Wolf Play : Tainted Crown | Medieval Kingdom RP | Open!
 Night Shade
08:53:46 Graves | Chaos
How did I know the way it would be pronounced before even hearing it?
08:52:21 The Naming Empress
HeÂ’s gorgeous
08:51:02 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
The meeeeecro waaaavee
08:50:35 ET
You're so welcome
08:49:41 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
You have ruined my micro wave thoughts.
 Meliora Wolves
08:49:11 crow (he/they/zae)
not sure why but for the past couple of days i've just had absolutely no filter and almost any coherent thought ends up being said out loud before i even realize it
08:48:40 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

She was pretty and good natured, wish I knew her longer. (She was a friend of a friend's horse, we were just visiting to gather hay, she isn't dead. >_>)
08:47:11 IAmNotEurope / Euro
Hes pretty
 Continental Wolves
08:45:38 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Crappy quality photo of him but meet the himbo of the coop
 Wolves of Kirsuk
What level do woodchucks show up on in the forest? I canÂ’t find them in the encyclopedia?
08:45:26 Lil Techy | Techno
I haven't checked my moon flower count since the beginning of FMC should I see how much I've made?
08:45:24 ET
I genuinely can't say microwave normally after seeing this video it ruined my life
 Night Shade
08:45:20 Graves | Chaos
I did in fact do a round of wolf party. What do we think?

-WP Click-
08:44:39 she/her
i think leucism is unique in that it doesn't affect the pigmentation of the eyes like albinism does
 The Night Walker
08:44:34 Anemoia/Aedra
That's the most amazing thing I've heard/read today-
08:44:29 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Ah yes. The Michael Wave.
 Meliora Wolves
08:43:22 crow (he/they/zae)
i heard my parents mention mac n cheese and as a response i just whispered "macking cheese from the michael wave" i think my brain is broken 😭😭
08:43:07 IAmNotEurope / Euro
-WP Click-
im pretty sure animals with leucism have stark white eyes (unless im thinking piebalds
08:42:38 Kat ?
I want to write more yet alas I am at a boring standstill in the book e.e
08:41:11 ET
Somehow I knew this but managed to forget yet again, it'd be a little ridiculous if players could just block me and I couldn't contact them 😭


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Tainted Crown | Medieval Kingdom RP | Open!August 3, 2021 10:49 PM


Posts: 22536
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Heavy is the head that wears the crown - William Shakesphere

The King of Dyrious has perished in war. And his sons and heirs have been slain in the battles as well. Leaving only a young daughter behind, the only legal heir for throne. The Queen Mother being deathy-ill and bedbound, does her best to encourage her daughter.

In truth, the Kingdom is suffering. Disease and famine is facing them and citizens have been dying in large numbers and they are in diress. Her father did nothing to help them, and neither did the nobles.They only being selfish and greedy. With this young queen the people hold hope that she may save them from this fate, restore the kingdom to honor and glory again. Not to mention the Kingdom being in the middle of a fierce war with an agressive Kingdom. The sons of commoners and nobles alike are being to fight in the war and they are loosing miserably. Resources are running thin and so are soiders. Some aren't pleased with this new queen and are eager to see her downfall.

Will you help her stand tall and save her kingdom or help it descend further into chaos

Edited at August 4, 2021 12:18 AM by Spellbound
Tainted Crown | Medieval Kingdom RP | Open!August 3, 2021 10:59 PM


Posts: 22536
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Eve's rules obviously apply
1. No OP characters. No godmoding. No Gary, Mary, Sue's and inbetween
2. No OOC drama, RP drama is welcome
3. Don't be that guy - always disobeying a higher rank is fun, but doing it too much is annoying
4. Be creative with your characters. I don't want to see no generic apperances, give variety. And as much as I love tragic backstories, not every.single.character needs a sob story.
5. Put, Loyalty To The Queen in other
6. You may play the mother of your own character or sibling/family member of your own character. No romance between your own charactes. No insta-romances, but pre-established relationships are welcomed. Put duchess somewhere in your form, hide it.
7. This is a Semi-Literate to Literate RP. I am expecting at least 300+ words per post, and proper grammar and etc. You all know the drill.
8. Please be active. Don't join just to leave :D
9. LGBTQIA+ is welcomed
10. Have fun :D

Edited at August 4, 2021 03:21 AM by Spellbound
Tainted Crown | Medieval Kingdom RP | Open!August 3, 2021 11:13 PM


Posts: 22536
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Kingdom Roles


The Head of State. Though she is the greatest, she is also the least. A slave for her people, making sure they have food and homes before she may rest her head. A mother and a trusted friend of the people, she must love them from the beggar to the noble. She defends and protects her people with a motherly protection. She makes the hard decisions dealing with warfare and alliances. A postion that is heavy upon the heart.


Those second under the Queen. They help her manage the Kingdom, and they advise and help her make decisions. They oversee the education of the noble children, and are in charge if the Queen is not present. They are trusted and respected.


He is an officer whose business was to denounce or proclaim war, to challenge to battle, to proclaim peace, and to bear messages from the commander of an army. He was invested with a sacred and inviolable character. They are the dearest to the Queen, they are swift to spring to her commands. They give her aid, fellowship, and always understand. They know they may be sent to danger or to die, and know they might be sacrificed and understand their duties to the kingdom. They do more than the Queen requires. They go with willing minds and loving hearts straight into danger for the Queen.


