Obligatory don't post if you aren't Bruiser or Zera! -- in 1840s, a rush of plague tears through the gods after a prophecy is given to a few of the oracle-like gods. A pair of minor gods reluctantly take the initiative to find two demigods who are supposedly rumored to save them. Or be their downfall. The problem is finding them. Getting back. Surviving the plague and figuring out how on earth these two are supposed to help.
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Name: Astraia
Mortal Name: Chloe Mormont
Age: Appears to be late 20s/early 30s, though is ancient
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Who knows
Role: A lesser goddess, associated with the moon, witchcraft, the night, and magic. She is said to be a spectacle, and is a bit mysterious.
Abilities: She can use magic, shapeshift (she can change into a three headed dog), necromancy (only watching over the dead and very rarely summon them), telekenesis, and can see prophecies. However, this does not mean she can see the future, but she can periodically get visions as to some sort of outcome that is based off of all sorts of choices. A lot of the times, they are disregarded.
Appearance: Astraia is a sight to see. Some would say that they have seen her with three heads - each representing the time of day, or sometimes a dog, a snake, and a horse. Others have seen her take on a few forms - a young girl, a beautiful woman, and an old one. Astraia has choosen the form of beauty, though it may be subjective. She stands at roughly five foot ten, holding a slender yet lean frame. Her limbs are lanky and her joints are defined, but she is by no means an underweight type of skinny. Her skin is quite pale, warm undertones hinting underneath that are most prominent in her joints and her cheekbones. Astraia has some average blemishes, like moles and freckles scattered across her body. As for scars - she has easily gotten ridden of any that may cause a large distraction or that is 'unattractive'.
Astraia has a diamond face shape with a prominent yet soft jawline and highly defined cheekbones. This causes her eyes to look slightly sunken in, which are a crazy yellow in color though she may mask this if she so pleases. She'll most likely mask them to be either brown or blue, depending on the environment. Her eyes are a round almond shape - wide and full of life. Her eyebrows are of a thinner shape, slightly arched towards the end, but still full and dark in color like her locks. She has a smaller nose, slightly upturned at the end. Her lips are full with a pronounced cupid's bow. She normally wears something to define her lips more, and normally wears a dark eyeshadow and mascara to make her eyes pop.
Astraia has a full head of hair. It is thick and dark, close to black but has the look of a dark brown. There are some natural highlights in there. Her hair flows to the end of her back with slight waves that are a bit too uniform to be considered natural. It is soft and silky and is a large amount of hair for one person. She keeps it as clean as she possibly can with what is available to her in a mortal realm, though is seemingly perfect in her godly one. She mostly wears it in a number of braids or simply leaves it down, letting it flow while still maintaining it.
Personality: Intelligent | Independent | Authentic
Stubborn | Mysterious | Persuasive
Witty | Opinionated | Purposeful
Strengths: Weaknesses:
Affiliations: Glaucus -- The other God she is stuck on this journey with. The two have a questionable history, causing more tension than what is needed on their mission. She cares for him in her own way, but refuses to tell him that and has been quite cold towards him for quite some time.
