Lion RP | August 27, 2020 08:03 PM | |

Please Don't Join If Not Invited! Thank You! Edited at August 27, 2020 10:00 PM by Wild Storm

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[Mod Edit: Removed for hotlinking] Appearance: Light golden color with white gradient on her paws, tail, face, and stomach. Green eyes Name: Kelly agr: 3 gender: Female (lioness) Edited at January 1, 2021 05:46 PM by Breakeven

Name: Thunder Gender: Male (Alpha Male) Age: 8 years Name: Timber (Love interest) Gender: Male (Loner) Age: 3 years
Name: Sky Gender: Male ( Mate chosen for Kelly) Age: 3 Edited at January 1, 2021 06:16 PM by Moonwing

Kelly was asleep in a tree like usual. She was always sleeping. She woke up to arguing. She then got down from the tree. She walked to her dad "Hey dad."

"Kelly! There you are, I've been looking for you" Thunder said as he swayed his tail. Surely his daughter would be excited to hear the news he had to share. He had done everything to make it perfect after all.

Kelly looked at her father. "Uh why?" She asked sorta confused. She didn't know what was going on. She looked around then back at her father. She yawned as she was still tired. Soon she'll go back to either her den or the tree and sleep.

"Well, we both know that it's about time that you get a mate," Thunder said as he sat down. "So, I went to the pride we've been fighting with for a while and We came up with a compromise," He said with a smile. "You will be mates with their firstborn son Sky" Thunder said with pride.

Kelly looks at her dad. "I want to choose my own mate dad.. what if he doesn't like me..." she asked sorta worried that sky wouldn't like her plus she did want to choose her own mate but knew her dad would force her to be mates with sky.

Thunder growled, of course, this wasn't going to be easy with Kelly. "Kelly. He will like you, and you WILL like him" He growled at her. "Furthermore, you do as I say because I am your father and your alpha."