Wolf Play : Dystopian + Dragon rider | Open!
09:43:01 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
@Night Walker

She doesn't know any better, so I wasn't too mad, just a bit frustrated. She likes to jump all over my body and it gets annoying sometimes.
 The Night Walker
09:42:06 Anemoia/Aedra
That sounds terrifying-
09:41:41 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

It genuinely scared me for the millisecond I felt my heart stutter. XD
09:40:49 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
It's an automobile. What did you expect :')
09:40:06 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
@Night Walker

Filler dip chip flip. My car just jumped on what I'm pretty sure was a leg artery and shocked my heart briefly. ~_~
09:39:48 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Mmm. Exactly what I want to eat right now. Some drywall chips right now sound lovely, and some hole filler dip.
 Barn Owl
09:39:30 Owl
If it died in your pack, wouldn't it be available in your memorial? You could see it there. Did it die in your pack?
 Destinations End
09:38:55 Toliska, Desti, Coy
Oh! Okay.
Then I'm not sure what I would say should be changed. I don't know if anything should since I don't know anything about the cat character ^^'
 The Night Walker
09:37:53 Anemoia/Aedra
PetriDish, Boe
I love me some hole filler dip!
 Continental Wolves
09:36:41 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
I want to recreate an old custom of mine but I only have a vague memory of what it looked like >.> I don't have the design saved nor is the wolf in any of my current living wolves bloodlines >.>
09:36:04 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Yum yum, we love some dry wall chips.
09:35:47 The Naming Empress
Love the horns as well😍
09:35:19 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
That sounds like something someone on Acid would say.
09:35:16 The Naming Empress
It has mangyhair thats all

It looks like a long hair so if you want it easier to tell what it is youll want to fix that
 The Night Walker
09:34:43 Anemoia/Aedra
Dry wall chip with hole filler dip.
09:34:02 They/Them Aestra ;P
Oh! Oop, the character does have horns on their head lmao
 Destinations End
09:29:47 Toliska, Desti, Coy
I don't really draw cats, so I might not be the best person to ask. But it sort of looks like it has four ears instead of two. That might be the main reason for me
09:29:09 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
-WP Click-

He's gonna be a beautiful fighter next to Fluffernutter. I should train up a female pup next season.
09:26:58 They/Them Aestra ;P
Anything I could add or change that might help?
 Destinations End
09:24:48 Toliska, Desti, Coy
It doesn't really look like a cat to me personally.


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Dystopian + Dragon rider | Open!August 30, 2021 11:05 PM


Posts: 4518
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Plot breakdown
2. RP rules
Reservation Information
Bonding Rules
3. Dragon species
Reserved Dragon’s
Open Dragons
4. Ranks explained
Available ranks
Other information
5. Sign-up sheet
Ranks needed to start
Important Links
6. My dragon
7. My Cadet
8. Open/Closed

Edited at August 31, 2021 12:43 AM by Ciao
Dystopian + Dragon rider | Open!August 30, 2021 11:12 PM


Posts: 4518
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The time is 2067, a civil war had occurred back in 2028 and has split the former United States of America into two countries. On the left is Malva, and on the right is Vicus. From then on the two counties have divided up their new land accordingly in order to fit their needs. Since then tensions have been low but recently they are starting to rise with more border disputes and even some stealing from either country. But recently Vicus has made a discovery, dragon’s.

They were found north of their land in what once had been Canada, the land had been deserted for roughly 10 years when they stumbled across them. Eventually after careful consideration the dragon’s were approached, it was a wonderful surprise for the people of Vicus when some of the dragon’s bonded with them and a mental link between rider and dragon was formed. From there Vicusian’s have traveled to the nesting site of the dragons to have their children bond with these magnificent creatures.

