
Administrator Lightbringer
 Since the previous contest was a hit, let's do this again! Each of the 3 Beowulf Bosses (Dreki, Grendel, Grendel's Mother) can have another item to drop. Let's hear your ideas for the items. I will pick 3 winners. Each winner will recieve 5 copies of their item. This contest ends at midnight on 11/13. (Next Monday). Good luck everyone! Edited at November 6, 2023 01:34 PM by SixBears

Administrator Lightbringer
We have winners! Everybody had such great ideas! You guys rule. But I could only pick 3 as each boss only has one more item slot. So we will go with: I feel Dreki's item should be a Dragon Scale. Maybe it could be traded to Bree? - Moonlight Wanderers Grendel: Bulging eye- An eye dropped by a Grendel. You don't want anything to do with it. Also... where's the other one? Grants +20 perception for 20 moves; it could be a temple offering or just a regular item. - Qyusen Grendel's Mother: Motherly Luck - Lets your wolf have a higher chance of having a heavyweight pup (Applies to both male and female wolves) Chance: 10% of gain - Wolf Pride Edited at November 13, 2023 01:23 PM by SixBears

Overseer: a small yellow telescope seems to be made of a scale from the dreki. It shines a dim copper and when you look through it everything becomes clear. Item purpose: increase perception by x for x steps. Grendel's Fur as Grendel is defeated, some of its fur falls off. It doesn't smell great, but some of it seems to glow dimly. This item increases the chance of a pregnant wolf to have a boost/defect pup by x. Scrape of skin: Grendel's mother's skin seems to be peeling. Could it fall off? If used, this scrape could heal a wolf by ten health. Edited at November 6, 2023 01:29 PM by Blood Moon Eclipse

Dragon's fang This item is dropped by Dreki and can add 50 character points to a wolf's battle. It has a 40% chance of being dropped. Grendel's claw This item is dropped by Grendel and will increase the chance of finding Grendel's mother for 20 steps. It has a 50% chance of being dropped.
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I feel Dreki's item should be a Dragon Scale. Maybe it could be traded to Bree? She likes shiny things after all. It could be used as an alternate payment. Not having to spend an apple would be nice. Edited at November 6, 2023 01:31 PM by Moonlight Wanderers

Dreki Horn This item has a 50% chance of being dropped, can add 60 points to a wolfs stealth. . . . . . Token Of Luck dropped by grendal or dreki its a wolfparty token that can be used on any level in wolf party exept level 1, It has a 40% chance of being droped and is a dark red token . . .. . Water of Youth dropped by Grendals mother, can be used the decrese a wolf age by 2 years. has a 40% chance of drop. Edited at November 6, 2023 01:27 PM by Candy The Clown

Grendel: Eternal blessing, grants your explore team an extra life (when defeated in battle you simply get a prompt like '--'s eternal blessing has been lost, they return to battle ') has a 50% chance of dropping
Grendel's Mother: Mothers Blessing guarantees a 'cursed' pup in a wolfs litter (can be used on both males and females, it would give one defect pup in the wolfs litter) it's a 5% chance of dropping Dreki: Dragon's Heart it will reveal the closest event creature on your explore map it has a 50% chance drop Edited at November 6, 2023 01:39 PM by Jelly
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Dreki: Golden Scale: has a 50% chance of dropping, gives a female wolf a boost pupwith a chance of a legendary pelt. Grendel: grendel fang: 30% chance of dropping. Gives a wolf 50 points in agility. Grendels mother: Mothers tears, can be used to pop a mother before reaching labor, has a 30% chance of dropping Alternate version of Mothers Tears could be like a way if you bred the frmale to the wrong wolf it can be used to unpregant a wolf or somthing like that

Dreki Gleaming Claw - 25% chance of dropping. Allows for an extra 10 points of dominance Grendal's mother Mother's statue - Increases the chance of a pup with a boost by 20%. Grendal Large tooth - Speeds up a wolf's pregnancy by 24 hours. 35% drop rate. Edited at November 6, 2023 02:20 PM by Crazydayz

Dreki: Dragon scale: gives wolf +25% battle for 30 moves. Dragon tooth: wolf gains BE faster. Dragon Talon: wolf has more of a chance to give critical hits to opponents for 25 moves. Grendal: Monster eye: let's you see 10 spaces ahead in explore. Edited at November 7, 2023 03:29 PM by Dawnforest