The noblemen and women of the court who give imput on decisions made by the Queen. They also may be sent to command armies or to serve and defend the Kingdom as a knight. Some may be spoiled and bold, sheltered and think only of themselves.

Royal Guards

They protect the Queen. Another person dear to the Queen. They must be wlling to die for her, and protect at all costs. They are a friend and at times someone to provide support for the Queen. They are over the Knights of the Castle and command their shifts and where they are assigned.


Those of nobility who protect and guard the castle grounds, and the people within the city. Some also may be sent to fight in war and earn medals and honors.


Common and noble folk trained to fight in the war. They also may also training to be future knights or former knights.


Ladies of the Palace that clean and keep the palace shimmering. Also known for tailoring and embroidery.

Common Folk

The poor and wealthy members of the town. From baker, jeweler, thief, farmer and fisherman. They are the heart of the Kingdom, and trust in their Queen. Currently they are suffering due to her father's rule.

Edited at August 3, 2021 11:39 PM by Spellbound
Tainted Crown | Medieval Kingdom RP | Open!August 3, 2021 11:38 PM


Posts: 22536
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The Main Kingdom

The country of Dyrious is a modest country with a population of 380,161 humans. Bordered between a calm ocean to the North, a marsh to the South, a volcano to the East and mineral rich mountains to the West, the country of Oxtrad mainly lives off mining/jewels, fishing/cooking, exotic spices/animals, and alchemy, and woodcrafting. The country's landscape is quite pleasant; terraced fields of green, majestic mountain tops and calm lakes are just a sliver of the gorgeousness Dyrious has to offer, which is why the country is a preferred destination among foreigners. The people of Dyrious are warm towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with generosity. They feel foreigners could maintain the country's well being.

The Army
The Warring Kingdom
The country of Bunia is a large country with a population of 790, 265. Bordered between a small mountain range to the North, large mountains to the South, hills to the East and a glacier to the West, the country of Bunia mainly lives off alchemy, wood production and war. Bunia itself is mainly covered in shallow lakes and has a rainy climate, which has lead to a scattered population, despite the number of people, which means most of them live in tiny towns.

The country's landscape is treacherous; destructive waterfalls, wild, overgrown forests and prickly flowers are just a sliver of the barrenness Bunia has to offer, which is why the country is an infamous destination among foreigners. The people of Bunia are are hostile towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with animosity. They feel foreigners could ruin the country's well being. Bunia has tough laws and law enforcement, which is to be expected. The people are upset due to mediocre medicine, caused by greed. This is also reflected in the country's flag, which has two horizontal stripes and a triangle in dark gold, dark silver and gold. Their coat of arms are two ravens on a shield

Edited at August 4, 2021 12:11 AM by Spellbound
Tainted Crown | Medieval Kingdom RP | Open!August 3, 2021 11:45 PM


Posts: 22536
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Role List


Queen Persephone De Clare

Jaster Limboun
reserved - Golden Corax

Liam Cadello
reserved - Deadly Karma

Troy Driot | 22 | M | Wanderlust
reserved - Golden Corax

Royal Guards
Neith Elaine Nesryn Ostana | F | 26 | Wanderlust
Reserved - ataciara

Giovanni Achilles Lane - M
Marcella Anne Lane - F
Sigourney Delilah Booke - F
Alkyre "Ky" | M | 20 | Mafia Queen
reserved - Deadly Karma


Ezra Derringer | M | 20 | Mafia Queen
reserved - Deadly Karma


Wren Derringer | F | 20 | Mafia Queen
reserved - Vintage

Common Folk
Lukas J. Black | 22 | M | Animal Shop Owner | R.I.P.

Edited at August 9, 2021 12:40 PM by Spellbound
Tainted Crown | Medieval Kingdom RP | Open!August 3, 2021 11:53 PM


Posts: 22536
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Desired Rank:
Loyalty to the Queen?
If Commoner, Your Occupation:
If Commoner, Your Economic Status:
If Commoner, Your Health Status:
Backstory: *

Edited at August 4, 2021 03:18 AM by Spellbound
Tainted Crown | Medieval Kingdom RP | Open!August 4, 2021 12:12 AM


Posts: 22536
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Persephone De Clare
Persephone Cecelia De Clare
20 years of age
Bisexual, male lean. Demiromantic
The Queen
Desired Rank:
Achieved ; though under horrible cirumstances.
Loyalty to the Queen?
She is the Queen, imbecile.
If Commoner, Your Occupation:
If Commoner, Your Economic Status:
If Commoner, Your Health Status:
-Petite Stature ; 5'1 in height
- Face ; Diamond-shaped, high and regal cheekbones, sharp jawline, soft rosy lips, natural beauty mark under her right eye, forest green eyes, fire-red hair [ frizzy, untamable, usually in a elegant braid.]
- Body ; Gorgeous sun-kissed skin. Athlethicly lean build, muscle from some of her strenous hobbies, quite agile and nimble, curvy and full-body:thick thighs, has a nice rack and is bootilicious.
Wherever this young woman goes her presence commands respect. If not from the bold, elegant stride in her walk. Then from the look in her eyes as if saying: I own this room, look at me. This female doesn't lack confidence, but is not overly confident as to be arrogant or cocky. She knows when to be humble and ask for help, it's more on the level she is sure of her actions and who she is. She won't let this confidence be undermined or taken from her. Perse has a certain fierceness behind her, with fire and passion in her steps. One can also see the fierceness reflected in her eyes, whether it be through sharp, unimpressed glares or a icy and blank stare. This female can be described as an introvert with extrovert tendencies, both sociable and unsociable. While young woman is good at making small talk with strangers she often zones out when chatting with her friends. Yet, they know she means no harm. It’s difficult for her to keep up conversations at times, but she keep initiating them anyways. She spends a lot of time with her thoughts when she's alone, but say things without thinking when you’re with others. She can come off as blunt and coarse at times. Being around people does drain her energy but in a good way. However, being alone for lengthy periods of time makes her anxious. This femme love listening and talking to friends about their lives- their struggles, successes, and whatever they’re going through. But she won’t get involved and would rather let them fight their own battles, unless she deems necessary or feels a certain protectiveness over you. She truly treasures her relationships and friendships, but just have a hard time showing it. But when she does, it's quite sweet.