For 24 years Vicus was able to keep their dragons a secret, but Malva got word of it and grew greedy. They wanted dragon’s for themselves and demanded that they receive some in order to assist them with a project. Vicus wouldn’t allow this, not knowing the intentions that these people had for their beloved dragons and refused, with tensions already high, one hot headed Governor of Malva, and now the people of Malva now furious at Vicus’s “lack of generosity to countries in need” they declared war. They’re goal is to be able to take the dragon’s for themselves, but Vicus has no intention of letting that happen. They met in battle with advanced machinery and manpower, some dragon riders even assisted as well, but it wasn't enough. They were officially losing, and their borders were being pushed farther and farther back by the Malvain army.

The people of Vicus grew more nervous as their refugees from the border were sent deeper into their country, they needed more power, and the Governor came up with a solution. The bonds would be forced and would be assigned at birth to speed up the process. The people were not happy with the government taking full control of their bonding process. It was supposed to be a sacred time for the dragon and rider, but it is no longer.

Once you are assigned a dragon the Governor of Vicus has the new pair supervised until they can form an understanding between the two or for some lucky riders, a ligitement bond. Afterwards they are expected to begin working with them until you reach the age of 15 years. Then you will begin to learn how to ride. The new riders will be moved into an undisclosed training location away from their families in order to finish their training properly.

Plot breakdown:

You will be assigned to a regiment commanded by a Graduated soldier, cadets from the ages 15-21 may be in the regiment. Until graduation the more experienced riders can also help assist the Graduated soldier in training the newbies, if they ask or a request for help is made. Your day will consist of training and meal breaks, the day is a 7am-7pm schedule, with a curfew of 9 o’clock, you can do whatever is within the camp rules between 7pm and 9pm. You graduate and become a soldier at 21 and will be transferred to a new group to go off and help aid the soldiers already in battle. Normally this would be the case, but now that Vicus is losing this regiment of untrained riders may be forced out before their graduation. There will be a poll held for accepted members to see if this would make an interesting twist to the actual


Your country is under attack, Vicus has something that Malva doesn’t. Dragon’s. The war is being lost and Malva is pushing Vicus farther and farther back. Fortunetly some Cadets are getting ready to graduate, will it be in time to change the outcome of this war?


Edited at August 31, 2021 08:39 AM by Ciao
Dystopian + Dragon rider | Open!August 30, 2021 11:12 PM


Posts: 4518
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Obviously, Eve’s rules trump all.
1. No Gary/Mary Sues, this RP is character driven! So keep things interesting ;) Also, keep genders even as best as possible.
2. Don’t have your character be ‘that guy’, always disobeying orders, while it is okay to do so a few times for the sake of drama, don’t make it annoying.
3. The descriptions I have made for each dragon class must be followed, though please expand on them and feel free to add more character/personality/temperament traits onto what is provided. This RP is semi-literate, meaning 300+ words for a post, and decent grammar. This also means that you must keep the plot moving, so don’t just have your character stand around, or just reply to a character dialogue. Add your own speech in or have the, do something. I get that you may have writers block, but you still must try so the others have something to go off of.
4. No god modding, OP characters, or OOC drama. Feel free to create RP drama, but run it by me first.
5. Please do not join to never actually RP, if you will be inactive for a specific amount of time, let me know. If you want to drop out of the RP, pm me and we can work something out, (ex. Character death). Try and post as least once a week, or more depending on how fast the RP is moving. I want to keep this alive!
6. LGBTQIA+ is welcome
7. Put your favorite plant in other
8. Only the Graduated Solider and the older cadets(18-21 years) will have experience riding and may help out the younger, newer riders(15-17 years) if they request assistance and the Graduated Solider is alright with it.
9. 2 character limit for now, 1 dragon and 1 rider unless requested otherwise, when the RP starts I may open more slots for already existing members if they are so inclined.
10. No romances between your own characters, you have to give other people the opportunity/chance to have a relationship with your character. But no forcing anyone into it! You may play a sibling, or relative, but not a significant other. I am not allowing instant romances for this RP.
11. You can figure out who bonds with your dragon, or what dragon to bond your rider with. But you can’t force anyone to bond with your character, I will pair up anyone who is left when the RP thread goes up.
12. Hate the character, not the player
13. If you plan to harm/kill someone else character, make sure they consent to it. Run any deaths by me first. If you kill your character off you can make another if you wish.
14. Swearing is allowed if it is not overly excessive. No racial slurs.
15. Please read everything!

