
Alright so I decided to create this contest to design me a custom for this guy The custom can cost any amount of apples as long as it's less the 35 apples. I will be making the custom myself. So it won't cost anyone other then me anything. Winner will get 2 peices of decor and 400 mush and a free breeding to the axanthic or to any of my other wolves male or female. I don't care you choose. Everyone else who entered but doesn't win will also recieve 1 free breeding each. Ends November 28th at 9pm game time. No more the 2 entries a person yes you can have 2 just no more then that. Edited at November 28, 2023 01:13 PM by Cypress Road

You all are more then welcome to change your designs as needed. My favorite things on customs are the brindle 2, somatic mutation, harlequin, and piebald any variations.

If I have any apples left over after I make my 2 customs I'll throw in an apple or 2 as first place prize and 200 mush for sexond

Game Moderator Neutral
Please make sure you have a end date
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Edited at November 26, 2023 08:37 PM by TheCuteHuskyPack
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Here is one of my entries Can we only have one? Or 2? Edited at November 25, 2023 11:43 PM by StarlightDen

Hey, tried my best with keeping it within the budget - (Side note - IF you make this one ofcourse change it to male pose, I just make all my custom designs in Alpha Female position) Edited at November 26, 2023 09:17 PM by NotbyejustBi<3


Edited at November 26, 2023 12:12 PM by Sollecura

Decided I should try (been stalking the pup since it was born lol) Edited at November 27, 2023 10:46 AM by Snowclan