Wolf Play : Finding Home - Semi-Lit Horse Roleplay - OPEN
08:38:20 Chrissy
i forgot i couldn't see you lmao. consider yourself /blocked/.
 Night Shade
08:37:58 Graves | Chaos
Should I do a round of wolf party?
 Blood lust tide
08:37:47 BewareWhoYouTrust
Your wolves played: Blood will be drinkable prances around wearing an animal hide.

08:37:43 Tay
xD well thats a really good name for a chicken
08:37:12 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
Watching a Wisp edit and it took me way too long to realize the singer was spelling "It Girl" :I
 Continental Wolves
08:36:54 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
I used to have a chicken named chicken nugget
08:36:45 ET
Amazing B)
Please do the honours and block me LMAO
08:36:36 IAmNotEurope / Euro
i have 231 mush
08:36:06 Chrissy
aha i'm down.
08:35:55 Tay

Name one Feyra and the dark one clementine :P Or Feyra and Nesta after my favorite book series.
 The Night Walker
08:35:46 Anemoia/Aedra
What horrendous thing could somebody even DO to get blocked? Must be something terrible xD
08:35:39 ET
Wait I think I can still DM you if you block me 😔
We should try anyway LMAO
08:35:21 she/her
i think i would have to leave the game honestly
08:35:01 IAmNotEurope / Euro
Crockpot found 10 mushrooms!
 Meliora Wolves
08:34:47 crow (he/they/zae)
i would rethink my entire life if a mod blocked me 😭
 Continental Wolves
08:34:47 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Both are most likely female
08:34:45 ET
Honestly, I cannot remember. I think so?
Wanna test it with me? LMAO
08:34:17 Chrissy
does it for real tell you the pack has blocked you if you try to send them mail? 💀
08:34:14 she/her
-WP Click-
08:33:59 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
You know it's bad when the mods block you. XD


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Finding Home - Semi-Lit Horse Roleplay - OPENAugust 17, 2021 11:49 PM

Former Pack

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There was once vast fields and acres upon acres of uninhabited land, free from humans of which many horse herds roamed and coexisted. Big and small all with different roles and ways of living, many were able to thrive and expand out throughout the expansive area, all different in some sort of way whether they settled inside of the mountains, plains, forest, or even plateau. Of course, death and life happened during the years that they expanded, dwindled, and continued through generations of horses. But when one day a storm, one more fierce and violent than they had ever seen before, ripped through the land catastrophe and danger struck

Many died, some herds or small bands completely wiped and others with the majority having suffered fatal damage as the world convulsed around them from scorching fires, earthquakes that shook the ground beneath them and split it open, landslides by the mountains that sent seemingly millions of boulders and rocks tumbling down, howling storms that were able to rip trees from the very ground beneath them, and a lot more. By the time everything seemed to pass, and the land once again grew peaceful they found that casualties were great, and even the most prospering of herds had been reduced or completely wiped of their numbers

Most horses scattered and fled quickly afterwards leaving the homes of which they once knew and generations before them had called home to try and find new land, to survive. But it was 5 herds, both small and prosperous, who decided to gather what numbers of their groups were left and band together to survive this new land before them. Tales had once been told that someplace, beyond perilous rapids and desolated lands laid a sacred and protected home of their ancestors hidden from view where death was a foreign concept, free from famine and the disaster they had gone through. But to try and seek out something that may not even exist would mean leaving the home of countless generations that had first found this place, and while the place is an absolute mess of uprooted trees, misplaced boulders and cracks inside of the ground is it worth leaving to try and persue something that may be nothing more than fiction? It's up to the disorganized group to try and get themselves together, and figure out where they'll go from here

Edited at August 18, 2021 02:36 AM by Valinyx
Finding Home - Semi-Lit Horse Roleplay - OPENAugust 17, 2021 11:56 PM

