So, I've been wanting to make a new custom, but I don't have a design for it, so I thought, why not let you guys make it!
It will be a boosted/defect stud, G1 or G2, hopefuly HW Hero, so I'm looking for a pretty high quality design. The winners will get free breedings to this stud :)
[ Rules ]
- 3 entries per person
- Create your own designs, don't take from other peoples'.
- 59AC custom please, which means use all the markings. However, feel free to use more rare, or exclusive pelts, noses or eyes. No chrystaline.
- Please tell me what the base pelt is
- You are not required, but I would prefer every or most markings to be used at at least 25% opacity.
- Show me both Alpha Female and Beta male poses, but if you think it looks good in some other poses, show those as well! Like I sometimes say to myself, '"the better it looks in all of the poses, the prettier the pups will be."
- I have the right to use any of the designs submitted in the contest for a custom. I will credit you properly, of course ^^
[ Prefrences ]
These are some of my prefrences, which may help you, but feel free to go as crazy as you want. I love uniqueness and even using stuff I don't 'like', you may surprise me :)
What I love
- Ocelot
*chef's kiss*
- Alpha Female and Beta Male Pose
- Greyscale/Bluescale
- Brownscale with deep brown, black, and white
- Very light and very dark colors contrasting each other
- Opaki
- Topaz or gold eyes
- Red and black coloring
- Dapple
- Side Splash
- Tears
Depends on the custom / Meh
- Brindle
- Alpha Male, Juvenile Female and Beta Female Pose
- Pink or tan noses
What I hate
- Leopard
- Harlequin
- Most Crystaline Pelts
- Yellow-ish colors
- Not enough contrast of light and dark, too bland
- Juvenile Male Pose
[ Prizes ]
Ends: January 7th, at 10 PM Gametime
1st Place - 7 Apples and 5 free breedings
2nd Place - 5 Apples and 3 free breedings
3rd Place - 3 Apples and 1 free breeding
Runner-Up (4th-7th) - 1 Apple
Everybody - 250 mushrooms