Wolf Play : Wicked West | Wild West RP | OPEN
07:38:08 skye
i wanted tree frogs XD
07:37:48 skye

oh haha!
yeah budgies talk alot!
boys more than girls tho( that rule goes for most parakeets/parrots)
07:37:44 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
I find it funny that I adore reptiles but am terrified of holding frogs.
07:37:33 The Naming Empress
07:37:20 Cloudz, Pumpkin
you can now :P
07:37:01 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I've been heading to the pet store for my cat a bit more recently (elders are so picky with their diets, don'tcha know), and the budgies are always talking up a storm. I smile at them and nod as I walk by. Them offer some attention to the snakes and dragons as I go by them.
07:36:25 skye
oh good XD
Hello chat!
 Continental Wolves
07:36:08 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
I can't send you a friend request on my new account :O
07:35:55 The Naming Empress
Thats why I want to pet her!
07:35:54 skye
i think im buying another budgie friday XD
that would make 4!
07:35:17 skye

i just love birds haha
i feel inlove with budgies the most tho!
07:34:50 skye

leave her alone shes like the size of your finger 😭
07:34:33 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Budgies and small, talkative birds are so cute. If I'm being honest, I would go crazy. I'm more of a ground animal/reptile person.
07:34:15 The Naming Empress
Low Key
So do I
07:33:56 ET
Whoops, I may have forgotten. Yes, I now remember B)
07:33:36 The Naming Empress
Its a wild jungle in ForumsXD
 Continental Wolves
07:33:28 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Do you not remember the whole conversation of me wanting a cooler name but not wanting to change my pre existing accounts names?
07:33:10 skye

haha she nibbles >:D
07:32:56 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Yeah, it sucks. I understand trimming a slight bit, but not clipping. Birds are flying animals, not ground animals.


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Wicked West | Wild West RP | OPENAugust 13, 2021 03:15 AM


Posts: 2721
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Wicked West

Western - Fantasy - Literate


Post 1 - Introduction/Index
Post 2 - RP Rules
Post 3 - World/Locations
Post 4 - Roles Explained
Post 5 - NPCs
Post 6 - Masterlist
Post 7 - Links/Advertisement
Post 8 - Character Sheet

Spellbound co-owns this RP. Treat them with the same respect you would treat me. They have the right to accept and deny forms as they see fit, reserve slots, etc. Thank you.


Years ago in the era known as the Wild West, a powerful family dominated their surrounding towns and other plantations, known as the Kisai family - a family of eight powerful witches, residing on their luscious plantation that was just outside of their local town. However, that family would soon have a great loss of their mother, who would suffer from pneumonia before meeting her fate of death. The family would mourn before deciding that they needed to keep working - keep expanding on what they had built.

That was around three years ago. As the family grew more and more, another tradgedy would soon strike. After multiple invasions of bandits and the law getting involved with their moonshine and tobacco, the family had yet to see their father fall - but sadly, and unfortunately, he did, and he died mysteriously. On a cool Sunday morning, the family found him dead in the family room with no sign of any breaking and entering, and no sign of much struggle - a simple shot to the back of the head.

Now it is up to the parents' children to continue on their legacy as not only as some of the most powerful witches in the west, but also as one of the most powerful families in the west. They will learn who murdered their beloved father, and dodge the obstacles thrown at them. Will you be able to keep going with deceased parents, or will you fall? Join to find out.

Edited at August 14, 2021 12:25 AM by Wanderlust
Wicked West | Wild West RP | OPENAugust 13, 2021 03:17 AM


Posts: 2721
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RP Rules/Regulations

1) Eve's rules trump all.

2) This RP is literate meaning I expect at least 300 words per post with proper grammar, punctuation, and capitlization. Writer's block is an exception.

3) Do not join just to be inactive.

4) If you are going on a hiatus, want to leave, etc, please either let Spellbound or I know.

5) Spellbound and I have the right to accept and decline forms as we see fit.

6) No Gary/Mary Sues.

7) Do not have your character constantly wander off, create drama, etc. Basically, don't have your character constantly steal the spotlight.

8) That being said, include everyone as often as possible.

9) Do not have OP characters - please balance out strengths and weaknesses and such.

10) Your character can and more than likely will get injured. That being said, make sure to have both parties agree to a character getting injured.

11) Regardless of this being a wild west RP based around a family of witches, please try to keep everything else as realistic as possible.

12) LGBTQ+ is in fact allowed, there will be no discrimination shit in the RP.

