Hello Everyone
I'm looking for RP partners to do some plot ideas I have in mind.
Me as a RPer/Rules/Requirements
T o p i c s
~ wolves/dogs
~ wolf riders
~ shapeshifters
~ fantasy
P a i r i n g s
~ MxF
~ MxM
~ FxF*
*(I haven't done this one before but I'm not opposed to it)
L i t e r a c y . L e v e l
I can write about 300+ words when I have ideas and enough to write off of. I get writer's block very quickly and very often, so I apoligize in advanced.
A c t i v i t y . L e v e l
~ very active: 1+ posts per day
~ active: 1-2 posts every 1-2 days
~ somewhat active: 1 post every 3-5 days
~ not really active: 1-2 posts per week
~ not active: Nada. I must be busy.
I . a s k . t h a t . y o u...
~ please use proper grammar
~ please be detailed/descriptive
~ please be as active as possible
~ please be at least semi-literate
~ please help keep the RP going
~ please give me enough to write of off
~ please communicate any questions/concerns/ideas/if you need to stop the RP/if you will be unable to respond for a while
Plot Ideas I have in Mind
1. On Our Own
A huge avalanche has swept through Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve in Alaska which contains a large part of the Brooks Range. A group of wildlife conservationists had taken an expedition prior to the avalanche, but no one knows where they ended up. They could've been swept up by the avalanche. Not to mention other visitors within the park.
A special canine search and rescue team is tasked with exploring the park and finding the expeditionists and any others who might have been caught by the avalanche. Time is of the essence and lots of ground has to be covered so the dogs are on their own, without any handlers.
Will the team be able to find the expeditionists in time? Or will it be too late?
2. Tefworth Academy*
Four promising students from the best high schools in the land (name TBD) are chosen to become part of a special project overseen by the Guard of the city. They are moved from their homes and high schools to the Guard's personal academy (name TBD) where students train in hopes of joining the Guard. The four chosen students will train alongside the others at the academy where they will learn advanced magic and training techniques. They will also go through special, more intense training apart from the academy's regular curriculum. The project is to create an elite team with all four elements and powerful shapeshifters for future specialized missions.
3. Project Alpha*
For years, dogs have been utilized in the military and police force. K9s have been trained to do amazing things. Now, the government has decided that they don't want to risk the lives of dogs anymore. So, the military has started a project to breed, raise, and train wolves to the jobs that K9s do. Wolves are bigger, stronger, and faster and hopefully any lives lost will be less of a shock.
*These RPs still need to be developed/tweaked but the basic idea is there
RP Examples
Pm me or comment if you're interested. Pm me with any questions or concerns.
Sign Ups for RP Partners
You as a RPer/your rules/your requirements:
RP Example:
Pms or Forums:
Plot # you want to do:
*Please be ready to talk about details/ideas for the RP