This female has a elegant and refined nature. When she walks, she glides. Never having overly loud or clonky steps. She has never been a clumsy child, so she is quite graceful in her walk. Her posture is always on point, and she holds her head in a regal and dignified manner. This has been drilled into her due to her parentage and being sent to finishing school. When she eats, she doesn't chow down or dig in. She is slow in eating, savoring every bite. Not one to fully clear her plate so she doesn't seem like a pig. However, one thing is she does love good cooking. It's a surprise she's not fat with how much she eats. Her words are always well-chosen and elegant in manner, in a pitch that's not too mild as to think her unconfident or shy or too loud to think her unlady-like. It is one to get her point across. Even if she's angry she won't yell, but will deliver her words in a venomous tone of voice but eloquence and class. Her face is also way of expressing her elegance, by having a lovely and inviting face with a charming smile.

She notices body language: posture, eye contact, facial expressions, and changes in breathing. It’s a common belief that when we lie, we don’t make eye contact with the person we’re lying to. You can’t hide anything from her. So if you have something to say to this young woman, just spit it out; she would've dragged it out of you eventually anyway, and you’d just feel better for having gotten it off of your chest. Whenever she's still, this woman used time wisely to hone her senses, soaking in her surroundings, taking in the intricate beading on the shoes of the woman standing in front of them or the way the man hanging around the castle grounds and keeps nervously combing his fingers through his hair. Sometimes she even like to make up stories; maybe the guy is meeting a secret lover, or maybe he’s nervous talk to her. Since she notices everything, when something is out of place, it throws her universe out of balance, but part of the reason why she can remain so focused and productive in her everyday lives is because they have everything they need at her fingertips. No searching for ink or turning their desk drawers upside-down to find a quill. Persephone is always attentive to social dynamics, and because they can read body language extremely well, she can determine pretty easily how people treat one another. She can tell when couples are truly in love by the tone in which they talk to each other or how closely they sit to each other. She can deduce how close a pair of friends are by the tone of voice and the conversation. She has an eidetic memory.

She believes a person who could master their desires, their fears, and all the other emotions which threatened to overwhelm them reason was mightier than the wealthiest and strongest king. many. This young lady has quite a reputation amongst her peers—though an aristocrat, she has went barefoot in the cold and bareheaded in the rain, and wore simple, old clothes. She has also lived among the common folk for short periods of time so she can know her people and understand their daily struggles.
While this young woman can maintain a serene disposition in the most chaotic situations, this does not mean she is immune to inner turmoil. She just keep a lid on it. She does experience stress, but it's bottled up, like shaking an unopened coke bottle. The liquid foams and churns inside but nothing escapes to the outside world. In the case of Persophone , the turmoil is contained and hidden behind an expression that perennially projects self-control.

If overwhelmed and embittered, the she may detach and withdraw. She shuts-down and become resigned to a life she sees as a prison sentence, something that must be endured or tolerated, no matter how tortuous the path or the circumstances may seem. At this point, she builds an inpenetrable wall around themselves to shut-out any feelings or emotions that could distract them from their focus on a task or just getting through life in general. Becoming indifferent to the world, however, may alleviate some internal strife, but it also creates barriers that block emotionally fulfilling relationships and other outlets of joy that make life worth living. You'll never see her cry publicly, only in her private chambers will she weep or grieve. Her face can be described like a mask and is often long-drawn as if weighted by the gravity of her burdens. When her eyes are not frustratingly impassive, they can appear, in a poetic sense, like dark chasms that act as reservoirs for the failures, disappointments, and losses of humanity.

Becase she has the right amount of wit and intelligence, she developed sass as she got older. Just like you learn to think before you talk, she acquired the skills of speaking her mind, but in a less childish and overt manner. Very diplomatic and has a calculated approach in what she's going to say and how to act, and uses a certain degree of logic and know-how to keep herself in tact. Known to be smartass. She’ll be the first one to call you out on your overt attempts of impressing someone, but the difference is, they’ll do it in a playful manner because she means well. She doesn't give a crap about what others think about her, how come comes off, doesn't take bullshit or disrespect from them, and she does what she wants, when she wants, period.

