Sheepdog / Schafpudel / Bouvier des Flandres / Bouvier des Ardennes / Berger Picard / treeing tennessee brindle / Mountain cur / grande wire haired Portuguese Podengo / other unknown breeds Orientation: Gay, poly Other: boyfriend to Gulzar and Kiet - Age: 1 and a half Gender: male Breed: golden shepherd, Texas healer, Sheepadoodle, Saint Bernewfie hybrid[Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd, Standard Poodle, Old English Sheepdog, Saint Bernard, Newfoundland] Orientation: Gay Other: Mel was born without eyes. Boyfriend to Boaz - Age: between one and a half and two Gender: Male Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Great Dane x American Pitbull Terrier, English Mastiff, Boerboel hybrid Orientation: Bi or Pan Other: boyfriend to Mel - Age: 7-8 months old Sex: Male Gender: Non-binary Breed: Sapsali, Schafpudel, grande wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Basque Shepherd Dog (Iletsua Variety), Laekenois, Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Basque Shepherd Dog(Gorbeiakoa variety), Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Pastor Garafiano(Garafain Shepherd), Harzer Fuchs, Podenco Valenciano, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Patagonian Sheepdog Orientation: Pan(very strong male lead) Other: significant other of Lucas - Age: 8 months Gender: male Breed: English Setter, Kleiner(small) Münsterländer, Großer(large) Münsterländer, Stabyhoun, American English Coonhound, Catahoula Leopard Dog X American Leopard Hound, Braque du Bourbonnais, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Patagonian Sheepdog, beagle, wire haired pointing griffin, Český Fousek, Deutscher Stichelhaariger Vorstehhund, Brittany Spaniel Orientation: Pan Other: Half brother to Bernie. Boyfriend to Pachua ~ Age: 7 months Gender: Male Breed: English Setter, Kleiner(small) Münsterländer, Großer(large) Münsterländer, Stabyhoun, American English Coonhound, Catahoula Leopard Dog X Dalmatian, Braque du Bourbonnais, German Shorthaired Pointer, Auvergne Pointer, Braque Francais Gascogne hybrid Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Boyfriend of Mazin. Half brother to Lucas Edited at January 24, 2022 12:35 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Age: 1 year old Gender: Demiboy Breed:Carea Leonés, Greyhound, Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Redtick Coonhound, Bull Arab, Treeing Cur, Mountain Cur, Berger de Savoie, Whippet, long haired Whippet, Magyar agár, Chortai, Longdog, lurcher, Podenco Orito, Silken Windhound, Aidi, Banjara Hound, Kombai dog, Mudhol Hound Orientation: gay Other: boyfriend of Gelert - Age: 1 year old Gender: demiboy/non-binary Breed:Carea Leonés, Mountain cur, Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Berger de Savoie, Bluetick Coonhound, Weimaraner, Kleiner(small) Münsterländer, Großer(large) Münsterländer, Braque Francais Gascogne, Blue Picardy Spaniel, Brittany Spaniel, Tiger(hund), Rajapalayam dog, Dalmatian, Phu Quoc Ridgeback Orientation: gay Other: significant other to Dobbi - Name: Saika Age: between 3-5 years, but looks a lot older Gender: Male Breed: Unknown, most likely some sort of wolfdog Orientation: (not)Questioning, he's never had feelings towards another canine yet Other: - Age: between 11-14 months old Gender: Male Breed: American Pitbull Terrier, Staffedshire Bull Terrier, Cursinu, (blue harlequin) Beauceron, unknown breed Percentage: American Pitbull Terrier 32.5% Staffedshire Bull Terrier 27.5% blue harlequin Beauceron 17.5% Cursinu 17.5% Unknown breed 5%(possibly a Bouvier des Ardennes, or some other wiry haired breed) Orientation: Demi-Heterosexual Demi-Biromantic Other: Rugby has a crooked tail, a badly deformed and crippled hind leg with a just as badly clubbed foot/paw on the same leg, he also is a mute. He is smaller and weaker for his age, partly because he and his litter mates were premature, but mostly because is the runt of the litter and had