Former Pack

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•~Roleplay Rules~•

-limiting the amount of characters you can play to
4 and the amount of high positions you can claim
to 2, if you want to remove any character you play
at any time then PM me
-Be able to write 200+ words, this will be a Semi-Lit
RP but writers block will grant exceptions
-Hate the character, not the player, bullies aren't
-Drama and Romance is allowed but no romance
between 2 of your own characters, just be able to
keep it PG13 please ^^
-Having your characters being related I will allow
-Wolfplay Rules apply here, in the discussion and in
the Roleplay thread! Be able to follow them
-Be inclusive to everyone, not turning this into a
1x1 Roleplay, it takes away from everyone
-Put the name of your alpha male in other
-I have the right to reject your Roleplay form if I see
you need to change something about it, if you need
to do so more than 2 times I'll have to ask you to
refrain from joining. I'll also use it to gauge your
-Reservations last 48 hours, if you don't make your
form in that time I'll notify you before removing
your reservation. I'll ask if you want to re-reserve
the spot again once before I leave it open again
-Try to be active please! If you don't respond in 1
week I'll remove your character unless you have
PMed me about any absences
-If you wish to leave the Roleplay please let me
know and we can work something out!
-Have fun! Please don't be a downer
-Not all stallions and mares are gonna be
impressively tall giants or really strong and
muscular, there's short horses in the world too
-3 warnings will result in a 1 week ban! 3 bans will
get you kicked
-You can die! Whether it's a mishap when traveling
the terrain or from a lurking predator. Fights break
out, disease happens, births go wrong, etc your
character isn't immortal
-If you do end up killing off one of your own, feel
free to make another with any remaining open
-No OP characters, everyone has their limits and
while I may be open to the roleplayers deciding
what they decide and whether the fabled land is
real or not, make it stay reasonable. I don't want to
see them suddenly gaining supernatural powers or
mutations. The continuous disasters, fabled land,
and such is probably gonna be the only non-
realistic thing in this roleplay
-More Rules might be added

Edited at August 18, 2021 01:46 AM by Valinyx
Finding Home - Semi-Lit Horse Roleplay - OPENAugust 18, 2021 12:14 AM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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• ~ Role Explanation ~ •

One Lead
This horse holds the highest power position, but it comes with many responsibilities and is usually given to one of the leads' own foals, passed to a second in command, best friend, or even elected should they pass depending on the herd. They are, with assistance from their second in command(s), tasked with making the major decisions, leading the herd through safe routes throughout the land, protecting the herd from challenging bachelor's, and chasing out and accepting horses into and out of the herd. They do make the decisions with consideration from their second in command(s) but with smaller situations it's usually the lead that makes the final decision. If a lead were to fall and none of their offspring ready to take the position, a second in command, best friend, or even elected horse from the herd is to take the role until one is old enough or if there is none then assume the responsibilities as lead
Two Leads
Most commonly two horses that can be siblings, best friends, or deemed fit for the job, rarely will one generation choose a single gender to take both lead roles. One of the leads is chosen by the herd as a whole, while the second is chosen by the newly elected lead to help guide the herd side by side. These two make the decisions together whether it's to move or stop for the night, finding safe areas to graze, accepting new members and chasing out horses into and out of the herd, and fending off any bachelor or lone stallions looking to snatch someone from them. They make the decisions and work together to keep the group stable and while any second in command(s) may have a word in big decisions it's usually up to them to make the final calls. If one lead were to fall then the last remaining lead can either choose to step down and let the herd choose a new pair or they can choose their new partner themself

† - • ~ • - †

The Lieutenant, while not decisively to lead next should anything happen to a lead(s), is most commonly a stallion picked by them. Whether they're trusted to help give advice in decisions and make calls when one (or both if two) are absent or they're a horse they highly trust, what matters most in a lieutenant is that they're decisive. The lieutenant is there to help reinforce orders and challenge the lead's decisions if they ever find them taking a step too far. This position is given by the lead(s) and can be taken away if seen abusing their position. Any stallion in this role can, and this has happened once or twice in their history, resign. Though be warned once stepping down it cannot be given again. This role can usually not be challenged for
{ Deputy }
The deputy is a mare exclusive position given to someone inside of the herd by the female lead (or male if only one) themselves. They are above all the most trusted partner to them, and should be capable of reinforcing decisions, keeping a lookout for potential dangers, giving advice when needed, and taking charge should they need to if one (or both if two Leads) find themselves unable to be able to take care of the task. They should be respected, though don't hold as much authority as a lead. Only the lead who gave the mare this position can take this rank away, but exceptions can be made if the whole or a huge majority of the herd decide to strip away their position in which case they will elect a new Deputy. This role can usually not be challenged for
{ Two Second in Commands }
The two Second in Commands hold the second highest position inside of the herd apart from the lead (s) amongst the herd. While their role doesn't have any very major differences from one another, the first is usually in charge of enforcing any rules or decisions made by the lead(s) and helping any protecting roles fend off any bachelor's or lone stallions looking to pick off mares. The second is usually tasked as the lead(s) advisor and lookout for any suspicious activity around and inside of the herd. If there is anything concerning, it should be reported to the lead(s) immediately so that they, along with maybe both second in commands if it is major, may take care of it. Together they help the lead(s) with major decisions inside of the herd. They cannot be blood related, and are usually chosen by the lead(s) themselves
Single lead exclusive
If both the first and second in command are to go against or for something that the lead is opposed to or wants to do then their collective decision overrides the leads

† - • ~ • - †

Herd Mares and Stallions
Guard [Mares]
Watch [Stallions]

