
Is there a walk through or guide on genetics?

there's no genetics in this game. There's no guide either.
Maybe in the future genetics will be a thing, but it all seems to complicated to be added, but I might be wrong, and it might be easy if added.

But the coat colors and patterns are genetic, and so are birth defects.

Game Moderator Neutral
Like pennywise said, genetics isn't a thing on this game.
We have a rarity system, but that's it.
"Pelt Rarity: Pelt base coats have a rarity assigned to them. From most common to least common, these are: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary. These add different values to your wolf's rarity score. They are: Common - 0 Uncommon - 10 Rare - 20 Legendary - 40
Common coats are typically inherited from a parent. However there is a random chance that their coat genes will mutate and they will acquire a rarer coat. Coats rarer than Common only happen by random chance. You can purchase items from Barter to increase this chance, but it is not a guarantee.
Pelt Markings have a rarity from 1 to 5. With 1 being the most common and 5 being the most rare. These correlate to how difficult it is to breed for the markings. Rarer markings are harder to breed for, and common markings are easier to breed for. Each wolf has a rarity score based on the sum of their markings. The rarity for markings is as follows: Points Color - 1 Leg Markings - 1 Head Markings - 1 Inner Ears - 2 Tail Type - 2 Muzzle Marking Type And Color - 1 each Shoulder Color - 3 Brindle - 2 Piebald - 4 Okapi - 5 Leopard - 5 Back Marking Type And Color - 2 each Speckle Type And Color - 3 each Ear Edges Type And Color - 2 each Harlequin - 4Belton - 3 Somatic Mutation - 5
Please note that Noses, and Eye Color don't have a rarity. "
As for breeding, only the parents play into what a pup is born with. The rest of the wolves in the bloodlines don't play into what a pup can be born with in any way.
As for birth defects and boosts, they're completely random, they aren't 'genetic'. Any wolf can get them, even if the parents aren't a BD or boost. The bloodlines don't matter at all when it comes to this. Defect blood and boost blood don't exist. Edited at September 26, 2017 03:49 AM by Destinations End
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I'd like to make a quick correction to Destinations End's post, the noses and eyes also have a rarity system, Common, uncommon, rare, and legendary. I just don't remember how much rarity it affects

Ok.. so does that mean the parents appearance has little to do with how their pups will look? From what you said it sounds like coat color is most likely to be passed on, but it seems like markings are completely random. Did I misunderstand you?
Also from my understanding while BD are random, breeding two wolves with the same BD will have a much higher chance of producing a pup with that same BD.

Game Moderator Neutral
No. Markings aren't random. They only have a chance of getting them if the mother or father have them themselves, a pup can't randomly get a marking without the mother and/or father having said marking, unless you apply a custom coat to a pup of course, but that's something completely different .
If you breed two, or one wolf with a boost or defect there will be a very slight increase, but not by much. Edited at September 27, 2017 12:39 AM by Destinations End
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can pups be born with items?

NightHowler Pack said: can pups be born with items?