complications at birth. Boyfriend of Nita - Name: Ollin Age: 2 Sex: Female Gender: Male Breed: Minowa Shiba Inu, American Akita, Japanese Akita, Hokkaido, Kai Ken, Ryukyu Inu, Dutch Shepherd, Kishu Inu, Korean Jindo mix Orientation: Asexual Demihomoromantic Other: significant other of Ohtli ~ Name: Ohtli Age: 2 Gender: Male Breed: Borzoi, Carea Leones, Xarengo Valenciano, Scottish Deerhound, Portuguese Podengo, Silken Windhound, Lurcher, Longdog, Armet, Iziban Hound(wire hair) Greyhound, Eurohoundhybrid. Orientation: Pan(lean's towards males) Other: boyfriend to - Name: Kuruk Age: 1.5 Gender: Male Breed: Karelian Bear Dog/Native American Indian Dog/Sulimov dog/Cane Pastore Biellese/Utonagan/American Alsatian/Karafuto Ken/Guejae Gae/Korean Jindo/Yakutian Laika/Norrbottenspets/Ryuku Inu/Kawakami Ken/Pyrenean Sheepdog/Kuhhund/Tiger (Hund)/Waeller/Gaucho Sheepdog/Aidi/Elo/Carea Leonés/Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog/Harzer Fuchs/Strobel/Tornjak/Kintamani/Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Orientation: pan(very strong lean towards males) Other: Nita's brother open for possible romance(though unlikely) ~ Name: Nita Age: 1.5 Gender: Female Breed: Karelian Bear Dog/Native American Indian Dog/Sulimov dog/Cane Pastore Biellese/Utonagan/American Alsatian/Karafuto Ken/Guejae Gae/Korean Jindo/Yakutian Laika/Norrbottenspets/Ryuku Inu/Kawakami Ken/Pyrenean Sheepdog/Kuhhund/Tiger (Hund)/Waeller/Gaucho Sheepdog/Aidi/Elo/Carea Leonés/Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog/Harzer Fuchs/Strobel/Tornjak/Kintamani/Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Orientation: Other: sister to Kuruk. Girlfriend of Rugby - Age: 11-13 months Gender: Female Breed: Irish Wolfhound, Scottish Deerhound, Borzoi, Greyhound, Great Dane, Sardinian Shepherd Dog, Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog, Armant, Otterhound, Sapsali, Schafpudel, Briquet Griffon Vendéen, Strobel, Patagonian Sheepdog, vojvodjanski pulin, Iletsua Basque Shepherd dog, Garafian Shepherd, Kuhhund, English Setter, Kleiner(small) Münsterländer, Großer(large) Münsterländer, Berger Picard, Bouvier des Ardennes, Belgian Laekenois, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Mantiqueira Shepherd, Sarabi dog, Kars dog, Aidi, Estrela Mountain Dog, Guejae Gae, Tiger (Hund), Waeller, Carea Leonés, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Karst Shepherd, Eloschaboro (Elo Dog), Stabyhoun, Spino degli Iblei, Cane Lupino del Gigantea Orientation: Bi(female lean) Other: Tamsin's girlfriend; Adoptive sister to Legend and Lore ~ Nickname: Tammy Age: 1 Gender: Female Breed:Shih Tzu, Löwchen, Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka, Kokoni, Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Formosan Mountain Dog, Glen of Imaal Terrier, Alopekis, Sporting Lucas Terrier, Lucas Terrier, Kromfohrlander, Cairn Terrier, Norfolk Terrier, Norwich Terrier, Australian Terrier, Portuguese Podengo, Biewer Terrier, Russkiy Toy, Havanese, Miniature American Shepherd, Sheltie and several other unknown toy breeds Orientation: Lesbian Other: sister to Tommy. Girlfriend to Fable Only has two legs, is missing both hind limbs ~ Age: 1 Gender: Male Breed: Shih Tzu, Löwchen, Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka, Kokoni, Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Formosan Mountain Dog, Glen of Imaal Terrier, Alopekis, Sporting Lucas Terrier, Lucas Terrier, Kromfohrlander, Cairn Terrier, Norfolk Terrier, Norwich Terrier, Australian Terrier, Portuguese Podengo, Biewer Terrier, Russkiy Toy, Havanese, Miniature American Shepherd, Sheltie and several other unknown toy breeds Orientation: Gay Other: Brother to Tammy; boyfriend of Zeke. Only has two legs. He is missing his left front limb, and right hind limb. - Age: 1 Gender: Male Breed: (Hairless) Chinese Crested Orientation: gay Other: Twin brother of Benzene, boyfriend of Tommy ~ Age: 1 Gender: Male Breed: (Powderpuff) Chinese