So I have been thinking about mixing things up and I have decided to try out some dragons but with a twist. I am crossing dragons with dogs and calling them droglings / drogons.
So the idea will be that I have eggs up for adoption and they will be coloured in a similar fashion to what the babies will look like.
Then I will have a forum where you can interact with the eggs and have a chance of hatching them. They will be able to hatch after a certain time of ownership. Then once your baby is born you can interact with them in different ways, eventually you will be able to grow adults.
In time you will also be able to breed them, patrol your lands etc.
First step is to see if anyone will even be interested in these before I continue on with the drawings.
I will also eventually get someone to help me with the interactive forum
Here is my drogling drawing, will you be interested in what you see so far?
*if you think no, please let me know why! I need to know why you don't like it :)*