
capture event for honsedogs. free to enter. luck to win. details to be figured out when i'm less busy. sign ups are now closed.
rules 1. credit me on TH: starmutt 2. note is not a space for requests, requests will be ignored. 3. my TH design guidelines apply: 🧸🏠 4. tba! how-to 1. each player picks a wolf to represent themselves. 2. the wolf you pick can be from your own pack or a wolf from trading post under 30 mushrooms. do not send a wolf you mind losing. porcelain can keep these wolves. wolf must be <9 years old. - - added: if you'd like your wolf back at the end of the event, it can be requested to be put up for 50 mush (i will fully refund you). im not at fault if it gets stolen in transit. 3. the wolf will be sold to Porcelain 🏺 🔗, not this account. i am running the event with that account. do not sell wolves to this account. form pack name: pack id: wolf name: you may rename the wolf wolf id/link: if from trading post, leave blank and PM me leave a note for marsh:
🎠 Edited at March 10, 2025 02:02 PM by starmutt
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oh hey. how this works 1. your selected wolf will have random interactions in the minigame Pack Life. 2. these random interactions might increase / decrease your chances, give you items, etc. 3. if you're comfortable with your chances and happy with the items, you can attempt to capture. failing the attempt to capture will clear half of your chance% earned through packlife encounters. Chance% from Chance Charms will remain. honsedog examples example captures :] most of these will be horse-inspired because horse designs are just more common in honsedogs lol. honsedogs are generally more amicable in my personal lore so i only have a couple canine-based honsedogs.
these one already / will have owners!  🎠 Edited at October 20, 2024 05:07 AM by Porcelain

shop post. some prices tba.
main items main items will be consumed upon attempting to capture regardless of success/failure 1. capture pass: a ticket to enter the wilderness! - - cost: n/a (free) 2. wildlife pass: a ticket to pick the terrain. - - cost: 5 Horseshoes
add-on items these items will be kept if capture fails. 1. Tiny Easel: a small easel. covered in dried paint. your honsedog will have an non-linebreaking accessory. - - cost: 5 Horseshoes 2. Bone Whistle: a whistle carved from ivory. your honsedog will have a small linebreaking trait. - - cost: 5 Horseshoes 3. Carved Figurine: a small clay figurine with markings. your honsedog will have moderate white patterns - - cost: 5 Horseshoes 4. Chance Charm: a horseshoe charm with runes. swap your Horseshoes for permanent chance increase! - - cost: 1 Horseshoe = 1% increase
pack life only these items will be kept if capture fails + can only be found from pack life. all mushroom finds will find an item from this list instead. the shop will buy these for 5 Horseshoes each if you'd like to trade them in instead. 1. Funky Fungi: strange fungi, might be edible? try feeding the honsedogs? captures a honsedog with region-specific traits. 2. Lichen Lasso: a lasso made from a strange material.. bring it on your travels? captures a honsedog done off-base. 3. Shroom Staff: a glowing staff. feels a bit unstable if you ask me. every time you attempt to capture, allow a single reroll on the terrain. [if no wildlife pass] 4. Rooted Relic: a small artifact, you can hear a faint heartbeat. you may pick whether you'd like a darker or lighter design. you may not pick the color unless the color is black or white. (Carved Figurine cannot go with white lol) Wilderness   art by wolfplaygame.com, edits by #285787 capture form purpose: capture pack name: pack id: main items: add-on items: pack life items:
buy item only purpose: purchase pack name: pack id: main items: add-on items:
Edited at October 30, 2024 03:37 PM by Porcelain

Edited at October 16, 2024 06:46 PM by starmutt
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pack name: Reprobate pack id: 292883 wolf name: Pup 8 wolf id/link: 4985882 leave a note for marsh: wreep wroop Edited at October 16, 2024 04:43 AM by Reprobate
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pack name: Rogue Whispers pack id: 309090 wolf name: Briar wolf id/link: 🐺🔗 leave a note for marsh: honse Edited at October 16, 2024 07:27 AM by Rogue Whispers

pack name: Emmet pack id: 197976 wolf name: 🩸Monger🩸 leave a note for marsh: kachow 🚗💨

Art Team Neutral
pack name: Occultist pack id: 292733 wolf name: Moldbug wolf id/link: 🐛leave a note for marsh: I love you honsedogs
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leave a note for marsh: honsedogs are super cute
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Activity Recap Interactions with Salt & Pepper alone are omitted. Horseshoes are currency. I'll have to gauge how often people get them first before making the shop for it lol. Reprobate (Pup 8)
+20% Chance Rogue Whispers (Briar)
+5% Chance
Emmet (🩸Monger🩸)
+5% Chance +6 Horseshoes Occultist (moldbug)
+5% Chance +1 Horseshoe Recent Activity
| moldbug eats a mushroom and gets a headache.
Stats: Wisdom +1 | Mood: Subdued +1 Horseshoe | | 🩸Monger🩸 stalks a squirrel.
Stats: Stealth +1 | Mood: Sneaky +1 Horseshoe | | 🩸Monger🩸 sniffs under a bush and finds Chokeberry!
Stats: Luck +3 | Mood: Triumphant +5 Horseshoes | | Salt chases Pup 8
Stats: Battle +3 | Affinity: Like | Mood: Fierce +5% Chance | | Pepper howls to Pup 8, who they are hunting with.
Stats: Resolve +2 | Affinity: Like | Mood: Heroic +5% Chance | | Group nap!
Mood: Exhausted Everyone +5% | | Pup 8 and Salt howl at the moon together. Affinity: Like | Mood: Soulful +5% Chance |