Reservations are only 24 hours, they can be extended an extra 12 if you message me. You have until the end of that time to get your form posted. If your reservation runs out I will make the cancellation know on this thread so that others may have a chance at the spot. You may reserve the slot twice if it is still open.
Do not make a reservation to not even make an attempt at creating a form.
You may PM me to make a reservation before this opens. As soon as your form is posted, the 24 hours it will be reserved for will start.

Bonding Rules
1. Your dragon will be assigned at birth
2. No bonding with another dragon once you have one
3. Only if a rider or dragon dies, a new person or dragon may bond with them
4. No riding until 15 years of age, if caught the bond may be broken
5. Training is require after you turn 15 and then you must serve in the military after you graduate

Edited at September 1, 2021 06:38 PM by Ciao
Dystopian + Dragon rider | Open!August 30, 2021 11:13 PM


Posts: 4518
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Inferno class
Fire Dragons, Common
Color: Red, orange, black, & purple(more uncommon)
Temperament: Territorial, aggressive, stubborn, trustworthy & disdainful at times
Size: 17-21 feet at the shoulder, 4,000-5,500 pounds
Power: This class of dragons specializes in anything hot. Their fire breath is hotter than any other class and gives off a bluish violet hue. They are capable of withstanding extremely hot temperatures but are not invincible. Some of the older dragons may be able to produce a lava-like substance with practice.
Weakness: The cold, they freeze the fastest of any other dragon. Using their fire breath can take some energy out of them.
[1/1] Amaterasu - Ciao
Orb class
Earth dragons, common
Color: Browns, tans, greens, and other forest-like colors
Temperament: Thoughtful, friendly, protective, easy-going.
Size: 12-15 ft at the shoulder, 1,000-2,500 pounds
Powers: These dragons are expert burrowers and tunnelers. They also excel at camouflage, as they grow older they will start to master it more, but these dragons can slightly alter the color of their scales. Helping them adapt and hide better in their environment. Orb class dragons do have wings, but they are used more for gliding and do not achieve true flight. These dragons are also good climbers.
Weaknesses: Environments where they cannot camouflage themselves. They cannot achieve true flight, & bright lights are harsh in their eyes.
[0/1] Open
Aquatic class
Water Dragons, common
Colors: Many different shades of blue and purple, some may even have a little silver
Temperament: Extremely territorial, wise, humorous, sometimes grumpy, & occasionally aggressive.
Size: 17-22 ft at the shoulder, 2,000-3,500 pounds
Powers: Inside of fire breath, like many other dragons, this class breathes boiling water. They can also create a fog or mist with their breath and are expert swimmers. They need a water source in order to ‘charge up’ these water abilities. While these dragons can fly, they do more gliding since their wings are less powerful than the other dragon classes, and won’t get them as high off the ground. The most experienced may begin to make some form of ice, though it is rare.
Weaknesses: Heat, being without water for long periods of time, and heights. Overusing any abilities with water can dehydrate them.
[1/1] Reserved
Gale class
Air dragons, uncommon
Colors: Whites, greys, blues, and silver
Temperament: Trustworthy, social, can be energetic, passionate & a little air-headed at times.
Size: 15-20 ft at the shoulder, 2,000-3,500 pounds
Powers: The true rulers of the sky, these dragons find it easier to breathe in higher altitudes and are excellent flyers. Instead of fire, they blow strong gusts of wind, depending on how strong they are, a tree could snap under its pressure. They have tons of endurance and spend a lot of time in the sky.
Weaknesses: Are less coordinated on the ground, medium-sized - does not have benefits of a small or large dragon. Will get tired, like most dragons, if they overuse their wind breath.
[0/1] Open
Luminous class
Light dragons, uncommon
Colors: Whites, creams, faint golds, and pastel colors
Temperament: Dedicated, wise, protective, & calm. Similar to a Celestial dragon's temperament.
Size: 18-22 ft at the shoulder, 3,000-4,500 pounds