This young woman has an inner motivation that pushes her to get to the heart of an issue and find solutions. This young woman drills for specific answers and don’t give up until they get them. Her high energy is infectious. She consistently drive their priorities through the organization. She searches tenaciously for information they’re missing and keep tweaking her mental models until they arrive at a positioning that works. But drive and tenacity can cause her to stick to a plan that isn’t working, or outdated assumptions, or an investment that is no longer promising. This female is a realist. Realism is the mid-point between optimism and pessimism, and the degree to which you tend toward one or the other has a particularly powerful effect on your use of the know-hows. Optimism can lead, for example, to ambitious goals that outstrip the nations ability to accomplish them or can compromise your judgments her people: “I know his ego has no bounds, but I can coach him to become a team player.” But pessimists don’t want to hear ambitious plans or bold initiatives and can find all the flaws and risks in pursuing them when they do. They’re likely to miss opportunities. While her being a realist makes her open to whatever hand reality deals her.She wants to get unfiltered information that can be weighed, measured, evaluated and tested to determine what step to take next. She spends time interacting with nations and allies, getting information and a “feel” from those constituencies about their thinking.

She'll go the extra mile to protect her loved ones from harm – especially those in her family or inner circle of friends. She has a gift for creating stability, security, and dependability for the people she care about. It’s like she can create a force field of protection and gentle care around the people she loves. Will protect them at any cost. In the past, she loved creating a relaxed, optimistic atmosphere because that brings her a lot of joy. She enjoyed swapping jokes and interesting stories with her friends, making the castle smell nice with candles or baked goods, or playing low-key competitive games. Creating, or being in, an atmosphere that is laid-back, harmonious, and pleasant was good for her soul. However, she doesn't joke or smile as much, but instead sports a more stoic expression and has become more cold and distant to her close friends and friends due to the dire circumstances. It seems she's on a path of self-destrucrion.

She doesn't need a husband
Mind your buiness
King Darius; Father ; 52 ; deceased, died at war (poison) ; was poisoned by Persephone before war
Queen Ayeline; Mother ; 43 ; gravely ill, bed-ridden
Duke Winston ; Brother ; 23 ; deceased, died at war ; not on good terms, despised this misogynistic bastard
Duke Chivon ; Brother ; 21 ; deceased, died at war
Knight Larry ; Brother ; 19 ; deceased, died at war
Her younger sister who is 17 is open
Troy Driot: A very complicated and complex one.
* Gardening
* Reading
* Playing musical instruments
* Horseback Riding
* Archery
* Fencing and Swordsmanship
* Falconry
- Cats
- Snow
-Baby Animals
-Her Kingdom
-Her Family
-Raptors, bias towards falcons and owls
-Swords and Knives
- CHAOS. When created by her :D
-Being woken up too early
-Disorder and insubordination
-Dirty Palace
-Overly Affectionate
-Being coddled or underestimated
-Greedy/close-fisted people
Backstory: *
Her Themesongs:

Edited at August 6, 2021 04:29 AM by Spellbound
Tainted Crown | Medieval Kingdom RP | Open!August 4, 2021 12:12 AM


Posts: 22536
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Giovanni Achilles Lane
Bisexual Disaster. Swears up and down he's straight, but if he sees a hot man, he can't help but oogle him.
Desired Rank:
Royal Guard
Loyalty to the Queen?
He would die for her.
If Commoner, Your Occupation:
If Commoner, Your Economic Status:
If Commoner, Your Health Status:
This male is the more femenine appearing of the twins. However, from some angles you can tell he is a male. This male is of average-stature standing at 5'8, which is quite short for a man in reality. He has a lithe and leanly built body. While he may appear to be a frail and gentle from his build, if you look closer you can see the well-formed muscle from training and hard work. He is very flexible and nible in his movements. He also has well shaped legs, with nicely carved thighs. One would even say, thunder-thighs (boy does his crunches and squats.) Another thing to mention is from the backside you can see his nice curvy figure and nice ass. I mean not all guys have a dumptruck but this one does, and it's commonly gotten him mistaken for a hot chick. If one were to inspect his back you would notice cute mole-like birthmarks scattered about them, along with some faint scars. He really doesn't like talking about them.

The face of this young man is round but bears a subtle sharpness. He bears high cheekbones with round and plump cheeks which gives her a juvenile air. His cheeks are rosy in coloration and dusted lightly by freckles. Her nose is a small and dainty one. It reminds you of a little button and it has a slight bridge that goes up to her eyes. The bridge of his nose is noticeable and not like that of a Roman nose which is something to gawk at. His nose shape is a mixture of a celestial, button, and a snub nose. His nose is small and round which is characteristic of a button nose, yet it has a slight sharpness at the tip like that of the celestial nose. The only reason it can be mentioned with a snub nose is due to that slight widening of the nose which gives it that button-like appearance. Along his nose bridge are a small number of freckles, but they are usually hidden by a light coat of concealer. He also wears a medium-sized diamond nose ring. He has big expressive upturned almond eyes that are an light blue coloration. If you look closer, you can see the faintest hint of darker blue around his pupil and in some lights, his eyes look grey. They can grow stormy in anger or in most cases light up with excitement at learning and discovering new things. And they are framed by long, naturally curled lashes. He has thick inky black eyebrows that add to the expressiveness of her features. His lips are quite plump and have a natural dark red hue to them which stands out against her darker beige-skin. His skin is of olive tone which is beige with just a hint of brown tint and due to her days out in the sun it is on the darker end of the spectrum but if he stays inside it’ll lighten up to an almost light brown color. He has round ears with a slightly pointed tip and large lobes.

