main characters . Name: Emmet Garnier
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf (Mexican Wolf) Age: 17
Orientation: Gay
Appearance: Average height, brown skin, (bleached) dirty blonde hair, outgrown and straight, black roots are starting to show through, grey-brown eyes
Affiliations: Distantly knows of Kei (same neighbourhood) Other: The subspecies of werewolf that Emmet belongs to is one of the more 'fortunate' ones. They don't have to go through the process shifting every full moon and instead can switch forms whenever they wish. They are also in complete control of themselves, even if they aren't as powerful as their ...more dangerous counterparts. His wolf form has the dusty, yet strangely beautiful coloring of most Mexican wolves. Emmet didn't dare shift often, and as a result, he's unfamilar with his wolf form- tentative and disoriented when he steps out of his human one. The heightened senses and different worldview become overwhelming. He's also a little scared of his wolf form- what if he loses control? hurts someone?
. Name: Yamazaki Kei
Gender: Male
Species: Domesticated Dog Shapeshifter (Shiba Inu) Age: 16
Orientation: Panromantic Asexual
Appearance: Tall, chubby, pale skin and black hair dyed orange, heterochromatic eyes (pale blue and dark brown), would be described as 'soft'
Affiliations: Distantly knows of Emmet (same neighbourhood) Other: Kei is one of the few shapeshifters whose form takes that of a domesticated breed. He's known of and used his shifting since he could walk, and his family accepted him- seeing as his older sister also posessed the same abilities. She's long since travelled abroad, and married. His form is that of a large Shiba, with the typical orange and cream coloring and his heterochromatic eyes. Kei is somewhat sheltered, protected from the harsh world that faces shifters outside. Naive, trusting, and completely unprepared, he wouldn't last two days on his own.
. Name: Lucius Decant
Gender: Male
Species: Stoat Shapeshifter Age: 17
Orientation: Demiromantic Asexual
Appearance: Small and slight, straight dark brown hair cut with uneven bangs, bright black eyes, multiple piercings in both ears and a visibly broken nose
Affiliations: Other: Lucius spent most of his life in the ..less respectable neighbourhoods, so he's no slouch, but his shifting has got him out of many a tight situation. He admits that it took a while for him to wrap his head around the fact that he could shapeshift, but once he did, it became an integral part of him. He actually might be more comfortable in his stoat form, rather than as a human. His appearance is that of the common stoat, dark brown fur, black tipped at the tail, with a white underbelly and coat. He's not too worried about the Hunters, being confident in his ability to lie low til this all 'blows over'.
. Name: Mateo
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf (Maned Wolf)
Age: 16
Orientation: Bi-curious
Appearance: Tall and thin, untidy wavy black hair, coffee-colored skintone, hazel eyes with amber flecks, princelike, elegant features make him seem aloof
Affiliations: Dante's twin brother Other: Mateo and his brother fall into the 'dangerous' category of werewolf. The ones that are responsible for attacks on humans and livestock, and primarily the targets of the Hunters' efforts. They have no control over when they shift; strong emotions are all that it can take to trigger it- fear, anger, protectiveness. In their wolf form, their minds also.. become cruder? More wolfish. Run. Attack. Find. Entirely based on instincts. Mateo, however, has managed to suppress his wolf form (along with most of his emotions). It's too dangerous otherwise, and too risky. His wolf form is much like his human appearance, long-legged but graceful, his coat vivid and eye-catching, with an almost ethereal air.
