
If you are not the legendary wolf or lovewolves then plz do not post.

(my last post) Morpheus looked at her surprised "Wow that must have been hard to deal with." He said. "Im sure meeting me was the worst." He said teasingly wrapping his tail around hers playfully.

(your last post) Tori chuckled. "It was actually really easy, just get over it" She chuckled happy.

Tori looked at him. "Actually, I got over it easily" Tori said with a smile, before licking her lips, as they were very dry. She then wagged her tail, her blue eyes turning green as the sun rise.

"Ouch. It hurts to know that it was so easy for you to get over meeting me. Most girls take a weak." He said laughing as his eyes turned blue in the sun and he brushed his tail up against Tori playfully.

"Not that!" Tori chuckled, also brushing her tail against him. "What else do you need to know?" She asked, looking at him.

"Not much just how you feel about guys now, everything you like,, and everything you don't like." Morpheus said with a wide grin on his face. He wrapped his tail around Tori's. "Oh yah and how you feel about me as your alpha. you seem to hide your feelings about that realwell. Most others let it show how discontent they are that I'm the alpha." He said his smile widdening.

"Well, I like all nice guys, if your not nice, I don't like you" She said, looking at him. "But I do like you" She mumbled, blushing as well as looking away.

"Well now you got me confused." He said teasingly. "Do you like me or do you not like me?" He asked laughing. He brushed is tail up against Tori before turning as they entered the clearing and looking her in the eyes.

"Well, I do" She said, he cheeks blood red now from blushing.