When I take my wolves hunting, some of them are pretty good and others are awful. The amount of damage can be more or less than the other wolves even when doing the same attack. I was wondering what effects how much damage the wolves can do, and if there is a stat that makes them miss less.
The amount of CP in their battle attribute, weight, battle experience and vitals {during extreme weather events} all affect how much damage a wolf can inflict.
And more CP in their resolve will make their hits more accurate.
Thank you so much for letting me know! :)
So how do you hunt? Im new, and i dont know how to do it. Edited at August 7, 2018 09:37 AM by Omegas
Omegas said: So how do you hunt? Im new, and i dont know how to do it.
When you explore you will come across prey. If it says hunt when youre on that square, its prey and when you kill it, you get it as food
Omegas, in explore :)
Make sure your wolves are fed/watered and not hurt
Also, on your den page, click the 'i' of a wolf and set your wolf to explore wolf
Your wolves should appear on the explore page. Click forest, the wolves you want to take with you, and click "continue highest level"