Please do not post if you're not Lt. Shroom or Salem. Thank you <3 ♡ Plot In a world torn by turmoil and societal upheaval, Muse A emerges as a promising but inexperienced assassin recruited by a clandestine organization. Tasked with a high-stakes mission, Muse A's target is Muse B—an enigmatic figure known as the leader of a burgeoning rebellion against the oppressive elite. Muse B, a wealthy and influential persona within society's upper echelons, stands as a symbol of defiance against the entrenched powers. As Muse A delves deeper into the shadows, navigating a web of deceit and intrigue, conflicting emotions begin to surface. Muse A's loyalty is tested as they uncover the motivations driving Muse B's rebellion and witness the stark injustices perpetuated by the ruling class. Driven by duty but plagued by moral uncertainty, Muse A embarks on the hunt for Muse B, determined to fulfill their mission despite growing doubts. However, as Muse A infiltrates the rebellion's inner circle and gains Muse B's trust, lines blur between assassin and ally. As the bond between Muse A and Muse B deepens, Muse A is faced with an agonizing choice—continue on the path of assassination to secure favor with the elite or forsake their mission and stand alongside Muse B in the fight for justice. Caught in a web of conflicting loyalties, Muse A grapples with the realization that their actions will determine the fate of not only their allegiance but also the future of a world on the brink of revolution.
Extra Details Muse A - Played by Lt. Shroom Muse B - Played by Salem More details to come, like.. world building stuff
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