Wolf Play : Maeve | Semi-Lit Roleplay | Sign-ups | WIP DNP
07:48:27 ET
Can they? :0
Makes me wanna make a new account to go and snoop
Can we get to 100? 👀
-WP Click-
 Continental Wolves
07:47:59 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Ohh love how the starter wolves can have slightly more rarity now
 Lazy Kingdom
07:45:32 Lazy, Crazy Cat Lady
Hello, I am looking to do a laid back Rp with someone! Any topic works :D!

Please PM me!
07:44:35 I overthink this-
-WP Click-
07:43:18 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Well, dern! Don't stay up too late! Get to bed! XD
07:43:08 The Naming Empress
Bye Low Key!
07:41:44 skye
i might get off as it is nearly 2am XD
07:41:18 skye

oh haha
i love birds
07:40:41 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

A YouTuber I watch owns two budgies (he recently got another as a friend for his first, if I'm not mistaken). They're both so cute, the first is named Shadow, I don't know the second one's name. And yeah, I have no idea what's up with the frog thing. XD
07:38:08 skye
i wanted tree frogs XD
07:37:48 skye

oh haha!
yeah budgies talk alot!
boys more than girls tho( that rule goes for most parakeets/parrots)
07:37:44 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
I find it funny that I adore reptiles but am terrified of holding frogs.
07:37:33 The Naming Empress
07:37:20 Cloudz, Pumpkin
you can now :P
07:37:01 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I've been heading to the pet store for my cat a bit more recently (elders are so picky with their diets, don'tcha know), and the budgies are always talking up a storm. I smile at them and nod as I walk by. Them offer some attention to the snakes and dragons as I go by them.
07:36:25 skye
oh good XD
Hello chat!
 Continental Wolves
07:36:08 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
I can't send you a friend request on my new account :O
07:35:55 The Naming Empress
Thats why I want to pet her!


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Forums > Roleplay > Sign-Ups

    Maeve | Semi-Lit Roleplay | Sign-ups | WIP DNPAugust 19, 2021 10:11 PM

Former Pack

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I'm going to open around 10 slots for people, as I'm planning on keeping this roleplay as small as possible while still having enough so that we can drive the plot forwards. Anyone who signs up please be willing to be very active and participate in the planning of this roleplay. World building (laws, landscape, how everything works, the ruling systems, weapons, etc), A Character Driven Plot, Creature Creating, and a lot more will be a huge part of this so for the love of god if you're signing up be active.
anyone who wishes to claim a spot early PM me a roleplay example and let me know if you'll be able to keep to these terms if I allow you a reservation. If you will, then I'll reserve a spot for you. Please don't bail as soon as you sign-up

Edited at August 19, 2021 10:14 PM by Ice Storm
Maeve | Semi-Lit Roleplay | Sign-ups | WIP DNPAugust 19, 2021 09:31 PM

