Currently in: They Watched From the Shadows- by ChlorineLight
OPEN for- Romance, Mystery, Horror, Highschool
Name: Olivia Pencer
Quote: I said I wanted to watch a Survivor show, not be in one
Nicknames: Liv
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Role (Hunted or Hunter): Hunted
Group (First or second): Second (Asylum)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single (Open, pm if your intrested)
Family: N/A

Appearance: Olivia has dark brown hair she dyed green to match her eyes. She is perhaps pretty basic in looks, quite flat and having no real distinct features, you wouldnt remember her if you saw her. Small lips, average nose and her bangs frame her face nicely. At a height of 5'2 and weight of 119Lb, shes quite small but her personallity makes up for that!
Personality: Despite looking plain, she is quite fiesty. Talking to strangers is no problem, but her sarcasm is always on high, working away and offending people contantly. her witty personallity can be tamed when in a calmer setting and she isnt trying to impress anyone. She often has movie night with her friends, loving horror but also romance, and Horror Romances are definity a plus.
Fears (at least 2): Spiders and being contained to a small space (clasterphobia)
Other Facts (anything that didn't fit anywhere else or random facts, any amount): She hates to be alone, not nessessarily a fear but a large dislike
image creds: utoooooxs on picrew