† • - ~ - • †

{ Yearlings }
Those who are almost old enough to become actual members of the herd and where some of their more serious responsibilities are to start being taught to them whether to be mare or stallion. While it's good for them to start becoming more independent it's up to the parents to keep them out of major trouble. When the time comes for them to join the herd, they'll go through either a test or decision from the higher ups that varies depending on the herd to decide if they can join as official herd members. If they don't pass, one will usually be cast out as a lone stallion / bachelor
{ Foals }
Their vulnerability makes them a priority, and seeing as they're the next generation of this herd, the future even, it makes them of the utmost importance that the mare and rest of the herd raise them well. While they are encouraged to learn small responsibilities while they're young it's also important that they get a taste of their childhood and enjoy themselves to the fullest. It is up to the mother and sire mostly, along with, even though less, the herd to make sure these foals get the most out of their childhood and keep them away from trouble and danger alike

Edited at August 18, 2021 12:41 AM by Valinyx
Finding Home - Semi-Lit Horse Roleplay - OPENAugust 18, 2021 12:56 AM

Former Pack

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• ~ The Herds and Landscaping ~ •

Skuhati Herd
Plains - Flowers and a large pond where they tend to hang out the most. Viaxe is right next door to them, and with the increasing population of predators appearing they're eager to move
2 Leads - Lieutenant
Tension with Viaxe [Territory Dispute]
Kivirahn Sisterhood
Mountain Plateau - Some mini waterfalls and small clusters of ponds around the area. During summer it can be blistering hot and during winter absolutely freezing though the amount of predators in this area has seemed to dwindle. A wide river separates them from The Skuhati Herds territory
Lead Mare - Deputy
Farthest from the other 4 herds, sperated from The Skuhati Herd via wide river
Birch Forest Area - Self explanatory
Lead Mare and Lead Stallion
Somewhat close to Viaxe
Pendio Herd
Hills and valleys stretch over their territory, and while it's relatively wide open the breeze tends to be nice
Lead Stallion - 2 Second in Commands
Somewhat far from Breza, somewhat close to The sperating river
Meadow - Huge vast golden fields, some stalks of golden grass reaching up talk enough to barely touch their bellies. Skuhati is right nextdoor
Lead Mare - Lieutenant
Tension with The Skuhati Herd [Territory dispute]

Edited at August 18, 2021 02:13 AM by Valinyx
Finding Home - Semi-Lit Horse Roleplay - OPENAugust 18, 2021 01:05 AM

Former Pack

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• ~ Role Masterlist ~ •

± Survivors of The Skuhati Herd ±
Both the Lead Mare and Stallion died during the events of a nasty storm
Lieutenant [0/1]
Herd Mares [0/3]
Herd Stallions [0/1]
Yearlings [1/2]
Foals [1/1]
-Reserved for Spellbound

± Survivors of Viaxe ±
During the events of a fire, the herd was split off and the Lieutenant and his group was never found. They've been proclaimed dead
Lead Mare [1/1]
-Reserved for Spellbound
Herd Mares [0/3]
Herd Stallions [0/2]
Foals [0/2]

± Survivors of Breza ±
The Partner lead ended up getting lost during the fire and as a result perished to the flames. Their partner lead is what remains
Lead [1/1]
-Reserved for Glacialis
Herd Mares [0/1]
Guard [0/2]
Herd Stallions [0/2]
Watch [1/2]
Yearlings [1/1]
-Reserved for Spellbound

± Survivors of The Pendio Herd ±
Earthquakes split the earth, and it's unsure whar happened to the lead. They're been pronounced dead until farther notice
Deputy [0/1]
Other Second in Command [0/1]
Herd Mares [0/2]
Protecting Stallions [0/1]
Yearlings [0/1]
Foals [0/2]

± Survivors of The Kivirahn Sisterhood ±
During the events of the rock slides, the elderly lead mare of the sisterhood ended up with nasty wounds of which she eventually succumbed to
Deputy [1/1]
-Reserved for Spellbound
Guard [1/3]
Herd Mares [0/2]
Yearlings [0/1]
Foals [0/1]
mares only

Edited at August 18, 2021 10:13 AM by Valinyx
Finding Home - Semi-Lit Horse Roleplay - OPENAugust 18, 2021 01:45 AM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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~ • Sign-Up Form • ~
Delete anything in Brackets

Name -
Nickname(s) -
Age -
Gender -
Herd -
Rank -
Desired Rank -
Reputation -
Appearance [Credit images properly, make sure it's F2U stock] -
Personality -
Affiliations [Not required] -
Crush -
Mate -
Offspring(s) -
Kin [Foals and Yearlings can be orphans, but simply because the fact their parents or caretakers could have passed during any of the natural disasters] -
Other -
Finding Home - Semi-Lit Horse Roleplay - OPENAugust 18, 2021 01:46 AM

Former Pack

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I'm going to Open sign-ups
Finding Home - Semi-Lit Horse Roleplay - OPENAugust 18, 2021 01:50 AM


Posts: 22536
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Reserving Lead Mare of Viaxe Herd , Deputy Mare of Kivirahn Sisterhood , Foal of Skuhati Herd , and Yearling of Breza Herd?

