King of The World, son of Lirio
Canine | Male
Born Jawa Supremacy Year 1 / 277 WPT / March 27 2023, Fall, Month 3, 11.45 AM. Lirio's successor of Year 1.
The favorite successor of Jawa Supremacy's Year One. His pelt was a blessing from Goddess Ciriin, changing along with the season. He was often praised for his appearance and was proud of it, perhaps overly so. A very confident wolf.
The son of Retainer Lirio, supporter of the founding alphas Bimo and Parardya. He was born as a countermeasure for Beta Roro's bid for power. He has two mothers, the other being Lirio's mate, the Retainer Gitarja. He shares the same father as Garin and Raksa.
His first breeding was on the third month of Summer, Year Two, to 13 year old Dahlia of pack Vanitas. His first three pups were born on Winter 1.
On the third month of Fall, Year Two, after showing his capability by dealing with the pack Darcy, Lakeswara earned the reigning alphas Hayam and Roro's trust, elevating him to the rank Beta Heir.
On Year Three he set out on a mission to take home his half-sister and best friend, Retainer Garin, and Roro's two pups. They were traveling with Mcphylian Pack after Hayam's outrage over Roro's love affair. Alpha Parardya, who took over Hayam's throne, was the one who gave him the permission to go.
Pisces ☀️ Capricorn 🌙 Gemini ⬆️ Conj. Mars in 1st House, Taurus Venus in 11th
"Generally feisty, Mars-Ascendant people are easily riled up and either on the offensive or defensive, with quick reactions to stimuli. They want to be seen as powerful people. Impulsive and assertive, they at least exude confidence even if they do not feel it."
- Cafe Astrology
Gemini Rising
Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon
Venus in Taurus, Mars in Gemini
Older females.
Roleplay(s): Crowsong x Ciriin | Looking For Love And Death (main) - Rancour x Ciriin | Looking For Love and Death (mentioned)

Artwork by the amazing Goldmeadow pack <3