
Game Moderator Neutral
Wolf Gender: Female / Non-binary Age: a little over two years old age Breed: Coydog Percentage: Coyote: 40.5% Border Collie: 10% Ryukyu Inu 10% Basque Shepherd Dog(Iletsua variety) 9.5% Dhole 8.5% New Ginia Singing Dog 7.5% Kai Ken: 5.5% Dutch Shepherd 5% Australian Cattle Dog(Red Heeler) 3.5% Pastor Garafiano(Garafain Shepherd) 3.5% Bouvier des Ardennes 3.5% American Pitbull Terrier 2.5% Orientation: either Asexual Aromantic or Asexual Demi-homoromantic Personality: Wolf's personality is a bit more on the semi-serious side, but she's friendly for the most part. She's thoughtful and somewhat curious. She's cautious, careful as well as somewhat reserved in new situations and around those she doesn't know well, but is also fiercely loyal to those who she comes to trust and care about. She's a canine that prefers solitude, or being with 1-2 close friends, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to help those who are in need of help. ^Drawn by AutumnWillows #141181 ^ drawn by King's Demise #207517 ^ drawn by Galaxymutt #185584 .   ^ Anthro version of Wolf, Drawn by AutumnWillows #141181 Edited at January 22, 2020 11:38 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Edited at December 30, 2019 04:47 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Kasai Gender: Male Age: around 2-3 Breed: The offspring of a coyote/golden jackal/dingo and a Garafian Shepherd/Basque Shepherd Dog(Gorbeiakoa variety)/Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever/German Shepherd cross Orientation: Homosexual Other: Kasai is blind Personality: Kasai is more on the reserved and serious side, but can have more playful moments(especially if it's towards Kōri). He's somewhat untrusting and weary of canines other than Kōri; however if you're able to break down his walls and get close to him while earning his trust, he's extremely loyal and will stick beside you through thick and thin Personality(after Kōri's death)  ^Drawn by AutumnWillows #141181 *his updated looks are in the pictures below*  Edited at December 30, 2019 05:12 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Kōri (Deceased) Gender: Male Age: Around 2 Breed: The offspring of a Giant Schnauzer/Irish Wolfhound/Beauceron/Berger Picard mix and a Standard Schnauzer/Český Fousek/Bouvier des Ardennes/Scottish Deerhound mix Orientation: heterosexual Other: Kōri is deaf, but can read lips to a certain degree for roleplay and story purposes Personality: Kōri is a curious, goofy, playful, fun-loving adventure seeker. He's also somewhat naive. Kōri is most always happy and can sometimes seem oblivious to the harshness and cruelty that the world can hold, which is far from true ^Drawn by AutumnWillows #141181 ^Drawn by Pryragrithim #212145 Edited at December 30, 2019 05:17 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Kensaku Gender: Fixed/Spayed Female Age: Around 2 Breed: Border Collie/Australian Shepherd/Koolie/Aidi hybrid. Percentage: Koolie 20% Border Collie 20% Australian Shepherd 20% Aidi 17.5% Australian Cattle Dog(blue heeler): 12.5% Orientation: Asexual, but not Aromantic Other: Kensaku has only three legs and is always seen with her blue-green checkered bandanna collar Personality: Kensaku is a thoughtful, caring and good-natured, kind, gentle and friendly dog. She can be playful at times. She always tries to look on the brighter side of things, even in the most hopeless situations. She's extremely loyal and won't ever leave the side of who she cares about, no matter how they may treat her. She has a fondness for pups and is always wanting to help them and play with them as much as possible, in some eyes her extreme fondness towards pups could partly could be because she knows she'll never be able to have any pups of her own. ^Drawn by AutumnWillows #141181 (Please ignore that the wrong leg is missing on the frontal view of her in this reference sheet. It should be the left leg, not the right) ^ drawn by King's Demise #207517 ^ drawn by GalaxyMutt/Crimson Meadow #185584 Edited at December 30, 2019 05:21 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Saika Gender: Male Age: between 2-3 years, but looks a lot older Breed: Unknown, most likely some sort of wolfdog Orientation: (not)Questioning, he's never had feelings towards another canine yet Other: He lived most of his life inside a testing facility, where illegal tests were preformed on him daily up until he escaped, taking the lives of a couple of the scientists during the escape to gain his freedom. Personality: Saika is an apathetic, dark, cold, reserved, untrusting and is more of a serious character. He easily can come off as cruel. He's a loner for the most part, but allows Rugby to tag along with him. He does his best not to show it, and often is successful at hiding it, but he's grown to care deeply for Rugby and is very protective of him. ^Drawn by AutumnWillows #141181 Edited at December 30, 2019 05:22 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Rugby Gender: Male Age: about 1 year old (His birthday(creation day) was November 27, 2017) Breed: Pitbull, Cursinu, (blue harlequin) Beauceron, unknown breed Percentage: American Pitbull Terrier 40% blue harlequin Beauceron 27.5% Cursinu 27.5% Unknown breed 5%(possibly a Bouvier des Ardennes, or some other wiry haired breed) Orientation: Biromantic Other: Rugby has a crooked tail, a badly deformed and crippled hind leg with a just as badly clubbed foot/paw on the same leg, he also is a mute. He is smaller and weaker for his age, partly because he and his litter mates were premature, but mostly because is the runt of the litter and had complications at birth. Personality: Rugby is naive, curious, goofy, playful, fun-loving and loves adventure. He knows very well and firsthand the cruelty and harshness that exist in the world, and even-so just like Kensaku, he's also always trying to look on the brighter side of things, because of his beliefs there's more to the world than just the cruelty, hopelessness, harshness, darkness and evil he only knew the first five to six months of his life. He's always trying to bring a smile to Saika's face and to get him out of his shell and put their horrible pasts behind them ^Drawn by AutumnWillows #141181 Edited at December 30, 2019 05:24 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Raiden Gender: Male Age: about two years old Breed: Raiden is the offspring of a Basque Shepherd Dog (Iletsua Variety), Bouvier des Ardennes, Laekenois, Otterhound hybrid and a Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Sapsali mix Orientation: Homosexual Other: Raiden also has hyposomia(almost complete 100% anosmia) and talks with a noticeable stutter. Personality: Edited at December 30, 2019 04:55 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Raz Gender: FtM trans/Non-binary Pronouns: He/His/Him or They/Them/Their Age: 7-9 months Breed: golden cross fox Orientation: Demisexual Other: Nur's adoptive sibling ~ Nur Gender: Male Age: 7-9 months Breed: Bat eared fox Orientation: Demisexual Other: Raz's adoptive brother Edited at December 30, 2019 05:24 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
~ Other/Art of characters in groups  ^ art of Kasai and Kōri drawn by King's Demise #207517  ^ Kōri and Kasai by Cún  ^Sketch of Wolf, Kasai, Kōri, Kensaku and Saika by pack #170938 ^ art of Saika and an older version of Rugby drawn by King's Demise #207517  ^Drawing of Wolf, Kasai, Kōri, Kensaku and Saika by AutumnWillows #141181 ^Drawing by pack #27479 of Wolf(on the hill by herself), Kasai, Kōri and Kensaku(grouped together in the center) and Saika and Rugby(walking towards Kasai, Kōri and Kensaku) Edited at December 30, 2019 05:26 PM by Destinations End
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