-Quiet and Reserved
-Inner Bitchy; Passive-Agressive
-Witty and cheeky
-Confident of himself; charming
-Can be slightly flirty
-Loyal and honest
-Big brother vibes
-Gloomy, moody at times
We'll see
Hell no
Twin Sister -
Duke Sacrious ; Father
Duchess Gale ; Mother
* Swordsmanship
* Bow and Arrows
* Horse Riding
* Embroidery
* Alchemy
* Botany
* Singing
-Fables and Myths of old
-Sitting in trees or high places with his legs dangling
-His excellent swordsmanship
-Drama, he craves to know the tea
-Cats, because they're sarcastic badasses who don't give af like him
-The color black
-Loves seafood
-Beautiful needlework
-Gorgeous and comfortable clothing
Backstory: *
-Paint It Black by Ciara
-Wrong Bitch by Todrick Hall
-Hair, Hips, Nails, Heels by Todrick Hall

Edited at August 4, 2021 10:31 PM by Spellbound
Tainted Crown | Medieval Kingdom RP | Open!August 4, 2021 12:25 AM


Posts: 2721
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Neith Elaine Nesryn Ostana

"I hope you keep your word, otherwise I ought to cut your tongue out with my beloved sword."

Name: Neith Elaine Nesryn Ostana

Age: 26

Gender: Female
Rank: Royal Guard

Desired Rank: Content

Loyalty to the Queen?: Neith would in fact die for her. She is committed, rather protective of the Queen. She is not afraid to do what is asked of the woman, create a more secured environment, etc. Neith admires her with utmost respect.
Appearance: Neith comes from a long line of taller women, which she inevitably inherited. Standing at five foot ten, Neith stands with a slight masculine build. Although she's quite slim and flat-chested, she also has slightly broad shoulders that lead down to her thicker, more muscled arms due to her sword-fighting and the constant work she has to do to maintain her muscle so she isn't weak. From there, you can see some veins, but none that actually pop out of her arms. Trailing down her arms, you get to her hands which are slim and slightly boney, but nothing too crazy.

Neith is, like already stated, flat-chested and holds a more masculine frame. Despite this, she still has a curvy body, but not an exact hourglass shape. Her stomach is flat, leading down to her rather thin legs. Neith has average sized feet, having been used for balance and because she is so light, she is quite agile. Neith has no visible blemishes across her body, apart from some light freckling on her shoulders and chest. Neith does in fact has some scattered scars from battles and sparring, but the most major one is the one across her back, starting at her lefts shoulder and wrapping around to reach her right hip, which has caused her some trauma for some time but she has since then gained her strength back.

Neith has a rather angular face, but it is more on the rounder side. With a more ovular face, Neith has defined features. First of all, her jawline is quite defined, but not necessarily sharped. Her cheekbones sit high on her face, but are also defined but not as much as her jawline. She has an average-sized forehead with a good hairline. Her eyebrows sit about half an inch above her eyes, which are thick and only slightly arched towards the ends. She likes to keep her face looking clean, so she'll clean up her eyebrows with a face razor of sorts. Anyways, Neith inherited her mother's big, blue and round eyes. They get darker towards the middle and are rimmed with dark lashes, but are more thin. Neith has a small button nose that sits comfortably on her face. Just below that are her full lips, which are a rosy color and she constantly tries to keep them moisturizes as she hates chapped lips.

Neith has long, raven black hair that reaches just in the middle of her back. It is normally put in a braid and tucked away, keeping the hair out of her face while doing her work. She tends to stray towards more simple hairstyles, but if a special event is happening, she might try something else that is more regal of sorts or something along those lines. Neith doesn't have much volume to her hair, minus the fact that it is thick and sort of hard to take care of, but she enjoys her longer hair. Anyways, it is always tended to once needed, but after a hard's day at work, it will become slightly greasy.

Because of her work, Neith has become known for wearing her more masculine clothes and nothing 'lady-like,' if you will. She strays towards a simple undershirt, normally pale in color and a button-up. On top of that, she will wear a black waistcoat, sometimes different colors if she feels like it, but black is her go-to. And to top it off, she will wear her heavy wolf-fur coat. Of course she will wear armor once absolutely needed, but Neith has become comfortable enough to roam around without it and is skilled enough to protect herself. She wears heavy boots, meant for different kinds of terrain. On rare occasions she will wear a dress, which is normally light in fabric and quite elegant looking. She does not wear any jewelry, at least not normally. She might wear pearls or something a bit more better than those, but otherwise, it's pretty limited.

Personality: Neith comes off as confident, sometimes even cocky, but regardless, Neith knows how to hold her ground and can easily manage herself. She's quite independent, only really asking for help if she is in great need, which even then she might not even do. She likes to keep to herself, creating a wall and setting boundaries. Because of this, Neith will in fact come off as blunt and sometimes even an asshole, but she of course doesn't mean it. In fact, most of her blutness is caused by her honesty. She's straight up and straight to the point, never wasting any time.

