I need help or tips, mainly for the face because I have no clue what the heck Im going to do for that. I feel the only two things I did well are the tail and wing, even then they need a little work. I think the face and head are the main issue.
try the dorito face method :O (only works for front facing poses lol) draw an upside down triangle no higher than the ear fluff like so ![](https://i.postimg.cc/vBMt2TXQ/image.png) add your nose at the bottom of the dorito and simple oval eyes somewhere along the middle, like this + extra lines at the top to seperate the ears and face ![](https://i.postimg.cc/L50H0qtw/image.png) details following the dorito + redraw the eyes however you want following the oval eye guidelines ![](https://i.postimg.cc/BZ14qvCS/image.png) the dorito method
Haha, Thank you! I will totally be using the dorito method from now on :D