This is... exactly what the title says XD. I make simple palettes, meaning color and font change. I can tinker and make some things gradeint. If you want specific colors, please put the hex codes in the decription, and if you want an image background, post the link for it. - - - I would like orders in this format so it's easier for me to comprehend; - Colors: Font: Background Image/color: Page Image(opt): - - - You can also select for a surprise palette, that will give me complete free creative range to make it. Those, however, put a bit of stress on me because I have a stimulation problem. - - - Premades: 50 mush Customs: 200 mush Suprise: 100 - - - These take me a bit, I'm a little slow, and I have a busy personal life. If it takes me longer than 3 business days to complete the palette, send me a PM and remind me. If you want changes made to a premade palette, it costs 25 extra mush, and YOU MUST SPECIFY WHAT YOU WANT CHANGED. - - - Premades: Edited at May 2, 2024 01:27 PM by ~♥Nux♥~
Custom Colors: red and white Font: noteworthy Background Image/color: #5A1A28 Page Image(opt): N/A