13) Hate the character, not the player.

14) No romance between your own two characters.

15) That being said, you're only granted 2 characters. One male and one female, unless stated otherwise.

16) Make sure to keep all content PG-13, in regards to WPs rules.

17) Please use all the threads for the correct use - chat in the discussion, post forms in the sign-ups, and RP in the RP thread.

18) Again, Spellbound as the same authority as me and should be treated with the same respect.

19) There is no secret thing to put in your form - but please ensure that you've read all the rules. It's easy to to tell if you didn't, or haven't even read everyone.

20) Of course, have fun!

Edited at August 13, 2021 05:32 PM by Wanderlust
Wicked West | Wild West RP | OPENAugust 13, 2021 05:36 PM


Posts: 2721
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Time Frame
The time is in the era of the Wild West, as stated already. Bandits, outlaws, murders, robberies, etc, are all common. The time will actually be more or less set towards the end of that era, however, so sometime in 1895 or so. Most gangs have been captured or killed as the west becomes more and more tamed.

Supernatural Creatures
As stated before, the family that you will be a part of is a powerful group of witches. There are also werewolves, vampires, shifters, etc, but they are not the main focus. The supernatural creatures in this world are not hidden or anything - everyone is aware of them and some people think they should be killed while others don't; everyone has their own opinions. They are not discriminated against at all.


The Kisai Plantation
Easily one of the largest plantations around, the Kisai plantation consists of four fields of tobacco, all of which are gaurded at night to prevent any stealing. It is all fenced off, and is roughly around 800 acres of land that is all used. There is a large path leading to the main house, and said path is surrounded by great oaks that tower over everything that enters.

The main house is made up of six bedrooms, a kitchen, dining room, and three bathrooms. On the first floor is where three of the bedrooms are, plus one bathroom, and of course the kitchen, dining room, and living room. The living room is the first thing you see once you enter, and to the left is the kitchen and dining room, and to the right is the first bathroom to be found in the house.

As you enter the living room, to the left is a spiral staircase that leads up to the second floor, which is really just a large hallway with doors leading into each room. Almost immediately to the left is the first bathroom, and going down the hallway is the rest of the bedrooms, which are relatively straight across from each other. The bedrooms are meant for two people each, large enough to hold two beds, desks, etc, whatever the person residing in it needs.

To the east of the house is the stables - a large barn consisting of twenty stalls, ten on each side. The Kisai plantation does not breed horses, so they only own geldings and mares. There are roughly around four work horses and the rest for the family and workers, all of which own and take care of their own horses (most of the time however, workers will end up taking care of the family's horses. Moving along though, the horses have two ten-acre pastures, a few round pens, and plenty of hay is stored in the hayloft.

To the west of the main house is the guest house, which is a bit smaller, with three bedrooms, a small kitchen and dining room, and a singular outhouse just outside of the guest house. There isn't much else to it, other than it's all one story and is normally rented out to anyone who may pass through and can afford it.

To the south of the main house is the hired worker's housing, which is pretty similar to the guest house, only a bit larger with a proper living room.

The rest of the plantation is used for growing their crops, all of which are in large fields that are tended to daily by the hired workers and the family if they aren't terribly busy. Their main crops are tobacco and corn, with the side of making moonshine for business.

[Name] Town

Mythic's Bar

Edited at August 13, 2021 09:47 PM by Wanderlust
Wicked West | Wild West RP | OPENAugust 13, 2021 10:02 PM


Posts: 2721
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Roles Explained

Father/Head of the House
The father, now deceasd, was the head of the house. Normally, the eldest son would take on this role and continue on his father's legacy through becoming the head of the house. Sadly, this go-around, that has changed. The head of the house is pretty much the boss of everyone, to be honest, and is always keeping others in line. For now, this role is forever locked.

Also now deceased, it is exactly as it sounds; she's the mother of the kids and rightfully so. She would take care of them, nurse them, and raise them alongside the father whenever he got the chance. She would help supervise his choices with the plantations, and was pretty much second-in-command, but was mainly there for the kids. For now, this role is also locked forever.

The Oldest Siblings/The Twins
Made up of the two twin girls, the oldest siblings pretty much run the house now. They oversee everything, and pretty much have the same abilities as the head of the house would. The eldest twin took the rest of the kids under their wing, becoming their legal and rightful guardian in this time of tradgedy. Basically, what they say goes, and they now have ownership of the plantation. They are both 19.