Neith might be able to keep her composure during intense moments, but she is in fact tempered. Her stubborn nature and temper make her seem intimidating at times, but her temper will always get the best of her. However, she tends to work harder because not only is she passionate, but her temper tends to keep her going. This does in fact cause her to hate being told to stop doing something, but Neith also needs a way to express her anger and her work is her main outlet and a source of relief. Some people are able to calm Neith down, but most of the time, she will in fact stick to herself and focus on what she needs to do. Neith has been known to stray away from groups because of this, not because she is anti-social.

Past her temper, Neith is kind and caring and protective. Although she might not show it, she would die for those close to her and who have shown her that they care. She's, again, passionate, but is unsure of how to express her feelings towards others without being at least a bit awkward. She might make you uncomfortable, but understanding Neith is one thing you must do to know she does care. Although her words might be enough, which she is very good with, Neith will like to take action in showing how she cares. Small gifts or some goods might do the trick, but if she actually likes you, she might even flirt a bit. Sometimes it's a joke, but if she has genuine feelings, she might as well mean it.

This leads into her flirty nature. Neith is charismatic, more than you might expect, and tends to lighten the mood by making either flirty comments or just making sarcastic comments. More than likely it's a mix of both, but this might cause her to mislead the person she's interacting with. Although she may never know, someone who has feelings for her might take her remarks the wrong way and create some sort of relationship chaos. Neith does take relationships seriously but is awkward within the moment and will only show her true emotions if she actually likes you, even if it is just platonic.

Already quite powerful with her work and words, Neith tends to come off as dominant, especially within her line of work. This makes her even more intimidating with her powerful words. She tends to make threats that yes, she may or may not do, but she will always assert dominance in any way she can. She tends to do this when she feels threaten, but she can manage herself. Neith can come off as cocky at times like these, but even then, she will forever keep to her word, threat or not, and will be as honest as possible.
Spouse: N/A, open

Crush: N/A, open

Children: N/A, open

Knight Damen/Younger brother - Died at war
Knight Dorian/Younger brother - Died at war
Duchess/Older sister - Unknown whereabouts, presumably dead
Matthias/Father - Deceased
Helen/Mother - Deceased

Affiliations/Relationships: To be discussed
Hobbies: Not much, but she does enjoy hands-on activities such as wood-whittling and sketching.
Likes: Neith enjoys the idea of training others and the amount of power she holds over others, but it's more of a respect thing. She's a fan of adventuring and discovering new things, whether it be something small or big. The company of others, rain, writing, reading, singing (although she isn't good at it), homemade food, fighting, are some other things she likes doing.

Dislikes: Neith dislikes anyone who comes close to harming her or those above or even below her. She despises those who demands things from her, and her temper will in fact get the best of her. She hates snow and the cold in general. Neith doesn't take a liking to showing her emotions, either.
Strengths: Neith is quite skilled with her sword and footwork. Being light and agile on her feet helps her move around quick and being small allows her to fit into smaller spaces where others around her might not be able to. She is persuasive and is able to keep her calm during tense situations and while fighting. This is useful in most situations. Neith also has decent upperbody strength.

Weaknesses: Neith's biggest weakness is her temper, sometimes causing her to say things she doesn't need. Her size isn't any better either, maybe worse than her temper, because she can't do true hand-to-hand combat. Anyways, Neith has a tendency to also reserve herself and come off as an asshole sometimes. Her awkward nature might break the mood sometimes, even if she doesn't mean to.
Backstory: WIP, but generally uninteresting. Rather normal childhood, decent parents, though grew up poor. Parents passed away due to famine.

Other: Loyalty to the Queen.

Edited at August 4, 2021 12:42 AM by Wanderlust
Tainted Crown | Medieval Kingdom RP | Open!August 4, 2021 12:30 AM

Former Pack

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Liam Cadello
"Brotherly Dumbass 101"

26 Years

Male - Masculine



Desired Rank
He's good :)

Loyalty to the Queen?
Very loyal, he would gladly die for her cause and go into even the most impossible of battles or tall of tasks if she asked it of him

"What?- I- no that wasn't what I meant!"

Liam isn't one that could be considered overly or ridiculously tall compared to that of the average human, nor is he tiny or small when compared to another. Maybe he stands a foot taller than the average human, but he considers it nothing of something impressive standing around 5'8" with messy-ish dirty blonde colored hair that doesn't reach below where his neck and head meet and amber eyes that can sometimes be seen as more of a rich brown or even orange in the right kind of lighting accompanying olive colored skin. This man is relatively unscratched when it comes to scars, besides the 3 deep claw marks on his right arm going near the shoulder that makes the skin a bit of a paler coloration in comparison to the rest. His attire consists mainly of nothing too extravagant or fancy of the likes when compared to the more royal garbs someone with more money or higher rank may posses or when put in comparison to that of one a commoner may posses. He likes to think of it near the middle of such a spectrum, with a lightish navy colored cloak made from that of a mix of wool and something close to silk. The inner layer differences from outside, with the material all around looking rather smooth but soft at the same time and while it may look navy from the outside the inside is colored the same white as the shirt he wears underneath. The outside of his hoodie bears the outline of triangles no more than an inch tall, all connected at the bottom corners trimming the edges of his hoodie in a gold color that glimmers more of a lightened bronze inside of the sunlight and even a pale coloration during the light of the moon. The hood of his cloak is almost always down, and it's rare to see it ever up covering his face and shadowing his amber colored eyes unless he needs to be low profile or on stealth, it's most likely to be up and shadowing the top half of his face whenever he has to make a war declaration or when bearing a message to an untrustworthy kingdom wanting to keep his indentity somewhat secret but also be able to complete the task at hand.