Edited at December 23, 2024 12:39 PM by Bruiser
res for demigod
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: He's unsure
Role: Demigod, son of Ares
Other: Edited at December 23, 2024 12:33 AM by Bruiser
Godly Name: Glaucus Mortal Name: Leander Pallas Age: ??? Gender: Male Orientation: ??? Godly Description: Glaucus is a minor Greek god. He was just a normal man but when he ate seaweed (some reports say it was blessed by Poseidon) he gained the ability to become a merman. He helps Sailors and Fishermen in storms and has a gift of prophecy. Appearance: Unlike a lot of later depictions, beards and water don't mix. In fact, it's rather stupid. If you want to see anything at all, you need no beard. Leander has no beard. He's clean shaven, his hair is curled naturally from days upon days in the salty seawater. In true godly form (and even in merfolk form) he has a golden ring to symbolize his status around his hair. His hair is a dark brown, almost black color with his eyes a sort of sea-green. His skin is a warm tan from days out in the sun. He bears several scars from scuffles throughout the ages. In full human form, Leander stands about 6'2" with broad shoulders and a rather thick core. He is, after all, a god and he looks the part. Merfolk-wise, his tail is a blue-green color with dark stripes that wrap around to a lighter inner belly. Personality: Leander is outgoing. He is the extrovert. It runs in his nature to help those around him. Which, most of the time, is sailors, fishermen and the likes. However, when the gods need help, he tries. He does his best to help them. He often keeps his prophecies to himself largely due to the fact that he feels like they aren't helpful. It just... it's personal. Only when they directly ask for the prophecies will he give it to them. Most of the time, they aren't helpful or they predict a tragedy of some sort. He shared a prophecy that Apollo had seen about the downfall of the gods and the rise of two who would help save them... or be their fall. He worries that if he doesn't help them feel for the gods... they'll just let them die out and that's not good. So he's nice to them. Just in case.
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Name: Finch Grant Age: 20 Gender: Male Orientation: tbd Godly Parent: Athena Appearance: Finch has the appearance of a much younger being. This young man stands about 5'7" ish. Give or take, maybe 5'6 if he takes his boots off. Athena's aim for battle and warrior stance was lost on poor Finch. Finch can turn into an owl, he can have owl wings and tail if he wants. He's clever but that's about it. Finch's eyes are a bright hazel-green-yellow ish color. Hazel is the best way to describe it. They accent his fluffy light ruddy brown hair. His hair is always a mess, it... it can't be contained at all. Ever. Good luck. He has a tendency to be very expressive, especially with his eyes. When he's lost in thought or just slipping into habit, his mouth tends to grow small--almost beak-like. Personality: This young man has a bit of hidden trauma that aids his personality. Initially, Finch is a very polite young man. He'll often settle into a follower-mindset, where he just goes along with whatever is being said. However, he reads the room well and often reacts quickly to dangerous situations. He reads the room, often looks around and scopes out locations. He was a scout in previous days and when his scouting group had been attacked... well... he hasn't really recovered. Finch doesn't say much, usually remaining silent unless prompted to speak. Godly Abilities: or lack thereof. Finch is clever, he turns into a Pygmy owl. He can gain owl wings and tail as well--but to do so, he has to shrink down. When he shifts to his winged-humanoid form, he stands about 7 inches tall. In full owl form, he is only 5 inches tall.
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The silence of Mount Olympus was almost deafening. It was the lack of hustle and bustle, the lack of ringing conversations, laughter and the likes that sent a chill through the air. For once, Mount Olympus was dark and dim, forever set in a fading sunset. They lacked the moon, the sun and the stars. Glaucus shook his head, setting one hand on his forehead as he watched from a distance. Nobody had taken it seriously. The plague was real, he had warned them and so had Apollo but the great gods scoffed at it. They laughed and scorned the oracles. A sickness? Taking out the gods? Sure, sure. That wasn't possible! No more than a month or so later, with many of the gods... gone... Glaucus felt a touch of sorrow in the wide pit in his chest. Supposedly, the only hope was a pair of demigods that could survive the plague, carrying the cure in their arms. They just... they just had to find them. Glaucus and... reluctantly, Astraia. She was too mysterious, too aloof but far too opinionated for that as well! Glaucus was open, he was friendly, he offered the shirt off of his back with no hesitation. He held nothing back but she held everything back and of course she was the one to survive. Of course she was. So he stood there, on the edge of Olympus itself, waiting for her to show up so they could start the journey to finding these two demigods. --- Overhead, the cry of a hawk rang in the air. Finch sat on the top beam of a wooden fence, watching the cows turn around in the pasture as the cowboys herded them together to get them ready to push into the next pasture. His hazel eyes were wide, taking in every detail he could. Every so often, his fingers twitched, itching to move and to do something. But he never did, instead, he stayed seated on that fence, entirely silent. A hat on his head shielded his fair face and neck from the light of the sun, providing a brief amount of relief from the hot dusty air.
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