Powers: Luminous class dragons have the brightest fire, they can control how bright it appears, and at max it could nearly blind someone. They are able to control some of the light around them, basically allowing more natural light to filter into a specific area. These dragons can also make themselves glow, not terribly bright, but are a distraction, and useful at night.
Weaknesses: Stygian class dragons - they are stronger and can “banish” the light a Luminous dragon makes. This dragon can fly at a decent height, but the higher altitude will affect them more. They can exhaust themselves by overusing their light.
[0/1] Open
Toxin class
Poison Dragon, uncommon
Colors: Bring colors, though some common ones include red, orange, green, and black. They can be iridescent as well.
Temperament: Seclusive, possessive, a little arrogant at times, & impulsive.
Size: 12-16 ft at the shoulder, 1,000-2,500 pounds
Power: Instead of fire, these dragons emit toxic gases, they may stun you or harm you depending on the type they choose to emit. These dragons can fly and are also decent climbers. They are good at staying hidden, though not as well as the Stygian class. Some will have a stinger on the end of their tail and if you're stabbed it releases poison on contact, though not all of them have it.
Weakness: Brute force, bright lights, & using their abilities takes a lot of energy out of them.
[0/1] Open
Stygian class
“Dark” dragons, rare
Colors: Black, is the main color. They may have any other color, as long as it is dark.
Temperament: Territorial, aggressive, reclusive, disdainful at times, hardworking when it comes down to it
Size: 16-20 ft at the shoulder, 3,000-4,500 pounds
Power: This dragon doesn’t breathe fire, they emit more of a gas, similar to a Poison dragon, but it is a nontoxic fog used as a camouflage or to darken an area. They can control shadows, like how the light dragon controls light, but they are stronger than them, and could easily overpower a light dragon's light. They are good at hiding and flying.
Weaknesses: Excessive light, & they lose energy faster - weaker endurance. They cannot climb.
[1/1] Reserved
Levin class
Storm dragons, rare
Colors: Grey's, blues, blacks, yellows, & whites. Sometimes purple.
Temperament: Protective, Territorial, content with most, can be curious, & generally intelligent
Size: 20-25 ft at the shoulder, 4,000-6,000 pounds
Power: This dragon can control lightning. During a storm, they become more powerful and can help direct a bolt of lightning from the clouds onto a target as if they were a lightning conductor. They have a light blue fire, though it is weaker than most. The most powerful Levin class dragons can produce their own lighting. Often in a process called a ‘charge’, it takes a moment, but the dragon will bunch up, some visible lightning crackling around them. Then once they extend it will be released as a ball of electricity.
Weaknesses: Water, while they need it to survive, it’s dangerous to be around while in a storm or using their lighting. Creating their own electricity exhausts them.
[1/1] Reserved
Celestial class
Time dragon, Legend - Creatures so rare that few have been documented
Color: Opalescent looking, golds, whites, creams & other similar colors.
Temperament: Lots of patience, wise, regal, calm, protective, & creative. This dragon can be social, but they also have an independent side.
Size: 19-24 feet at the shoulder, 4,500 - 6,000 pounds
Power: These dragons are able to create black holes for small amounts of time. They can also stop time, and with practice, they can hold it for up to 5 minutes. Their fire is a pretty golden, yellow flame. They are average flyers.
Weaknesses: Stopping time uses up a LOT of a dragon's energy, if they try to hold it longer than they should, and haven’t spent time training with it, it could kill them. Heat weakens them as well.
[1/1] Lux - Glacialis

Edited at September 1, 2021 07:25 PM by Ciao
Dystopian + Dragon rider | Open!August 30, 2021 11:23 PM


Posts: 4518
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Ranks explained

Graduated Solider - The leader/trainer of the new recruits. They are to be respected and their orders will be followed. They rank higher than the cadets, and their dragon ranks higher than the cadets dragon as well. You can address them as ‘Commander’.

