
Pinning this so I remember, it will be unpinned once I don't need it anymore.
Niki will be absent for roughly 4-5 days and has given permission for me to control her character while she is away. Edited at April 21, 2022 09:09 AM by Ellyllon

-Links- Sign-Ups: Here Discussion: You're Here! Roleplay: Here -Character List- 1. Erza Jacobs || M || 22 || Bi || Pg 2 || M I S E R Y 2. Eris Narkissa || F || 23 || Ace-Demi || Pg 1 || Reverie 3. Hazel Jones || F || 21 || Hetero || Pg 3 || Firefox 4. Raelyn Bear || F || 22 || Bi || Pg 5 || Mushroom Grace 5. Stephen Tyrrel Long || M || 41 || Pan|| Pg 6 || Royal Pack 6. Clayton Shaw || M || 26 || Hetero || Pg 5 || Carnage 7. Lily Thorne || F || 19 || Herero || Pg 3 || Draconic Moon 8. Ava West || F || 22 || Hetero || Pg 5 || Midnight Wolves 9. Willow Speed || F || 21 || Poly-Bi || Pg 4 || Niki Afton 10. Lynx Carre || F / Demi G? || Pan || Pg 4 || Interstellar Sun 11. Aaron Cardinal || M || 24 || Hetero || Pg 4 || Argos 12. Domenic C. Hernandez || M || 21 || Unlabeled || Pg 5 || aorta  Ad: When you accepted that party invite, you did not expect your night to end like this! Who is the maniac over the intercom and why have they trapped you here? One of you is a murderer, as evidenced by the body left on the stairs, but whose to say the others are not just as bad? With a dozen players locked inside, who will die and who will walk out these doors alive? https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=28&t=80232 Edited at April 15, 2022 06:46 PM by Ellyllon

Posting Format (Explained) In order to keep everything as much of a mystery as possible, I was thinking that maybe characters don’t announce they’re using an ability during the RP. This is how I planned on having characters perform their actions:  Example One: The clock strikes ten and it is time for characters to use their abilities. Murderer messages me, asking to kill Character 1. Because Character 1 does not have an ability to defend themself, nor has anyone chosen to help them for the night, Character 1 will die. Murderer will be PMed and asked to write their POV of the scene, which they will then send to me. I then send the scene to Person 1 so they can write their POV of it happening. The response is then PMed to me, and I combine the two, editing it so both characters are as anonymous as possible, before posting it in the RP thread. - (In this scenario, the body of Character 1 will be found and identified the next morning. Since there are no clues left behind, Murderer has gotten away without revealing themself.) The roleplay then continues as normal and characters (and the players behind them) are left to guess what happened.  Example Two: The clock strikes ten and it is time for characters to use their abilities. Murderer messages me, asking to kill Character 1. Player 2 has also informed me that they have decided to use their ability on Character 1 for the night. All three people will then be PMed, informing them of what has transpired. Murderer then writes their POV of the scene and sends it to me, which I then hand off to Player 2 so that they may write their POV of it. They send their response and I combine the two scenes, handing them over to Player 1 so that they might add to it as well. The final product is then returned to me, edited, and then posted in the RP thread.
- (In this scenario, Murderer would be unable to kill Character 1 because Character 2’s ability shielded them. Character 2 dies instead and Murderer flees the scene. Character 1 sees Murderers face because of this.) The roleplay then timeskips to the next morning and continues as normal, with the exception of Character 1 now knowing the identity of the killer.  The only reason I suggest doing it this way is to make it easier for roles to stay hidden. Sure, we could just have the players RP the scene in the thread, but then everyone would know what role they have, even if their characters do not. I’m not saying you guys would cheat with this knowelge and target people for their roles, but it is a lot easier to guess who is what when you don’t have to pretend Person 3 didn’t just post about killing someone. If you would like to suggest something better, I'm all ears ^^' Edited at April 5, 2022 11:26 AM by Ellyllon

This is a RP That Will Have Multiple Seasons!
Inbetween each season, new roles will be designed and previous ones will be tweaked to fit better. Opinions and/or suggestions for roles is highly encouraged! If you didn't manage to claim a slot for the current season, I implore you to try again the next time it opens <3
Deceased players are more than welcome to stick around in the discussion! In fact, I highly encourage you to do so as I have some plans in mind for some individuals ;)  Welcome to the Manor >:) Edited at April 11, 2022 10:18 AM by Ellyllon

Is it alright if I don't join, but just watch the rp, it seems interesting but I'm to busy to enter right now?

Sure! Feel free to stalk this or pop in to chat for a bit. I plan on reopening this once the first one reaches its end, if you still want to try in the future ^^ Nightwalkers said: Is it alright if I don't join, but just watch the rp, it seems interesting but I'm to busy to enter right now?

after i get off work, i will probably change my character to a male.

That's fine by me. I'll add him to the character list once you finish up ^^ Edited at April 5, 2022 01:49 PM by Ellyllon

Hello. I wrote 500 words in 10 minutes and I deeply regret it

Good lord, my hands would be cramping too XD
I have to write about 1k for a sign-up I'm currently joining and if I didn't take breaks I'd probably loose my mind.