Welcome artists of Wolfplay!
If you're looking for Critiques on your art, or to critique others, here's the place!
Artists of every style and medium, weather you're a Newbie to art or have been drawing for years, all art is welcome here!
Quick Rules: - All art MUST follow WP Rules and have proper credits - Only CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism (CC) allowed here! Be kind and courteous to other players, bringing another player down, bullying, and rude remarks will NOT be tolerated! - Please Give a Critique to receive a Critique. If you constantly post your own art for critiquing but do not offer any other artists critique or helpful comments you will be kindly asked to leave the thread. It's ideal to give a critique for every artwork you post, although not required - Please try to limit yourself to posting one drawing daily to allow others a chance to get their art noticed. However, there is no limit to the amount of critiques posted daily/at a time. - Refrain from reposting an artwork. It is acceptable if you did not receive any Critiques after a week.
Tips for giving CC:
- Please make sure your Critiques are constructive. If you comment regarding a mistake in the art, please try to provide a solution of some sort that would actually help the artist. - Remember: Every artist is different, and nobody is perfect!
Everybody have fun and enjoy yourselves!
Note to Mods: I didn't see any threads for artist to critique each other like this, but if there has been one go ahead and lock this. Also, if this is in the wrong place, my apologies!
I don't draw a lot of anthros or humanoids and would love some critiques. I'm also curious if other artists notice the same things that bother me about this piece.
http://oi68.tinypic.com/25tbytk.jpg There... aren't any other drawings for me to critique but I will do so when there are.
It's jus the markings on the leg that bug me, it's switched around from anthro to feral form :,D But I've never drawn anthros before. It does look very good though.
However, the snout look very stocky in the human form. Maybe make it more smooth and rounded? Other than that, it looks wonderful
Thanks, Wood Carve, and yeah, the tattoo is the wrong way round, but I'd merged the layers by then and couldn't fix it. '-_-
Dolphin faces are astoundingly hard to draw while keeping human, and I didn't really like the end result either. Well, it's a learning experience, I suppose. I designed the character for a friend and can work on drawing her again some time.
Coyote; I would also suggest extending the snout a bit, but other than that, I think it looks fantastic! ^^
I'm looking for ways to improve overall, so any constructive critique is helpful! Here are some things I am working on: - Shading - Fur markings (suggestions / advice for this is especially desired) - Paws (+ adding paw pads) - Fur details (like, suggesting fur in a drawing... not full on painting it)
Thank you, Pure Ones. You're colouring is fantastic, to start with. I always have trouble with colouring myself. For shading, I usually make a new layer, select the outside (usually the blank background), then inverse the selection to highlight only the foreground/character. Then, I put the colour a bit darker than the original colour, usually just enough to be visible without sticking out too much.
This is my example for light shading. I blur the edges of the shadow so it blends a little better, but I'm rotten at shading so I don't really know best.
I'm making a digital art of this character that i got https://postimg.cc/LhBk7Ct4 know this i could say is my first digital art so i know it's gonna be bad but i just wanted some tips so if anyone could give me tips for the things I put it red that would help a lot :)
I'm Auctioning off two designs with light shading. https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=4&t=32521
I want to know how to improve my shading for the future and make it more advanced. I also want to know what spots I should be shading since i'm new to it.
midnight demons, I use lines and shapes, circles mostly, to build a draft before drawing. If you are using a drawing app that lets you do layers, do layers! I use a layer for the draft, a layer for the lines, two or three for colour (depending on the complexity of the markings), and two for shading. Don't blend layers unless you are certain you won't need to edit them anymore.
Thunder clan, I would make the shading cover a bit more area where you've put it already, and blurred to help it blend in well. Where there are lines, such as fur or dips like around the eye, light, blended shading works well.
Thanks coyote! I'll give it a try when a do another one.