. Name: Dante Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf (Maned Wolf)
Age: 16
Orientation: Gay
Appearance: Tall and thin, untidy wavy black hair (but longer than Mateo's), coffee-colored skintone, hazel eyes with amber flecks, looks more distrusting and harsh
Affiliations: Mateo's twin brother Other: Dante, unlike his brother, doesn't- doesn't want to control his wolf. It's not that he wants to hurt people. It's just foolish, he thinks. Because they're in danger everyday, if they get cornered or attacked, Mateo's going to be left helpless without his wolf. Why would you make it even easier for them to take you? It's for self-defense. He's the one looking out for his airhead brother (in his opinion), whatever stupid idea the other has in his head. His wolf form reflects that, larger than his brother's, with longer but patchier fur, and the striking colors are almost menacing- like the bright colors of a poisonous snake: don't touch me, don't come near me, I will bite, I am dangerous
. Name: Amir Shah
Gender: Male
Species: Tiger Shapeshifter
Age: 17
Orientation: Bisexual
Appearance: Average height, heavyset, tan skin, eye color somewhere between pale green and amber, short black hair cropped close to his head, always looks a little awkward
Affiliations: Other: Amir only recently discovered his shapeshifting, and is honestly not sure how to feel about it. On one hand, it's amazing to be a tiger- it feels powerful, it feels ...right. But on the other, it's dangerous. He definitely can't tell his family. They support the Hunters, and he isn't even sure that they wouldn't turn him over to them. He longs to be able to shift back into his tiger form, but as long as he's with his family, he can't risk it. Still, out of his human form, he feels so much more confident. His tiger form is on the larger side, with a glossy, rippling coat and a polished appearance. Almost like someone's idea of a tiger, and not a real one.
. Name: Eden Byrne
Gender: Non-Binary
Species: Were-Caracal
Age: Just turned 16
Orientation: Unsure
Appearance: Average height, athletic, uneven short auburn hair (which they obviously cut themselves) which is fairly curly, greyish green eyes
Affiliations: Other: . Name: Finnegan (Finn) Westbrooke
Gender: Female
Species: Canadian Lynx Shapeshifter
Age: 19
Orientation: Bisexual
Appearance: Taller than average, quite muscled, long blonde hair, sharp blue eyes, multiple tattoos, has quite an intimidating appearance
Affiliations: Knew Miriam Finch (New Hunter) from before they had to go on the run, does not know that she became a hunter Other:
. Name: Chiamaka
Gender: Female
Species: Were-Lion
Age: 18
Orientation: Bisexual
Appearance: Quite tall, lean but not skinny-looking, dark brown skin, long black hair (has been straightened), amber eyes, extremely attractive
Affiliations: Other:
. Name: Shahana Carter
Gender: Female
Species: Were-Serval
Age: 18
Orientation: Lesbian
Appearance: Average height, very skinny, long legs make her seem taller, pale skin with freckles, blondish-brown hair down to her shoulders, brown eyes
Affiliations: Other:
. side characters (may become more of a focus later on) . Name: Elias Barrett
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 26
Orientation: N/A Role: Hunter
Appearance: Tall, gaunt and emaciated, greasy light brown hair, grey eyes, seems very unobservant and vague, is not
Other: A senior Hunter, in charge of the unit in this particular area. Does this for the money, doesn't really care about either his younger charges or the supernaturals he's hunting.
. Name: Caspian Whitlock
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 18
Orientation: Gay
Role: Hunter Appearance: Average height, pale skin, black hair in an unflattering bowlcut, round face, hard grey eyes, several scars already
Other: Joined the Hunters through family connections. Thinks supernaturals are 'unnatural creatures'.
. Name: Malcolm Remington
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 19
Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Hunter Appearance: Tall, light brown skintone, short black hair cut in a military style, brown eyes, (unfortunately) cursed with harsh acne, wears multiple rings on both hands
Other: Joined the Hunters through family connections. Does not really think what they're doing is right, but goes along anyways.
. Name: Miriam Finch
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 17
Orientation: Bi-curious
Role: New Hunter Appearance: Short, lightweight, pale skin, gets sunburnt easily, straight brown hair, green eyes (basic white girlTM)
Other: Knows Finnegan Westbrooke from before the supernatural reveal, but does not know that she is one of the supernaturals. Joined the Hunters because she steadfastly believes that supernaturals are dangerous.
. Name: Ashwin
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire (Hidden)
Age: 17
Orientation: Pansexual
Role: New Hunter Appearance: Average height, brown skin, untidy long-ish black hair, dyed an obnoxious crimson at the ends, brown eyes, painted nails
Other: Became a Hunter to protect himself, because vampires aren't as well known of as the other supernaturals. Really doesn't care about supernaturals getting captured as long as he's safe. Might change in future, who knows.
Edited at May 20, 2022 02:39 PM by ilya