
DON'T POST Edited at July 23, 2018 07:27 PM by Moonshire Pack

Name: Lenaria Age: 5 years old
Gender: Female
Rank: Test subject
Wolf/Human?: Wolf
Character Description: (This ref sheet will be updated with all her injuries, etc) https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=45&shadow=Y&sex=F&base=63&rank=A&piebald1=0&legtype=3&tailtype=0&pointscolor=5&brindle=0&eyes=19&muzzletype=0&muzzlecolor=0&headtype=0&ears=0&shoulder=0&backtype=0&backcolor=0&speckletype=3&specklecolor=5&eecolor=0&eetype=0&nose=8&okapi=0&leopard=0&decor1=162&gear=55&harl=0&bel=5&som=0&pietype=0&alt=4 https://preview.ibb.co/fLSLry/Untitled42.png
Back Story: her mother didn't care for her much in the pack, she would beat her in secret snd randomly dump her in hopes for lenaria to wander away, however, that day finally came. The little female was about a year old at the time, she was playing with the other pups in the field, more like being bullied by the other pups in the field, when she wandered away unnoticed by the other mothers. She came across a man, unaware of the consequences she approached him and barked and licked him as if he was a close friend. He played along snd picked her up In his arms and began to walk away, she still has yet to know that her pack watched this happen. She has a huge dislike of other wolves and Is one of the most dominant wolves in the testing grounds. Most of the scientists have a secret liking towards her because of her aggression and attitude. She is a wolf used to experiment with new pups ao so he was injected with something when something when she became pregnant causing the pups to be larger than an average wolf pup at birth, sadly only one survived birth, the other three were Stillborn.
I'll edit this throughout the rp with relationships, age, etc Edited at July 23, 2018 07:25 PM by Moonshire Pack

Male oc WIP

Name: Alexandria Denalia Age:
18 Gender:
female Sexuality:
heterosexual EyeColor:
Green Power:
Darkness Sector:
lower Wants Freedom?:
yes Appearance:
She is a slim young woman with pale skin and fawn locks that reach to only around her shoulders. Her eyes are a lush emerald green and her lashes are long and skinny. She is approximately average height for her age, near enough 5'7. She has a diamond shaped face and a few Freckles dotted across the outskirts of her cheeks and her nose. Often found wearing some denim shorts and a dirty tank top. Either bare foot or wearing a Pear of scrappy black trainers. Her aunt left her with a rose gold locket with a picture of her aunt, mother and father. Personality:
She is reserved and shy, normally keeps to herself, normally only ever leaves her home in search of food, even then she keeps away from people. She only hopes that the higher ranked citizens never find out who she truly is. She stays away from everyone because she loses control of her darkness and will sometimes hurt people or even worse and she basicly scared of herself. However when she crawls out of her she'll she can be fun and flirty especially If she catches her eyes on someone special. Backstory:
due to the fact that her power is darkness and that she can't control it she was placed in lower class, often bullied by the lower class members because she has green eyes. She lives in a small shack on the outskirts of her village, alone. Her parents were killed when she was five becaude they were believed to be cursed, however, her aunt knew something like this would happen do she ran to lower class with Alex and let her live a normal life without death on her doorstep, however her aunt passed away due to cancer when Alex was 10, leaving her to fend for herself.
Edited at July 24, 2018 07:00 AM by Moonshire Pack