Cadets - Those between the ages of 15-21. If you are 15-17 you are considered a newbie and if you are 18-21 you are just considered an older student. Older students may assist the younger ones if the Graduated Solider allows it. Cadets and their dragons rank lower than the Graduated Solider and their dragon.

Available ranks

Graduated Solider [1/1]

Mircea Cryolar - 21 - M - Spellbound page 2

Graduated Solider’s Dragon [1/1]

Amaterasu - Inferno - F - 456 - Ciao page 1

Cadets [5/8]

1. Victoria - 20 1/2 - F - Ciao page 1
2. Lexa - 17 - F - Acerbus. page 3
3. Reserved
4. Reserved
5. Reserved

Dragons [4/8]

1. Lux - Celestial - F - 400 - Glacialis page 2
2. Reserved
3. Reserved
4. Reserved

Bonded pairs

1. Mircea Cryolar & Amaterasu

Other information
When you bond with your dragon you are able to communicate telepathically through what is called a mind link. If you are not bonded you speak out loud. Dragon’s can also verbally speak for humans and other dragons to hear.
I will have a map here showing the war zones + Malva, Vicus, and their new regions that have been created!
Map (c) to me #199432 - Hawaii and Alaska not included.
Malva on the left, Vicus on the right. War zones to be added later.


Edited at September 1, 2021 07:26 PM by Ciao
Dystopian + Dragon rider | Open!August 30, 2021 11:57 PM


Posts: 4518
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* = Optional


Age: [15-21]
Bonded or forced?: Basically, if your forced bond turned into a real bond, or if you never truly bonded and just work as a team.
Bonded Dragon:
Spouse or Significant other:
(Work out in PM’s or in the discussion)
Graduated Solider
Bonded dragon


Age: [150-500]
Bonded or forced?: Basically, if your forced bond turned into a real bond, or if you never truly bonded and just work as a team.
Bonded Rider:
Mate or Significant other:
(Work out in PM’s or in the discussion)
Other dragons
Bonded Rider

Ranks needed to Start
Graduated Solider - Taken
Graduated Solider’s dragon - Taken
A least 4 Dragons
At least 4 recruits

Important links

Sign-up thread - Here

Discussion - N/A

RP thread - N/A

Edited at September 1, 2021 07:27 PM by Ciao
Dystopian + Dragon rider | Open!August 31, 2021 12:06 AM


Posts: 4518
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╓═══════ ☼ ═══════╖


“Era” can be used by her rider if he desires

The sun goddesses in Japanese mythology

╙═══════ ❦ ═══════╜

Age: 456

Gender: Female

Class: Inferno

Rank: Dragon

Bonded Rider: Graduated Solider


This dragoness is positively terrifying, one look could almost scare a stranger away. She stands at an impressive 26 ft at the shoulder and weighs ruffly 5,780 pounds. At a first glance, she doesn't seem to have any scales, unless you count the sleek black ones on her legs. The rest of her seems rather "holey" as if all of her ribs were poking out and thick spider webs were laced over them. It feels almost leathery to the touch, and is actually thick, having so many layers. It becomes more translucent on her neck, allowing rib-like bones to be seen going all the way up to the base of her skull, and a faint violet glow(#8f00ff-electric violet) is seen between all of them. It grows brighter the more aggressive she is, or if she is "charging up" for a blast of fire. Era's eyes light up the same violet color, bright and almost firey looking. Out of her nostrils come this purplish fog, it is thin, and will only show after she uses her fire breath.

This dragon's teeth are long, with a slight hook to each of them, she has many rows of teeth that will be quite visible once she growls or opens her mouth. A few black, boney-looking teeth will rest outside of her mouth, even if it is closed. Her head shape is more slender, coming to a point similar to the beak of a pred of prey on the top. On the bottom is a spike jutting down. Her head has many spikes, she has two large main ones that point back towards where her rider would sit, the rest do the same. She has so many, that it appears to be a small frill made up of many different sizes of spikes. Her entire body, save for her stomach, is jet black, with almost an iridescent hue to it. Her stomach is a darker purple, and instead of small scales, she has rather large ones. These huge scales, span the width of her stomach and are lined single file going down her stomach, they are triangular shaped. Similar to this color, ##381b54, and look slightly iridescent.