Underneath his cloak Liam bears a plan white colored shirt with the royal emblem of the kingdom stitched on in black thread at the top right where his heart would be. The herald sees it as a good omen to himself, though it usually can't be seen despite the face the cloak is only clipped together at the neck by a golden colored pin that looks like that of a diagonally tilted sword clipped the cloak together at the neck where the hood connects to the rest of the flowing fabric. A somewhat small in size in comparison to a more average looking satchel, can he seen laying at his side strapped both around his waist and over his right shoulder which is opposite of where it sits by his hip. The bag in particular is rather flat or short in width and squarish in shape, and is closed by a golden forged clip keeping it together. The straps and the bag are all made from a worn kind of brown leather, and it's very easy to tell it's frequently used by how it looks worn down while also somehow looking years from falling apart and the common sight of it being strapped over his shoulder carrying various things inside of it. Brown colored combat boots, close in coloration with the leather satchel at his side if not for the richer tones they carry and the layer of dust seeming to always coat them dulling the edges of said boots sometimes, are what Liam is normally seen wearing when walking about inside and outside of the castles grounds and when hurrying to get somewhere or making to travel to deliver a war declaration of some sort or maybe even a peace treaty. Like the satchel they are well worn, and while they don't look like they might fall apart at any moment they are far from looking like something brand new. He has the money to buy some new, maybe even more high quality shoes, but Liam insists on continuing to wear them no matter how worn down they get until he outgrows the pair or they get damaged beyond some sort of repair. While his satchel lays on his left side by the hip, with the leather strap on his right shoulder cutting diagonally across his chest, his right side at his waist, maybe slightly below that, doesn't lay unoccupied. Two, again, leather made sheaths sit at his side one next to the other wearing two different kinds of swords that Liam likes to mainly use

The first, and his most favored one, is a rapier sword. With the silver forged blade being long and thin, but also very precise and able to land clean, quick hits to his enemies. The initial handle part is seemingly wrapped in some sort of reddish-brown colored cloth, giving a good grip to the handle of the sword so it doesn't fly out of ones hand or make it so he can be disarmed easily with a flick of another's blade of made upon contact, and the rest of the handle consisting of what normally would be some supposed kind of cap but looks more that of a irregular cylinder shape that gets thicker as it goes out away from the clothes handle. Attached to the near end point of the cylinder, to the right side of the sword if placed on the group flat, curves out like that of an arch before reattaching itself back to the sword much farther down at the hilt of the blade where it seems as if it cuts horizontally right through where the handle and blade meet and just out a fair few inches the other side. By the base of the thin silver forged blade lies curves and arches of metal surrounding it and turning inwards towards the blade, so it may make a shape similar to that of a circle taking up a bit of the base while keeping all of the arches making up such a shape separated by a fair few inches (please just search up rapier sword ;w;) His other sword is that of a longsword (please Jesus Christ just search up a longsword I'm not describing that too), Liam quite liking the distance he gets from both blades, and this particular one fastened at his side behind the sheath that his Rapier is at more positioned at his back than front so it's easier for him to grab his Rapier. He's fine with both, it's just he will use the latter less than he does the first which he seems to favor much more. It's very common that this man can be seen wearing that of a light smug smile on his features rather than that of a dark and brooding frown or less than pleased look, as it's something more of a fact than an opinion that the herald is someone very laid back and lighthearted most of the time. It's never you will see something worried or filled with anxiety on his face, nor that of something menacing or the least bit venomous, his aura is inviting and smile light if not the slightest bit smug about something. If there's an argument, it's most likely he teased someone about something again rather than the fact he or someone else said something mean and the other decided to shoot something right back. Liam's posture is also something that never feigns something less than confident, with his head always held up with pride rather than being too timid or scared, and steps always filled with the same confidence as his attitude, it's rare you can ever see him slouch or show even the smallest bit of hesitance. He seems as if he moves with a purpose, and will do his absolute best to always keep it as such

-Very lighthearted - Will usually brush off insults easily or try to joke and play around with one another - He's very chill
-Older brother vibes
-Will gladly tease someone given the opportunity - and I mean anyone, or mostly anyone
-Smug bastard
-Protective - Applies to anyone who manages to win his heart - Don't bully them or else you're gonna get an angry boi and you don't want that - Not overly protective though, but enough so that he'll step in if anyone seems to be bothering them or there's some danger
-Overly confident, or maybe it's just he's recklessly brave sometimes - He takes and does such stupidly risky things it's a miracle he's still alive and standing right now - Heck he would probably charge headfirst into a small battalion alone
-Very confident in his abilities - Never doubts his sword skills, and whenever they seem to fail he just trains harder and more vigorously - Liam likes to think he can at least hold his own for a few minutes against anyone
-Doesn't like others fussing over him - He'll always bat them away or somehow sneak off somewhere where no one can find him for hours - Any concern is always quickly brushed off, and healing is taken care of by himself - Emotional pain? Don't worry he'll just cry alone until he's all good
-Quick to cheer someone up or give them space if they need it - Liam takes notice of things like this easily, having been an older brother of 2 younger siblings - Though sometimes what he chooses can be the wrong thing to do in that moment
-Observant, takes notes about stuff mentally - Whether from the scenery, any tactical position that he's in, the enemy battalion, things about another, body language, etc
-Knows when he has to shut up and be serious - and even then he can't resist throwing in at least one lighthearted remark to break some sort of tension
-Loyal to those he can consider a close friend or family - He counts on people to keep to their goddamn promises that they make to him and anyone else or he's gonna hold a grudge
-Generally social and not afraid to talk with another, but when it comes to things concerning him he dances around the subject a lot - Hard to get personal information out of
-Trust orientated - Heavily will rely on trusting someone else that he's known or is family - Don't. Break. It. - Liam is known to hold incredibly long grudges against someone, whether for 3 years or for the rest of his life Liam won't be forgetting for a very long time
-Very honest, will always do his best to never tell someone a genuine lie. Sure, he may dodge around things concerning himself but he'll never lie about it - When he speaks, he speaks in genuine and with good intent