Crested Orientation: Bi Other: twin brother of Zeke Might be willing to open for romance between our characters - Nickname: Zéphyrine, Zéph, Zéphyr Age: 1.5 Gender: Female Breed: Alaskan Malamute, Seppala Siberian Sleddog, Greenland Dog, Sakhalin Husky, Canadian Eskimo Dog, Mackenzie River Husky, Eurasier, Gaucho Sheepdog, Icelandic Sheepdog, Karelian Bear Dog, Russo-European Laika, Native American Indian Dog, Utonagan, American Alsatian, Norrbottenspets, Kawakami Ken, Aidi, Australian Koolie, Australian Kelpie, Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog, East European Shepherd, Berger de Savoie, Vancouver Island Wolf, Iberian Wolf, Great Plains Wolf, Steppe Wolf Orientation: Bi Other: Sister to Anatolius open for possible romance ~ Name: Anatolius Nicknames: Anatole, Anat, Atolius, Tolius Age: 1.5 Gender: Male Breed: Alaskan Malamute, Seppala Siberian Sleddog, Greenland Dog, Sakhalin Husky, Canadian Eskimo Dog, Mackenzie River Husky, Eurasier, Gaucho Sheepdog, Icelandic Sheepdog, Karelian Bear Dog, Russo-European Laika, Native American Indian Dog, Utonagan, American Alsatian, Norrbottenspets, Kawakami Ken, Aidi, Australian Koolie, Australian Kelpie, Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog, East European Shepherd, Berger de Savoie, Vancouver Island Wolf, Iberian Wolf, Great Plains Wolf, Steppe Wolf Orientation: Pan Other: Brother to Zephyrinus open for possible romance Edited at April 10, 2022 10:33 AM by Destinations End
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Name Mika Gender Female Age 2 years Breed Australian Shepeard, Border Collie, Unknown breed Percentages Australian Shepeard: 50% Border Collie: 40% Unknown: 10% Likes |Exploring| |Playing| |Frogs| |Mud Puddles| Dislikes |Thunder| |Lightning| |Squirrels| Personality Mika is sweet and kind to most canines, but she is uneasy with wolf breeds because she never really knew a wolf before. Mika lives with her humans but loves to explore in their backyard and sometimes she likes to sneak under the fence and into the woods. Mika loves mud puddles but she does not like squirrels too much even though dogs love to chase them. - Name Alce Nickname[s] Moose Gender Male Age 2.5 years Breed Wolf and Golden Jackel Percentages Wolf: 50% Golden Jackel: 50% Likes |Stating his territory| |Digging| |Burring bones| Dislikes |Trespassers| |Badgers| |Humans| Other His tail got bitten off when he was just a few weeks old. So now his tail is halfway in length, luckily his fur grew over the nubbed end. Personality Alce is not a very simple wolf he does not like others very well, he has lived most of his life by himself and does not get along well with others. Alce does not like other males especially, Alces temper is not that good but he tries to get it underway. He likes to try to make some friends because he kinda gets lonely at times. - Name Cirrus Age 1.5 years Breed Alaskan Husky Percentages Alaskan Husky: 100%/purebred Likes |Eating Apples| |Play Fighting| |Cuddling| |Chasing Stuff| Dislikes |Summer| |Cats| |Water| Other She is looking for a mate or a very close friend to hang out with and spend her greatest moments with. Personality Cirrus is an open-minded dog, she likes laying down and watching stuff move. Cirrus likes trying new things, but she might not do it if it causes harm to her friends and family or to herself. Cirrus is not that fierce as she does not have any claws, she lost her claws to humans as they declawed her. Even though Cirrus is quite young she is quite a blast to hang out with. Edited at January 26, 2022 12:18 PM by Duskfall