Her tail is rather long, and along the top are fin-like spikes. The material is more leathery, and they are only along the top of her tail, they appear to be connected, though only by a small amount of her skin towards the bottom of the spike. As if it was a fish fin, but without the connective webbing in between each spike at the top. They are not used for defense, but instead to make her look as if she has more spikes. Era's wings have a large span, the wing itself is a translucent, thick, membrane-like material, colored a light purple. It is thin enough where you can see her larger wing bones, the tips of her wings have an ivory claw attached to them. her back has the same leathery, fin-like spikes that her tail does.

Her only colors are black, and different shades of purple. Her fire breath is more purple than blue. She has the secondhottest fire among the dragons. She can also manipulate time or create time warps. Era could even create large voids or black holes.


To put it shortly, Era is an aggressive dragon. She is often in a cranky, snappy mood around anyone besides her rider, she tolerates most and will befriend very few, but that’s fine with her. If you even get close to her rider she might even start muttering threats and charging up for a blast. This dragoness is extremely territorial, no touchy her human unless you want to get melted. Inferno class dragons do have the hottest fire breath, so don't test her. Era controls herself for her rider's sake, but if she had it her way everyone without 20 ft would be blasted. She needs her space and you won’t find her chatting away or creating drama among the other dragons. Physical touch is a no-no, she allows it only if it comes from her rider, as long as it is not excessive and she is in a decent mood.

With her ranking first among all the other dragons, she won’t let you forget it. Step out of line or disobey the Graduate Solider and she will give you a server punishment or a show of dominance over you. Era is not afraid of a fight, she will hold her own and won’t back down until the death, whether it be hers or yours. It seems extreme, but she needs a way to get her built-up aggression out some way. Sometimes she may get into a mood where she will specifically close herself off from everyone besides her rider and won’t tolerate being disturbed. Era is more of an anti-social dragon than anything. She likes her downtime, especially her naps, don’t get in the way of her naps.

Amaterasu has a way with words, her manipulative speech may leadership may be mistaken for strong leadership. If you are unconvinced of a plan she will convince you others wise, after all, her job is to enforce the commander. Her words are carefully chosen in these scenarios, making it seem as if the Graduated Solider’s plan is the best option, the only option. Reassuring any who doubt that their leader is strong and their plan will succeed.

With her rider, Amaterasu seems to be a totally different dragon. They gets to see a whole new side of her. Era turns out to be a humorous dragon, their conversation is often her teasing them or replying with a sarcastic remark. But she is also more open, she will take up any complaints she has with him, whether it’s that one pesky rider again, or if some dragon went out of line. Inferno dragons are also quite wise, if they comes to her for anything, she will be more than happy to share any wisdom she may have. Era is also quite clever, she is a fast learner and catches onto things quickly. She could also be described as cunning.

This dragoness does enjoy some independence including, quick flights by herself, or just being sent ahead to scout out the area. Era is fearless, she goes into any battle and will work her hardest. Defending her rider as necessary and working her ass off to help train the new Vicus cadets. She always comes out of a battle with a clear conscience, any harm done to the enemy is not something to weep over. Era's trust is harder to earn, just because you are also in Vicus’s army, doesn't mean you will earn it faster.

