
This is a joke contest, but there will be prizes. 1st prize: 100 mush 2nd prize: 50 mush 3rd prize: 25 mush Everything else: 5 mush . . . End date: Feb. 28th Edited at January 29, 2024 03:47 PM by Crypto Currency

Rules: dont be mean about things. follow all eve's rules dont be homophobic

How this works: fill out the form (if you get 100% of it right, congrats. you get a first place prize. if you get 50% right, you get the second place prie if you get 25% right, you get the third place prize if you get 10% or less right, you get the everything else prize) and I'll tell you if you get things right or wrong in PMs (so its a mystery for everyone else). no more than one entry please

form (and notice, I'm not asking for gender): . . . Age (put an age range. ex: 16-18): Height (range it please, and put it in feet+/inches): hair (color): eyes (color): face (do you think I have peircings/scars/glasses/etc): clothes (what kind of clothes do you think I wear): aesthetic (what aesth do I give):

By the way: This is about me.

Blonde hair? Short? Brown Eyes?

Oh, sorry I didn't know. And I didn't want that to be my entry. Just that the rules weren't specific and the form was not there... Crypto Currency said: How this works: fill out the form (if you get 100% of it right, congrats. you get a first place prize. if you get 50% right, you get the second place prie if you get 25% right, you get the third place prize if you get 10% or less right, you get the everything else prize) and I'll tell you if you get things right or wrong in PMs (so its a mystery for everyone else). no more than one entry please

You're good. I didnt say wip in the title

Thanks! Crypto Currency said: You're good. I didnt say wip in the title

Just use the form if you want to enter again