
I am on the second level of the the forest and I have all of the territory travel through, but I have one enemy left: A fox. When I finally found it, I went in to battle it but it wouldn't let me. On the map it shows the Fox but whenever I land on it I doesn't do anything. I only need to finish off this fox but I can't get to it! Can someone help?

Sounds like you found the forest glitch all right. Unfortunately the only thing to do is restart the level and buy the 400 moves from barter to beat it in one session. Otherwise it will glitch again when you try to replay it. :/

You shouldn't need to buy the moves to complete it in one go, restarting the level should fix the bug but you will have to complete the entire level again as you will lose the progress you made.

Sweet, thanks! I don't mind losing progress. I was scared that it was permanent...