
Just a place to store all my characters Name: Blue Gender: Male Age: 16(Horse years) Breed: Pegasus Rank: Either Guard or Outcast Appearance: This stallion has the build of a Morgan horse and stands at about 15.3 hands high. His body is well muscled and he's a seasoned warrior who knows how to fight his way out of tricky situations. His wings are large and have a span of about 14 feet. He has a narrow face for a stallion and a broad, flat muzzle. One of his wings is later damaged and he becomes grounded by his broken wing. It is too far broken to ever heal. Blue is a dark silver dappled stallion with crystal blue eyes. His face and legs fade out to a pale grey while the rest of his body is dark dappled in white. He has no white markings and a long pink scar running across from his right eye to left nostril. His wings are a deep navy blue with powder blue flight feathers. Art: By Carpe Noctem Credits on image Lineart by Khloran on DA and colouring to Pride Claw WP Personality: Blue is a timid stallion who at first appears shy and cautious. As he becomes comfortable, he'll become a humorous and likable friend. He'll always try to be the calm reasonable one in the group but has strong fears that can easily be brought out. He's had a bad past and is incredibly evasive on the subject. Blue is very loyal and will always stand by his friends and fight for his life to save them. Backstory: The poor Pegasus used to have a wonderful life with loving parents, supportive family, and lots of friends. As he grew into a stallion, he found a beautiful mare and they had a foal. He had always been close with his younger sister and was very happy. But one day she turned on him and he was left with nothing but a broken heart and a deep mourning for all those that he’d lost. Mate/Crush: Violet, mate(deceased) Family: Belle, sister(deceased); Indigo, son(deceased); Parents(deceased) Pet: Small Blue Jay with black striped wings and a paler underbelly. Named Sky. (Deceased) (Yes I know, everyone is dead) Other: None Edited at June 7, 2020 01:25 AM by ~Shadow Hunters~

Name: Benjamin Age: 6 Gender: Stallion Breed: 45% Dragon 55% Pegasus Role/Rank: Outcast/Hero Appearance: WIP, Images should be enough for now Art: Art by Coyote Art by me Personality: Backstory: Mate: Ember Family: Cleo and Theo (his foals), Aro, River and Lynx (Ancestors) Pet: Archipelago. A grey winged wolf Other: Nope. Edited at March 31, 2020 11:12 PM by ~Shadow Hunters~

Aries By Eternity Art by me Name: Aries Gender: Male Sexuality: Unknown Age: Unknown Species: Desert Prowler Appearance: Personality: Edited at April 10, 2020 03:11 PM by ~Shadow Hunters~

Hidden Stars: By Pride Claw, lineart by lauraccan @DA By Spring Spark Her speckles should be clear across her cheeks, nose, forehead and around her eyes resembling stars on a night sky. Different sizes, all white, Scattered randomly with no seeming order. Also across her back and hindquarters, extending down the top of her tail a bit Edited at March 31, 2020 11:19 PM by ~Shadow Hunters~

Arctic Glacier: Lines by Crystalunicorn @DA, Colouring by Linkin Park Edited at April 22, 2020 11:05 AM by ~Shadow Hunters~

Alexzanderis: By Fools Gold By Eternity By pack number 249713 By me Edited at March 31, 2020 11:28 PM by ~Shadow Hunters~

Sparrow: Lineart credits on image, colouring and edits by me (its old and ugly, I know) Art by Unending Skies, pack number 245353 Edited at April 2, 2020 12:42 PM by ~Shadow Hunters~

Wild Rose: By Starstruck/Boundless

Dusk: Credits on image, colouring is me Credits to colouring, CCAlexander Credits to Boundless/Starstruck

Lynx: Credits to me. He's missing an eye, an ear, a hoof, a wing, his mane, his tail, a portion of his nostril, part of his lip, half his body is burnt, he has a stunted wing AND he's over 700 yrs old ^^Art by one of my favourite artists, Boundless! ^In his younger years, by me Three traditional drawings above are by me, portraits of either side and some sketches. Sketches include young, old, and ghost versions along with his father Edited at May 8, 2020 12:34 AM by ~Shadow Hunters~