Rules & Terms
⚜ Respect the player and their characters alike; always separate in-character discussions from out-of-character discussions.
⚜ Visual references of your characters are highly preferable, so long as they are appropriately credited and follow all of WP's regulations. If you do not wish to use an image, please be as descriptive and accurate as you can regarding your characters' appearance.
⚜ Romance and drama are encouraged, but don't make it excessive, and always maintain your focus on the main plot!
⚜ Before killing, seriously causing harm to, or making romantic advances towards a character, PM their player beforehand to ask for their consent.
⚜ As The Paragon is a semi-literate RP, we require that you put some effort into each of your responses. A full paragraph (7 ~10 sentences) is the minimum accepted.
⚜ No perfect characters. Everyone has flaws, issues, and insecurities.
⚜ The Paragon is a realistic RP (if you ignore the fact that cats are fully sentient and able to have conversations among themselves, cough). Keep your characters' appearances and abilities realistic and accurate to that of actual cats - no giant felines, wings, horns, neon/rainbow coats, etc. The only exceptions are eye colors, feel free to be creative with those,
⚜ Your characters' names should not sound anything similar to you-know-which fandom. Instead, aim for simpler, single-word names. (Examples: Acorn, Winter, Skittles, Rosie, Wang, etc.)
⚜ If your form gets rejected, I will notify you of what's wrong with it via PMs so you can get your form fixed. I will then go through it again and add your characters to the list!
⚜ You shall register as many characters as you wish, so long as you can manage all of them equally.
⚜ Any questions you might have should be asked through PMs to keep the thread clean!
⚜ If you wish to reserve a spot, please PM me about it. Reservations typically last for 24 hours, but exceptions can be made.
The Elysian Peninsula
"The Peninsula is sectioned into three different biomes: a temperate forest (The Northgrove Forest), the vast Foxberry Grasslands, and a dangerous mountain range. There is a shallow river that cuts through The Colony's territory, running straight into a pond that is filled with common carp, bass, and trouts. The beach offers a magnificent view of the ocean, and a few meters away from the shores is where Juniper's memorial rests."
Prey: sparrows, woodpeckers, cardinals, snake eggs, box turtles, salamanders, frogs, and fish.
Predators (most to least common): bald eagles, snakes, bobcats, red foxes, coyotes, grey wolves, and bears.
The Colony
(The numbers indicate the starting amount of cats for each rank. When the sign-ups are officially closed to the public, our players may continue registering new characters!)
Leader (1/1)
Juniper's eldest offspring, chosen to take her place instead of the counselor due to their significant resemblance to their mother. The Elysian cats seem like they're still not ready to move on. The leader is the highest authority figure in the colony; their word is the law and should not be disdained.
⥇ Kovu || M || 3 Years old || ~TheUltimapack~ #281292
Counselor (1/1)
The second-in-command; a cat who takes matters into its own paws if the leader is ever absent. They do not make the rules, but rather instead reinforce the regulations imposed by the leader. The counselor is handpicked by the current leader and is usually an old friend of the royal family.
⥇ Sparrow || M || 4 Years old || Black_Sand #257887
Sentinels (4/5)
A small group of felines that function as the "guardians" or "keepers" of the colony, chasing off nearby predators and keeping watch during nighttime whilst their fellows sleep. They must report all their findings to the leader during the daytime. The sentinels are typically larger, intimidating, and sharp-eyed cats.
⥇ Polaris || F || 7.2 Years old || [Missing Cat No. 1] || NPC
⥇ Monarch || F || 2 Years old || Zakzel #290105
⥇ Fiver || M || 5 Years old || Nez.ity #276676
⥇ Rayas || F || 4 Years old || Nirvana_sky 277966
Chasers (4/10)
This rank represents the majority of the colony cats. Their duty is very simple: to bring food home. They have been taught to endure running for absurd distances without ever catching a break. Chasers are typically lightweight felines with great fighting skills, and should ideally be intelligent enough to come up with a backup plan in case their hunting endeavors don't go as planned.
⥇ Pidgeon || F || 10 Years old || [Missing Cat No. 2] || NPC
⥇ Mercury || M || 1.9 Years old || [Missing Cat No. 3] || NPC
⥇ Salem || M || 5 Years old || Zakzel #290105
⥇ Astra || F || 2.4 Years old || farfaraway #291410
Herbalists (2/3)
A tiny group of brilliant cats who tend to others' wounds. They harvest plants and berries that can be used for treating various diseases/infections. Herbalists are expected to be very empathetic and wise.
⥇ Axel || M || 5.1 Years old || [Missing Cat No. 4] || NPC
⥇ Robin || F || 3 Years old || Black_Sand #257887
Nurturers (0/2)
Female cats who are expecting kittens or have recently given birth. Once a pregnant cat starts getting contractions, she will remain in the nurturer's burrow and temporarily retire from her previously assigned position until her kittens are old enough to eat solids (around ten weeks after birth). Cats can give birth to 1 ~ 12 kittens per litter, with the average number being 4.
Kittens (1/5)
The pride and joy of the colony. Kittens will step out of the nurturer's burrow for the first time as soon as they are weaned. At 4 months of age, each kitten should declare what its desired future rank is, and will move into their respective burrows (Example: a kitten who wishes to be a sentinel should move into the sentinel's den site).
There is no such thing as assigned tutors; kittens will observe and learn from more than one adult at a time. A kitten will only ascend to their desired position upon their first birthday.
⥇ Patches || M || 3 months old || [Missing Cat No. 5] || NPC