Former Pack

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Do not post.
† ~ • - P L O T - • ~ †
It was during the times that people discovered there were alternate worlds, billions upon billions of universes, and the crazy possibilities such a thing as this could bring if they could only figure out how to travel from one existing universe to the next. It took around 50 years of research actually, before a stable system was created. Of course, over the period of that time many other existing planes of worlds also became aware of this fact and made their own research, and it was found by a large handful of pocket dimensions, whole universes, worlds, and the likes that there was one place, one little, tiny area of time and space, where they could successfully create multiple portals leading to other worlds without causing a collapse. Treaties, agreements, rules and laws were made in this pocket world, and overtime it became a kind of hub, a collection of communities if you will, that was named Maeve, the gathering dimension of all diverse communities and species of every existing plane
It grew over the years, continuing to be prosperous and being made sure the rules and laws laid down by their forefathers and mother's were kept with the main one that as long as you stepped foot inside of this interdimension you agreed to the laws of a truce sent. A middle ground if you will. Any conflict is to remain anywhere but here, and it is of the upmost importance that this land is treated as a resting place, a land guarded by a truce, where everyone can go no matter the background or their past given they abide by the treaty. Monster, Mage, City Dwellers, Shapeshifters, Griffin, Vampire, entire different alien, mystical, races, Hero, evil mastermind, planet soldier, high Ruler, average office worker it doesn't matter. Stalls, shops, markets, and various different cities and communities and villages we're set up, a harbour was made for the ships that arrived from the seas, platforms were created for anyone coming from the sky whether by pegasus, their own wings, helicopter, the fanciest of airplane possible, a flying train, which speaking of tracks were laid. Groups and guilds were created, Palaces built for visiting royalty, Marketplaces were made for shoppers from all diverse backgrounds and planets, and so much more. It held as a middle ground for decades, centuries, millenias even
Then the world decided that they can't have nice things last. A group of people who played god appeared. They claimed Maeve as their ruling grounds despite the truce and laws set down by the first few generations, and with their seemingly limitless powers nobody had been powerful enough to stand against them. Changes were nonexistent in the first few weeks then grew minimal with the shift of a market stall or village, then got more noticeable, and eventually major. Banning certain worlds from ever entering, monitoring everything bought, sold, and made, taking down entire villages and replacing them with meaningless things. To say some were furious was an understatement. Many were absolutely appalled, some others loyal but seen as traitors to the rest, but their reign turned awire one day when the people who played god fought amongst themselves leading to the complete lockdown of Maeve. Nobody is allowed to enter or leave. Those who played god split from one another claiming portions of worlds as their own and dictating them as they had the small pocket dimension. Battles were fought, but always for petty things. Unnecessary blood spilled, and bodies piling up and burning. It was after some time, before a group of individuals had enough. They gathered together, planned, gathered items, inside assistance, and whatever else was required for their escape and after 5 years of planning managed to finally find an opening and duck out of a portal. Free from Maeve but still in perilous danger with the fake gods watching everything, it's now their mission to try and stop this meaningless bloodshed or die trying

Edited at August 19, 2021 10:42 PM by Ice Storm
Maeve | Semi-Lit Roleplay | Sign-ups | WIP DNPAugust 19, 2021 10:42 PM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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† ~ • - R U L E S - • ~ †
-Reservations are allowed, but there won't be any general time limit for getting it in. It can be stressful, so take your time. If it's been a week though and everyone else has managed to get their forn complete in that time or less then I'll have to remove your reservation to make room for someone else who may want to join
-Cursing is allowed as long as they don't do it every single sentence. Seriously, please if you can't say a single sentence without a swear in it I'm gonna have to ask you to dial it back. Any curse approved by eve is allowed
-Drama in the RP is allowed but nowhere else. Don't be an ass. Use common sense. If you have a problem with someone don't drag other people into it
-Write at least 8 sentences in the RP at the bare minimum or you'll get a warning. I'm upping the usual literacy requirement seeing as this is a smaller roleplay and we need things to work off of. Frequent participation is also required, though if you have writer's block then I'll grant exceptions
-Use complete sentences! I don't wanna see anything like this; "There was a dog. He was a good dog." Please don't ;w; make them long or add some description! Again, having something to work off of is key as this is character driven.
-3 warnings and you get a 1 week ban, please just use common sense with stuff.
-2 bans will get you kicked, I'm not tolerating nonsense past this
-No controlling others characters, this is a huge no. Accidents do happen, and if so then simply just correct your post or respectfully tell the person who did it that they have done so
-Death can happen, please gain approval before harming someone else. Killing off a character that's your own is fine, but if you're to do so to someone else's then please gain their approval first. That said, hide the word Time in your form somewhere, don't make it obvious
-Your character isn't immune to everything. They can't always land every hit or dodge every attack. If engaging a fight give the defendant time to act.
-No Mary sues and the like. It's fun to be rebellious and create fights sometimes but if your character is always constantly doing such it gets annoying. Don't be that one person
-Make sure to have read over everything above! I know it's a lot of info but it's there for a reason pal
-Keeps everything PG 13! Sexual themes or any kind of triggering topics not approved by the game are strictly prohibited. If I see you making anyone uncomfortable then that'll result in an immediate ban
-Solareclipse. is my co-host if they so wish, treat them with respect
-More rules may be added

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