Mika - The sound of footsteps woke Mika up from her nap it was her human opening her doggy door so she can go outside. Mika stood up and stretched, her tail wagging as her human gave her some pets on the head. Mika saw that her food and water dishes were topped off but she decided to head outside. Mika knew her owner was going to leave soon, for work, so she began to think about what she was going to do today. . A few minutes later Mika heard the front door shut and that was her queue to explore in the woods. So Mika got up from her sun-warmed spot and crawled under the fence. She sniffed the air, wonderous smells filling her nostrils, she smelled the pine trees that mixed in with the oaks, she also smelled an unfamiliar scent but decided it was probably just a cat or something. So she continued on her way, as she trotted deeper into the woods. . Mika traveled for a while then decided to stop and take a drink of some rainwater on a leaf, as she gulped down the water she decided to take a rest. Mika Layed down, she looked around and noticed a red tail swishing around a few feet away. She thought it might have been one of her friends so she didn't think anything of it. Mika started to wash her ears as gnats like to nibble on them when they are dry. . Mika finished washing her ears, she heard a stick breaking a rabbit length away. She quickly got up and turned around to see a fox behind her, Mika had never dealt with a fox before, her ears flattened and she started to run away from the fox and away from her home. Mika just kept running and didn't look back, a few moments later she was out of breath so she hid in a hollow log that was nearby. She looked around as she got in and thought no, no I can't be lost. . After Mika's long run away from the fox, she decided to take a nap in the log as she was very tired from walking and running. So she closed her eyes and her mind started to drift away as she thought of the worst possible things that could happen to her, this deep in the forest.

Alce - Alce was digging a hole deep enough for a bone from an old deer carcass he found. Alce hunted his own food but he recently came upon a dry season of deer in the forest so he decided whatever food he can find is good enough for him. After he buried the bone he found he gave himself a wash to get rid of the stink from the carcass, the smell made him nauseous that's why he was giving himself a wash. . While Alce was washing his stomach growled, he decided to go on a hunt today and try to find some fresh food. Alce got ready to leave and suddenly he heard a thud he saw a husky tumble down a small hill, he trotted over. He got ready to growl but decided to be somewhat nice instead of being territorial. "What are you doing around here, little husky?" he snickered . The husky replied in a painful way as if she was hurt physically. Alces's tone lightened as he realized she was actually hurt. He helped the husky up and to a cozy nest, he slept in. "Rest here, and try not to move," he said as he trotted off to find some herbs. Alce sniffed the ground for herbs, giving up on the hunt he was going to do. Alce would have just left the husky alone but he never leaves someone injured out to die. . After a few more paces Alce found a nice bundle of herbs, he grabbed them between his teeth and trotted back to his little clearing. He breathed in the scent of the herbs as he carried them, they smelled earthy and not really appetizing. As he arrived back at the nest the husky had closed her eyes. Alce put the herbs down and started smashing them into a smaller bundle, the earthy smell made the husky open her eyes. . The soon told him that her name was Cirrus, then he told her that the herbs would help with the pain. Alce knew she was not badly hurt at the way she had limped over the nest. Alce suspected that Cirrus had a sprained leg and it was not broken. "You can call me Moose, by the way," whispered Alce as he laid down for a rest. . He knew that Cirrus needed to rest and the thudding of his paws on the ground won't help her sleep so he decided to rest as she slept. The ears of Cirrus perked but slowly fell down as she fell asleep, Alce thought this was amusing for some reason. He put his head n his paws and stared out into the woods, wondering when he would get a chance to hunt and when would be a good time.

