I have some customs I made years ago which I'll gladly let others use I can also make customs
all I ask is you tell me exactly what you want, (NOTE THIS IS BASES ex to be made as one or applied )
(NOTE: if wanting a dye it must be one you have wolf will be sent with dyed form, *Note this is for crystalline and exclusive)
NOTE: I cant make a defect unless wolf has one,)
for premade tell me rarity(if you want all common, or not/ what rarittes for everything you want)
and clean or messy(how many markings)
scale(brown grey or mixed) or dealers choice(I pick one at random)
Also note if you have like a set range let me know ill make the custom within that(this goes for both)
for custom-made just for you
pelt/pelts(can make more then one version
Defect: for ones that don't cover the wolf ex LF I'll work with that set on (if anax flip between)
if one covers the wolf, I still will make it look good
(Note if for being applied to a wolf link said wolf as for most I work off the base and add on)
Scale colors you like/dont like
markings you like or don't want(list both)
do you want fewer or more markings,
or free reign of the maker(note scale will be whatever you want + one of my picking you will set base R for everything, and how messy or clean it is)
also note this is just for the base you can add Talents if you want
if lost sorry
Forms for Premade
R(of everything/base R):
Clean or messy:
or Dealers choice(random from my stash you get what you get and don't get pissed)
form for Custom made for you:
Fave colors:
unwanted colors:
Fave markings:
unwanted markings:
Messy or clean:
Defect(link wolf):
if custom for you but I have free reign
Scale(your pick+what ever I see compatible):
do you want AC or not:
Messy or clean:
Surprise me:
(I randomize three times then doctor up the wolf, )
and or I just wing it )
once done I send you the links
Note not all poses look right with everything,
I try to make it so they do look mostly good in every pose
Premade: ones I made eons ago that Im not using/never will use
the other is I make from scratch:
NOTE FILL OUT THE FORM I make it for you in customs or pick from y premade ones and send you options
if you have it made then why do you need me?
ex is . wolf 32e
Grey scale
no pibald
would be
Beltion and brindle I love
(or stuff like that )