
RulesFirst of all, These characters are made by myself (even the pack names) like all of them and it took days to complete their character sheet so please do not steal. Also do not post anything here for this is my character forum only. If you would like to comment anything well just pm me, that's not that hard.
Character InformationBasic StatisticsName: Alias: Gender: Pack: Species: Pack: Rank: Personality Favorites Likes: Dislikes: Fears/Phobia: Specific Details Strength: Weakness: Skills: Attributes Eye Color: Nose Color: Base Color: Body build: Relationship Mate: Sibling/s: Pup/s: Dam: Sire: Enemies: Statistics Speed: Agility: Reflexes: Social: History Edited at May 27, 2018 05:38 AM by IV of Spades

https://s31.postimg.cc/6nwr01a6z/1526913672810.png Basic Statistics Name: Tauriel Alias: Tau, Taue Gender: Female Species: Efuxalian Direwolf Pack: Nocturian, Metanoia (present pack) Rank: Former Alpha Female Personality Tauriel is a passionate and calm wolf. She's curious when she feel someone is keeping secrets from her. As an alpha and a mother, she is caring not only to her pups but also to the whole pack which led her to be tender-hearted and sensitive. She is a short-tempered which caused her to be impatient and moody to other wolves excluding her pups.Tauriel is dreamful since she was a pup Favorites Likes: playing with pups, hunting, taking a diet, desserts Dislikes: Eat plenty of food, poor listener, the 'know it all' attitude Fears/Phobia: seeing a human Specific Details Strength: be with her love ones Weakness: hurting others feelings Skills: howling, running Attributes Eye Color: Gold Nose Color: Black Base Color: Red Body build: Slim and strong Relationship Mate: Hazza Sibling/s: Zurial (her twin sister who died after birth) Pup/s: none Dam: Sire: Enemies: Statistics Speed: 10/10 Agility: 8/10 Reflexes: 8/10 Social: 6.5 /10 History When she was a pup, she was playing with a pup of her pack's friend untill she accidentally hurt Vidal as self-defense. As soon as the Sonitars knew it, they immediately went to the Nocturia to challenge them until they all die including Tauriel's twin sister and her parents. Luckily, the Nocturian beta helped Tauriel to escape the chaos and found a pack that treated them better. Edited at March 14, 2020 07:43 AM by Marvel

Basic Statistics Name: Hazza Alias: -- Gender: Male Species: Wokavese Direwolf Pack: Metanoia Rank: Alpha Male Personality Hazza is a strong fighter and loyal protector to his pack. He has gentle and polite manners especially to the elders. He is also a potential leader that also made him an alpha and every wolves in his pack respect him. When it somes to his love ones, he is actually faithful to his mate. Favorites Likes: watching his whole pack Dislikes: brutal killers Fears/Phobia: loud noices Specific Details Strength: Weakness: Skills: making a plan Attributes Eye Color: Orange Nose Color: Black Base Color: Dark Brown Body build: Muscular Relationship Mate: Tauriel Sibling/s: Payno, Tomo, Zane, Neil Pup/s: none Dam: Huana Sire: Recto Enemies: Statistics Speed: 7/10 Agility: 8/10 Reflexes: 9/10 Social: 10/10 History He really didn't care being a leader and he didn't have any plans for being an alpha when he was a pup. His father saw a full potential on him and his father was sure passing the place to Hazza. Hazza forced himself to train with his siblings to be a leader and make his parents happy until he exceeded his skills better than his siblings. When he turned on the age of young adult, he became serious and he paid attention being a leader. He and his siblings didn't challenge each other for they know how stronger Hazza become. Edited at May 28, 2018 06:41 PM by IV of Spades

Basic Statistics Name: Zane Alias: -- Gender: Male Species: Wokavese Direwolf Pack: Metanoia Rank: Subordinate Personality Zayn Malik is very patient and understanding, and a wonderful listener. He makes others feel important and loved. Zayn is sensitive and becomes tense in a disharmonious atmosphere. He has experienced quite a bit of negative criticism as a child, which made Zane shy growing up. He is a peacemaker which kinda help his siblings to get along well. Some wolves may underestimate his strength, but this is a mistake. Zane is strong. He bends, but does not break. Favorites Likes: Dislikes: Fears/Phobia: Habits: Specific Details Strength: Weakness: Skills: Attributes Eye Color: Red Nose Color: Black Base Color: Black Body build: Lean Relationship Mate: -- Sibling/s: Hazza, Payno, Tommo, Neil Pup/s: -- Dam: Huana Sire: Recto Enemies: Statistics Speed: Agility: Reflexes: Social History He was an affectionate wolf to his packmates until he turned to an adult. May years past, he was seperating himself to his pack and started betraying it. At the first place, his brother Tomo noticed that something strange was going on with Zane but Tomo still remained silent. He thought that planning to leave his pack would be better since he liked to be an alpha and little darkness started to rule his mind. Edited at May 28, 2018 06:44 PM by IV of Spades