Katerina Blair Caulfield
"Words can make magic real."
Kat, Katy
Unlabeled + Monogamous
Occupation Experience:
8+ years
Social Class:
Upper middle class
"We are writers, my love. We don't cry. We bleed on paper."
Credits go to djarn on picrew
Katy is a young woman with a striking yet soft beauty. Her features are warm and elegant. Her face is heart-shaped, with delicate yet defining features. Her skin is fair and smooth, with little to no blemishes and a natural glow. Her eyes are large and expressive, often like puppy or doe eyes but slightly upturned at the outer corners. She has dark lashes that have a natural curl to them. A captivated shade of dark blue colors her eyes. Her eyebrows are softly arched and well-groomed but also quite natural. Her lips are full and painted with a subtle pinkish hue, carrying a natural pout that adds to her graceful charm. Her hair is a deep chestnut brown with loose, flowy waves. She usually wears her hair in a ponytail and puts it to one side but often has it down naturally. A few delicate strands frame her face. The texture of her hair appears soft with a natural shine in the light.
Kat is quite short, only being 5’3 thanks to her genetics. She is average, with little to no muscle and stands with an elegant posture. She can usually be caught wearing tank tops, pyjama pants, low-rise jean shorts, or sweatpants. Whenever she wears low-rise jean shorts, she always wears sheer colored tights under them, refusing to show off her scar-covered legs.
Creative | Imaginative | Expressive | Introspective | Passionate | Empathetic | Romantic at heart | Self-critical | Perfectionist | Emotional | Curious | Observant | Quiet
Kat is a dreamer, with her hands stained with ink. Her mind overflows with such creative, dreamy stories. She is creative to her core, and she finds inspiration in everything, whether that be conversations or a random leaf that she caught falling from a tree. Writing isn't just a hobbie for Kat, its her way of escaping reality but also a way of understanding the world. She loves bringing characters to life and dreaming about a possible alternate universe.
She thrives in quiet spaces, only hearing the quiet hum of life surrounding her. She can easily lose herself in her writing, spending hours on end finishing chapters or jotting down new ideas. Ideas strike at odd times, causing her to keep a notebook filled with scribbled ideas and a desktop cluttered with half-finished papers.
She is very passionate and creative when it comes to writing and being an author, but outside of that, she still has those qualities with everything. She tends to catch herself daydreaming or imagining what life could have been. She can get caught up in her own fantasy world sometimes. She also tends to get buried in her thoughts, drowning in her feelings. Oftentimes, she doubts herself and is too self-critical, examining every little thing she does and wondering what she could have said or done better. She is also a perfectionist since she fears everything she does is never good enough. She sets extremely high standards for herself, and when they aren't met, she often doubts and judges herself.
Katy is quite the romantic at heart. She has many different romantic fantasies that she knows she'll never experience. She can read about the deepest, darkest romances and still fantasize about it, knowing that if she were ever in that situation, she wouldn't know what to do. She tells herself that she can only dream for a fantasy like that to come to life. She's also quiet and observant, watching the world pass her by. The quiet hum of the world around her gives her comfort. She finds it quite incredible to be as observant as she is, for a multitude of reasons. She could spot a terrible relationship anywhere or see the true beauty of one unfold just before her eyes.
Kat was always called sensitive or emotional her whole life, but she just has the capacity to feel and express herself more than others. Her ability to feel and show such strong emotions is so overlooked. She is often afraid to be expressive, but she can't help it. If she ever lashes out in any way, whether that be aggressively or emotionally, she always wants to crawl into a hole afterward.
"The eyes are the window to your soul."
Writing - She has been passionate about writing ever since she could remember. In elementary school, she always found herself ahead of the other students when it came to English and writing. In high school, about grade 10 or 11, she had finished her first book called “The boy who lived nextdoor”
Creativity - Ever since she was little, her mind has been very creative. She liked playing with paint, drawing, writing, and making stuff with scraps. Since she liked writing the most, her strength in creativity made it easy for her to come up with amazing ideas.
Empathetic - She understands people deeply and feels strong emotions for other people. Even those who hurt her or do her wrong, she always finds herself forgiving them and trying her best to understand their perspective. She can understand another person's feelings strongly.
Driven by passion - Once an idea pops into her mind, she won't stop until its fully formed. Her love for writing has taken over her life. It can get exhausting, but it's what she loves to do, she just needs to learn to pace herself sometimes.
Physical Strength - Kat was never one to work out in any sort, so she doesn't have much physical strength. The only strength she got is simply from lifting books all the time.
Self-doubt - Despite her creative mind, she struggles with doubting herself. Her ideas are amazing, but she always finds a way to doubt herself. Whether its saying the writing sucks or the plot isnt good enough, she always finds a way. Even when she releases a book, she thinks it’s not good enough.
Perfectionist - She tends to over-edit her work due to being a perfectionist. She wants her work to be the very best and is afraid she's always missing something or she made a typo.
"The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."
[Mother] Anne Caulfield - Alive [Negative Relationship]
[Father] David Caulfield - Deceased [Positive Relationship]
[Ex-Lover] Warren Price - Alive [Negative Relationship, He abused her]
She is deathly afraid of the dark, or more so, the things in the dark.