Cirrus - On a warm sunny afternoon, Cirrus was wandering up the side of a hill after a butterfly. The butterfly was a beautiful light blue color, Cirrus thought maybe it would be a tasty snack like dragonflies are. But when cirrus was on top of the hill the butterfly suddenly swooped down the hill and Cirrus lost her footing and fell. She started rolling down the hill, she went faster as she neared the ground. . Thud! The sound of Cirrus hitting the ground was loud and it attracted a wolf. Cirrus was kinda afraid of this male wolf but then his face lightened when he realized that Cirrus was hurt, with a sprained leg. The wolf said to follow him, so she slowly limped after the male. They soon arrived at a comfy-looking nest, surrounded by a clearing of smushed grass from paws walking around. . The male wolf said to rest in the nest, he also told her his name was Alce but she could call him moose. "Nice to meet you Moose, my name is Cirrus." Cirrus greeted Moose in a painful tone as she got comfortable in the nest. Moose had said for her to rest as he got herbs. Cirrus curled around in the nest until her leg was in a comfy position. She looked around, there wasn't much around just the clearing with some patches of fresh dirt where you can tell something had been buried. . Cirrus closed her eyes and fell asleep until Moose got back with some fresh herbs. When Moose started to smash them down, the smell of the fresh herbs woke Cirrus up. She looked at Moose and he told her to eat the herbs and get some rest. So that's what Cirrus did she ate the herbs, which tasted ok, and then she closed her eyes again only opening them slightly to see that Moose had curled up for a nap a few mouse lengths away.

Mika - The sun started to set and the fluffy white clouds started to turn pink. Mika opened her eyes, she got anxious from not knowing where she was but then she remembered she hid in a hollow log to escape a fox. Mika crawled out to see of the log to see that the sky was turning pink, Oh no, my owner must be worried sick that I am missing, Mika thought as she started racing home. . Mika was hardly ever allowed to stay out past sunset as her owner was afraid she would run away or get lost. Mika hoped she would not get in trouble as she ran along a trail back to her home, her mud-painted fur flowing in the wind. Once Mika got to the backyard fence she crawled back under the hole she had made, her fur getting even dirtier. . Mika shook off access dirt and mud that did not cling to her fur coat and crawled through her doggy door, Mika looked around she did not see anybody in the house. She only saw her food and water dishes waiting for her on the floor. Mika got worried because her owner was nowhere to be found, Mika walked through the kitchen and started to bark a little to alert her owner that she was home. After a few seconds, Mika's owner came rushing through the bedroom door to greet and cuddle Mika. . Mika heard her owner say something but didn't fully hear what was said, she only heard the words dirty and bath. All Mika wanted to do was eat some of her dog food but her owner pulled on her collar towards the bathroom. Mika whispered as she just wanted to eat right now but she obeyed her owner and walked to the bathroom. As she jumped into the bathtub the human took off her collar and turned on the water, and changed it to be lukewarm. . As the water filled the bathtub Mika sat down and moved her paws around playfully. The human laughed then drizzled some dog shampoo on Mika's fur and started to scrub. Aw yeah, right there, Mika thought to herself as her owner scrubbed her back. After Mika's bath, her owner dried her off with a towel and then told Mika she could go eat now. . When Mika heard this she raced to her food bowl and gobbled up some food, she thought it tasted kinda bland but Mika did not mind. Mika finished the last little bit then lapped up some water, When Mika finished she stretched and went to her dog bed that was at the end of her human's bed. Mika curled up in her dog bead and fell asleep after a long day.