-Her naps, all of her free time/down time is spent taking them
-Thunderstorms, she loves listening to thunder and watching the rain, it’s a pretty sight to see
-Her rider, she has developed a special bond with them and enjoys their company
-Flying and Heights, she loves the thrill of flying high above everyone else
-Nighttime flys as well *^*, so relaxing and enjoyable
-Being away from large crowds, being territorial she liked to have her space
-Food, yummy
-Asserting her power over those under her, keeping dragons in line is her specialty
-Punishing those who disobey the commander, she likes to keep people in line
-The cold, one of her weaknesses
-The country of Malva, she doesn’t want to be claimed and taken by that awful country
-Irritating riders who disrespect her rider, they get in her nerves, she restrains herself from eating them
-Dragons who step out of line, there isn’t time for insubordination
-Random people in her personal space, just, leave before she eats you.
-She brings brute size and force to any battle, strong girl *^*
-Flying, her wings appear thin and weak, though she has very strong flight, and is capable of good speed because if it
-Ability to follow orders, she will listen to commands from her rider and carry them out with as much accuracy as she can muster
-Agility, its harder with her larger size
-Social skills, she currently lacks them and has only 1-2 friends, mostly due to how aggressive and anti-social she is
-Her aggressiveness and lack of trust in others, working as a team may be difficult but she does have some leadership qualities
Crush: Hmm.
Mate or Significant other: None.
Kin: None
Affiliations: WIP
Other: ;)

Edited at August 31, 2021 12:21 AM by Ciao
Dystopian + Dragon rider | Open!August 31, 2021 12:21 AM


Posts: 4518
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╓═══════ ❅ ═══════╖

Victoria Bryon

Latin Origin, "Victory". No nicknames.

╙═══════☽ ═══════╜

Age: 20 and a half years
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual as of now. May change in the future.
Rank: Cadet
Bonded Dragon: Open

This female stands just two inches above the height of an average American woman, at about 5ft 6 inches, and weighs around 125 pounds. Her shoe size is also around the average, about size 8. Victoria doesn't have any large birthmarks, her only noticeable one is a small brown mark on the bottom of her pinky toe, on her right foot. She does have a couple of small moles across her arms, shoulder blades, and neck, but none out of the ordinary. Her skin rarely burns and as a result, she has a tan, it's just slightly beyond sunkissed from the amount of time she spends outside, and will only get a little darker than that by the end of summer.

At a glance, this female's body type is less curvey and more of an inverted triangular-shaped. Meaning her hips are slightly wider than the width of her shoulders. Her build is on the leaner side, she has been doing a lot of work wither her dragon and fewer activities to strengthen her physically. While she may be in shape, she only starting to gain more endurance, though her leg muscles are only lightly defined, with her core being her weakest area. She will continue to progress before she graduates.

His eyes are something interesting, she has the rare central heterochromia, where the inner ring around his pupil is a different color than the outer area of his iris. Now it’s not too noticeable, since the inner ring is smaller than most. But her outer iris color is green, the smaller inner color is a light brown. Her orbs are framed by light brown lashes. Her eyebrows just a little ways above her eyes are normally thin and more of a light brown. They also have the “oval” shape, with a very slight arch to them. Eyebrow care is not a priority, so they are overgrown, though nothing drastic.

This female's nose is considered to be celestial. With it slightly upturned, a dent in her nose bridge, and a protruding tip. Across her nose, she also has freckles, very light in coloration, but still noticeable. She also has them across her cheeks and the tops of her shoulder. Her lips are light pink and on the thin side, with a defined Cupid’s bow. Previously they would appear soft, more recently they are starting to appear cracked from slight dehydration at times.

Victoria has a hearted shaped face, it has a slight widow's peak at the top. She has a bit of a jawline, noticeable but not crazy. Her cheekbones are a bit sharp, not enough to give her shadows on either side of her face, just enough for it to show. Onto her hair, which is long and goes down to her shoulder blades. She is a fake blond, and it's more of a creamy blonde color and is right in between thick, and thin hair. It also has a slight wave to it. Recently she hasn't dyed it, so her roots are grown out about an inch, her natural color being a light brown. Her hair is normally pulled into a high ponytail. Otherwise, it's braided back into a loose plait braid.






Crush: Open

Spouse or Significant other: None, maybe open

Kin: None

Affiliations: WIP

Other: ;)

Edited at September 1, 2021 06:59 PM by Ciao
Dystopian + Dragon rider | Open!August 31, 2021 12:42 AM


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Edited at August 31, 2021 12:43 AM by Ciao
Dystopian + Dragon rider | Open!August 31, 2021 01:19 AM

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