
Can I get some critiques on the BG mostly? Something about it bothers me, just don't know what And, yea, I realize there are no craters in the moon.

The mountains look a bit odd, since mountains have different shapes, not only a /\ as top ^^
The light seems like it's like seems to spill out, or it's the detail of the mountains, and you already mentioned the moon crates missing. In my opinion the moon is a tad large but if ya liked it better this way, than it's fine! But damn the details in this piece is insane, well done ;w; Edited at January 27, 2019 02:51 PM by Neytrix

Thank you so much Dragon! I see what you mean by all your suggestions :) and I think I might need to lower the other eyebrow :3

Thank you Trixy! Oof, considering I practically live in the mountains you'd think I know better :,)
Brave No problem. Yea, that would help too ^^ Edited at January 27, 2019 07:07 PM by Dragon's Fire

Better? https://i.postimg.cc/rFGTnyHd/Noodle5.png https://i.postimg.cc/MGzRgGtv/Noodle4.png Edited at January 27, 2019 10:05 PM by B R A V E

Oof, those are so cute *.* I literally can't see a single thing wrong with them! Great job!
(Shoot, now I'm dying for some of your art XD) Edited at January 27, 2019 10:51 PM by Dragon's Fire

Lol thank you so much! It means a lot coming from artists I look up to I just wish I could be more detailed in my fur. But I did open up a shop...that just got full but I do have a shop XD

Thank you, midnight demons, and thanks, Dragon's Fire, I know what you mean.

https://i.postimg.cc/DZ6XRXRB/Untitled41.jpg Looking for some tips on this peice ^^ Wip for a contest
Also if you could try and physically show anatomy errors that would be Awsome!

Your background is amazing, I am horrible at backgrounds myself and appreciate the effort that goes into a good one. I've drawn a draft for the two figures, and it would perfectly fit over that image, if you wanted to copy it as a layer and use it for reference.
Your legs are a bit boneless, but that's perfectly alright, and a commen mistake. The joints don't bend quite right, and are a bit over-extended. Your noses are a little droopy, and the heads, for the size of the animals, could be a bit too big, but that is more a choice of style than anything else.
Your tail is beautiful, even in draft form. It has a very natural position.
Wings never have to be accurate, unless they are on a bird, but I personally like to make the joints a bit more visible, to show the weight of a wing that size.
I am far from great at anatomy myself, so feel free to dismiss my draft. Edited at January 28, 2019 06:49 PM by Coyote