
Discussion Thread for the RP "Disastrous Lands." Please do not post if you have not been accepted into the RP. Plot away! . Discussion: You are here. Edited at December 29, 2021 05:49 PM by M I S E R Y

hiya! has anyone already got any ideas for their characters?

Kailani is open for any family members or close friends:)

Same with Nala! (Except from parents) Edited at December 28, 2021 07:30 AM by Lupus Pack

All of mine are open for stuff as well. Affiliations, relations, whatever.

Forgot I had Silas o.O he is also open for crushes, relations, affiliations, etc.

Jabari and Amani are both open to mostly any relations, i was thinking of a sort of 'forbidden' relationship or friendship featuring Jabari if anyones interested in that forming?

I also am open with my characters

My character too but I don't think she would be interested very much >.>
Edited at December 27, 2021 10:06 PM by The Top Hat Creature

Shiva is my evil bean. It would be interesting if she had a romance in general, but given her less-than-enthusiastic view on her own pride, an outside male having her attentions would add drama. Most of mine, if not all of them, are sort of built to remain alone forever