"Annoying isn't an insult, it's a suggestion for you to stop talking. One you should throw to the wind."


Well- I mean you could have a crush on him??? Just don't expect him to have one back, he's good


Father - Finn Cadello - Deceased - Okay Terms when they last spoke - Fell in battle
Mother - Ambrose Cadello - Missing - Okay Terms when they last spoke - Unsure
Liam isn't exactly on good terms with his parents, but he isn't on bad terms with them either. They didn't support his wish to support the kingdom despite all of its flaws and what little they did for the public, but they respected it all the same and let him be a Herald anyways. They didn't speak much to one another after that, and contact with them was minimal and yet despite that Liam still grieved his father's death after he fell in battle and was in a slightly more quiet mood after his mother's complete disappearance. They didn't get along sometimes, but he still cared
Younger Brother - Anselm Cadello - Deceased - Very good terms when they last spoke - Fell by Leicester's own hands
Younger Brother (Barely) Leicester Cadello - Alive - Horrible terms when they last spoke - Burning hatred for him
Saying Liam absolutely adored his brothers when he was younger would be an understatement. He went full on older brother mode for them, and made it his own personal role to always be beside them no matter what happened. Almost every moment of the day in his childhood was spent with them, and a lot of shenanigans often ensued. Though little changed as they grew, they did want to persue different things that caused a little bit of difference. Leicster sided with his parents, disagreeing with Liam being a Herald while Anselm sat and did little to put his opinion in. They grew distant, with Liam being a Herald for the royal family, Leicster becoming a trained knight, and Anselm wanting to become a scholar.

Open, PM me

"Okay, I can understand a tiny bit of arson, maybe an occasional oven burning but seriously? How in the world do you get a wall of all things to set on fire?! It's not even wood!"

-Duels / Practicing his Swordsmanship. It's something he takes pride into and finds it rather fun to test and improve on things he already knows or wants to try and it's something he easily thinks of when he's ever bored or in need of a distraction
-Dancing the Waltz / Ballroom dancing - It holds a special place in his heart, as Liam remembers a very long time ago when he was so much younger seeing his parents doing such a dance late nights together as he sat on the back steps with his brothers until Liam and Leicester wanted to learn. They both picked it up quite fast, and Anselm also eventually begged his two older brothers to teach him. It's still something Liam is rather skilled at, and sometimes you may be able to catch his in the halls going through the moves absentmindedly

-Teasing someone else, it's something he likes a lot. It's his thing and nobody can stop him from doing such lmao
-Being able to count on someone else to be able to do their part, it's good to be able to know they'll be able to do it and not instead worry how you'll pick up the slack for them being lazy
-Thrills, adrenaline, you name it. He rather likes it whether the thrill of falling or being chased or the adrenaline from a fight of some sort you name it
-The most random and out there of shenanigans that happen as long as they don't cause anything dire he'll laugh along and maybe even contribute
-Any kind of ballroom dancing, the waltz more specifically, if you're confused why read hobbies again lmao

-Having to make up for someone else's slack or irresponsibility
-Any feeling of dread or anxiety
-Losing his temper or control over his emotions

-Duels/Swordsmanship - When it comes to skills with a blade Liam is very experienced. In fact, this is something he very much prides himself on and whenever he may get a chance of free time it's often one might be able to see him practicing his footwork and sword skills. This is something Liam very much dedicates himself to and shame on you if you reprimand him for this, as he has no issue whatsoever to spar and show you his work isn't for nothing. It's a field he's respected for, and he bares such a thing with pride
-Footwork - Dancing
-Being there - Emotionally and psychically lmao

-Pushes others away at times - While one might be able to depend on Liam to help them and always be there for them, if there is one thing Liam is not, it is reliant on another. While this may seem like more of a good thing this prevents him much of the time from asking for any help from another or admitting when he may need a break. It's very rare when he will say such a thing, and even then it's most likely someone caught on to such fatigue or sickness and forced him to lay down. He isn't so proud that he will never admit defeat nor is he scared of asking for such help. Liam isn't sure what really is preventing him from saying such, but he will say it's the face he doesn't want to drag others down for now until he can find the real meaning
-Holds very long grudges
-Tunnel vision at times

"Cross me once shame on me, cross me twice shame on you, cross me thrice I break into song. Get ready for the longest opera you've ever heard"

Maybe wip?

Quick summary? Local dumbass adopts everyone who manages to win his heart
Loyalty to the queen

Edited at August 10, 2021 02:34 PM by Valinyx

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