Edited at August 18, 2021 01:51 AM by Spellbound
Finding Home - Semi-Lit Horse Roleplay - OPENAugust 18, 2021 01:50 AM

Former Pack

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Spellbound said:
Reserving Lead Mare of Viaxe Herd , Deputy Mare of Kivirahn Sisterhood , Foal of Skuhati Herd , and Yearling of Breza Herd?

Finding Home - Semi-Lit Horse Roleplay - OPENAugust 18, 2021 01:53 AM


Posts: 22536
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9 months old - 11 months old
Skuhati Herd
Desired Rank:
Lead Mare and nothing less

There is a difference between boldness and carelessness. This young filly has a strong self-awareness about herself, know both her place and role within the herd.. She knows exactlly when she should take bold action and when she is out of her element. Be more self-aware. She likes to engage with others who can complement her strengths and compensate for her weaknesses. This young filly knows her objectives and prioritize them clearly. Knowing clearly what she needs to accomplish and seeking those chances that will help her learn more and expand her mind. She avoid unimportant activities that lead to distraction, mainly frivilous frolicking or playing with other foals. She is one to stand back, and just watch the herd for hours on end. It can be quite unnerving to some people, but she learns things just from simply observing. This young filly is not necessarily loud or boisterous, but when she has something to say, she says it. More importantly, they understand when and how to say it. She is one to carefuly craft her words before she speaks, whether they will be charming and uplifting or sassy or even malicious depends entirely on you. She has a great deal to learn and she knows that she must be better at tact and empathy, because the very nature of her words will carry power and impact. She also understands that silence is often the greatest statement one can make, and use it judiciously. If she gives someone the silent treatment or cold shoulder they have earned it. This young filly may be prone to action, but she is rarely if ever rash in her decisions and can be said to have quite a goon head on her. She applies the same sense of action to learning and due diligence as she does to any other activity. She wants to make sure her actions lead to success, so she investigates before making a statement or suggestion. She never wants to mislead someone or be wrong.

No one is totally comfortable with failure, and this filly is one of those thinkers however she understands that greater rewards stem from greater risk. Still, she knows how to mitigate catastrophic risk and how to protect her friends and herself, knowing how to use risky situations to her advantage. She harnesses the energy and adrenaline and make sure that every failure is a learning opportunity. She understands that rarely is any situation perfect from the beginning. And she looks to make the most of any given set of circumstances that can lead to victory, even a small one. If you want to add energy and randomness to your life then this young filly's spontaneous attitude will do you right. It's always a pleasure to have her around. She can be a little out of control at times but honestly, you get used to it. A day without her is a dull one. You never have to worry about her lying to you. She will always give you an honest opinion, even when you don’t want one. While it can be annoying at times, you come to expect it and respect it. You’d rather have someone who is brutally honest than someone who is fake-nice. That raw and unfiltered attitude works as both a charm and a repellant. In fact, she encourages others to be sassy. She likes people to embrace the crazy and also enjoy a battle of witts. If you’re spectating a conversation between her and another sassy comrade, that’s probably the most entertaining thing you’re ever going to witness. The line between bitchy and friendly is very thin.

If she see's bullshit , she calls bullshit. She doesn’t mince her words or beat around the bush. She has her own way of saying things and once you get the hang of it, you will know exactly what she's talking about. You can always speak your mind with her . Most of the time, you really can’t rub her the wrong way (unless you go too far). Some of the most interesting and expressive conversations are with her. She doesn’t care what people think about them. This, in turn, makes her extremely confident about themselves. Sometimes, she can tend to cross into the overconfident zone but she knows how to check themselves and come back down to earth. She exudes confidence and you can’t help but be inspired by it. She is fiercely loyal and if you’re one of her special ones, she will pull no punches trying to defend you. You can talk about anything and everything with her and she will always there for you when you need them. Even though she may be sassy most of the times, she knows how to read a situation and adjust herself. She doesn't like being mediocre. She tends to work harder than most people and love to be overachievers. You can always rely on her to give her 100% at everything she does. She doesn’t go with the flow. That's boring as hell, no instead she creates a new flow and function out of the boundaries of what people consider normal. This, in turn, brings about a unique approach and perspective when faced with a problematic situation. She loves coming up with out-of-the-box ideas and never fail to surprise everyone around her.

Mother was Lead Mare
Father was Lead Stallion
Parents are deceased
Valinyx, older yearling sibling

Edited at August 18, 2021 02:50 AM by Spellbound

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