The Middle Children
These two are three years apart. The eldest out of these two is 17, while the youngest out of the two are 14, almost 15. They are pretty much here to help the eldest siblings, though can still be shunned out of business if they feel necessary. They are normally tasked with whatever the eldest needs done, outside or inside while they deal with issues in the family.

The Babies
Ah yes, the babies - the eldest is 13 while the youngest is 10. They normally just do simple tasks around the house, nothing too major. They are to be protected at all costs, as they pretty much hold the future to the family. They are especially shunned away from knowing a lot of the business, but may know some things.

Hired Workers
For now, there are only three slots for the hired workers (rest are NPCs). They do pretty much all the work on the plantation, and are paid for their troubles. Can be male or female.

Pretty self-explanatory. The last three outlaws in the area have been causing the Kisai family trouble for quite some time. They all run together, live together, and reside in their own little camp near the town. Can be male or female.

**Be sure to keep genders as even as possible.

Edited at August 16, 2021 09:55 AM by Wanderlust
Wicked West | Wild West RP | OPENAugust 14, 2021 12:20 AM


Posts: 2721
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Father - Deceased
By the name of Jameson Kasai, James was a rather stern yet loving and caring father. He was always ensuring work was done whenever it was needed and was a persistent, determined, and a hard-worker. He was a brunette, a bit more of a grizzled looking man with a lean build but was still tall.

Mother - Deceased
Remembered for caring and nurturing nature towards the children and her husband. Her name was Rose Kasai, and was always there for those around her. Most called her selfless and had the biggest heart. She was a dirty blonde, a bit more on the shorter side, and a rather average-sized woman for her age.

Hired Workers
Riley - Male - Rude, stoic, cocky
Matthew - Male - Quiet, reserved, generally respectful
Wesley - Male - Respectful, sarcastic, hard-worker

Each playable character will have their own horse, so there's no need to list them. You can include a description of the horse in your form if you'd life, though it isn't required.

William - Male - Golden Retriever
This boy is definitely one of the plantation's finest. He gets along with everyone, and in his old age, has become one of the best lap dogs you could imagine. He spends his days sun-bathing on the veranda of the house.

Father's Murderer
Nobody knows who, but it's suspected to be one of the hired workers (NPC).

Edited at August 14, 2021 12:49 AM by Wanderlust
Wicked West | Wild West RP | OPENAugust 14, 2021 12:20 AM


Posts: 2721
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Father/Head of the House


The Oldest Siblings/Twins
Name | 19 | Female | Spellbound
Name | 19 | Female | Wanderlust

The Middle Children
Name | 17 | Gender | Overthink101
Name | 14 | Male | Valinyx

The Babies
Name | 13 | Gender | Pack Name
Name | 10 | Gender | Pack Name

Hired Workers
Name | Age | Gender | Pack Name
Name | Age | Gender | Pack Name
Name | Age | Gender | Pack Name

Name | Age | Gender | Pack Name
Name | Age | Gender | Pack Name
Name | Age | Gender | Pack Name

Edited at August 14, 2021 08:09 PM by Wanderlust
Wicked West | Wild West RP | OPENAugust 14, 2021 12:22 AM


Posts: 2721
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RP Thread


After the mysterious death of their beloved father, a powerful family of witches dodge the mysteries of what else the Wild West has to bring to them.

Wicked West | Wild West RP | OPENAugust 14, 2021 12:25 AM


Posts: 2721
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Character Sheet

**If making a family member, be sure to keep to the ages. They will all have the same last name.

**Also make sure that if the character is in the family, you give a reasonable power considering they're witches. They will know different spells and such, but they will have a 'default' power they use. If you have questions, run them by me.

**Reservations last 48 hours.

Power [Do not include if outlaw or hired-worker]

Edited at August 14, 2021 12:33 AM by Wanderlust
Wicked West | Wild West RP | OPENAugust 14, 2021 12:26 AM


Posts: 2721
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Zehra Kasai

Name Meaning
Zehra ; Beauty ; unknown origin




Bisexual, male lean, closeted

-Curvy ; hourglass figure
-Large chest
-Tannish skin
-Black hair, thick, a bit greasy
-Fits well into elegant dresses
-Large amounts of jewelry ; rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc

-Can be protective; especially of her family



Oldest Sibling/Twin



Edited at August 16, 2021 03:28 AM by Wanderlust
Wicked West | Wild West RP | OPENAugust 14, 2021 12:31 AM


Posts: 22536
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