
Dreki: Golden Claw: when applied a wolf has a higher chance of hitting twice Gold Scale: apply this to your wolf to add 25 battle to your wolf Gold Spike: when used in explore your wolves do increased damage for 30 steps Grendal: Sharp Claw: Higher chane your pregnant female will give birth to a battle boost Grendals Mother: Mother Pendant: Higher chance you pregnant female will give birth to four wolves Bottle Of Perfume: Higher chance your pregnant female will give birth to twins or triplets Edited at November 6, 2023 08:09 PM by TheCuteHuskyPack
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Dreki: Dragons' Blood Gives wolf higher chance of killing an explore boss for 20 steps Grendel: Stone sword Gives wolf higher chance at not being hit by enemies for 20 steps Grendel's Mother: Soft whisper Chance at a rare-pelted wolf from the wolfparty
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Grendle: Left Arm, Beowulf has severed the arm, increase your chance of finding prey for 20 steps Grendle's mom: Arrow head, Something was lodged in the monster's body, use this to gain extra item drops for 15 steps Dreki: Dragon Breath, It seems your wolves have come upon a dragon's last breath...use it on your wolf to get a random 5cp, 2BE or even rarer, 10cp or 5 BE
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Dreki: Dragon's Treasure You have always heard that dragons hoard treasure. Now, here is a single shimmering piece. Do you dare take it before the dragon returns? (Who loves shiny things?) Maybe it is like a 1% drop rate and you can trade it to bree to get a random apple item? Feel free to play with the rate and items. Dragon's Scale This scale seems to give off a luminous glow. Use this on your wolf to obtain +25 health and a Battle bonus for 100 moves. Grendel: Potion of Curiosity This potion seems to sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. Do you dare figure out what it does? (It could maybe make all a wolf's markings disappear, Add a random marking to a wolf, or add a random defect/boost to a wolf.) Grendel's Mother Cloak of the Mother Darkness envelops you as you pick up the cloak. Changes are happening as you regret your decision. The cloak would give the wolf a random defect or boost. (Chance: Boost - 25% Defect - 75%) A wolf can have a maximum of 5 Cloak of the Mother applied to them in their lifetime (Feel free to toggle the numbers!) Thank you for consideration! :) Edited at November 12, 2023 05:42 PM by StarlightDen

Dreki: White tooth: A dull and worn tooth from a Dreki. Grants +5 BE. Horn of Dreki: A simple horn severed from a Dreki's head. Increases chance of inheriting a wrestling/howling rating. Grendel: Bulging eye- An eye dropped by a Grendel. You don't want anything to do with it. Also... where's the other one? Grants +20 perception for 20 moves; it could be a temple offering or just a regular item. . Grendel's Blood: Clears 20 minute replay/restart explore level timer . Grendel's Mother: Lock of black hair- Gross.... it's kind of greasy. The smell seems to make enemies hesitant to attack you. Reduces damage taken by 3 points for 10 moves. Edited at November 10, 2023 01:50 PM by Qyusen

Dreki: Dreki's Wing: The severed wing of a Dreki. It looks like it got torn off in battle. Grants +20 stealth to your wolf. - Dreki's Eye: This fell out when you slayed the Dreki. Can grant 20 explore moves. - Grendel: Grendel's Tooth: Its kinda stumped, looks like it was made for gnawing. Grants +10 battle damage for 20 steps. - Grendel's Cloth: It looks like part of his lioncloth was torn off. Heals wolf for 20 points. - Grendel's Mother: Painted Fingernail: Not sure how you obtained this. It looks painted, but you can't quite tell. Grants a higher chance of defects in wolfparty. - A Mother's Love: This is the heart of Grendel's Mother, she bore the true love of a mother. Grants +20 maternal to a wolf. Also the percentages these can adjusted based off of the item. For example, A Mother's Love could have like a 30-40% chance while the fingernail might have a higher chance. Thank you for your time!

Dreki May drop different types of pieces from their hoard that when assembled into a chest it increases the likelihood that mushrooms and other shiny useful treasures will be found for an entire exploration round of that wolf. Montak would like some of the peices and treasure assembled and may be willing to trade a few mushrooms. Assemble scale, wing, talon, fang, heart, horn, and eye into a mini Dreki statue that can be used to increase the likelihood of attracting Drekis that take half the power they would usually have to be defeated for an exploration round.

Dreki wing: this item can be used to trade to the old woman for 2 coins. It can also be used to increase a wolfs BE to 350. 70% drop chance.

Dreki's Skin reduces damage done by event creatures/Myitc creatures (all event and mythic creatures ) for 30 Moves maybe about a 50% drop chance Message if needed: the skin of this beast is strong maybe it will protect you another idea is Dreki's egg a shining orb that can be given to Bree for 100(or more whatever you see fit coins for a random WP existing item anything with a small chance at event stuff or dyes(any kind of dye or just what she has. drop chance would be like 20-35% Grendel's Mother: Mother's rage increases Battle and critical chance 40%drop if a message is needed maybe Your wolves feel the rage of Grendel's Mother take over you, and your wolf feels stronger Grendle: Sawmp mud covered skin, 30 points to stealth(either for all of time or, 30 moves ) If you need a message/description The skin of the Grendle smells like the muck the creatures you hunt dont smell you. or something like that drop rate 60% chance? Edited at November 7, 2023 10:26 PM by Serpents

grendels mother: elixir of desire (this would appear as a potion bottle with a pinkish purple bubbling substance in it) it is stated that grendels mother is a temptress, one who seems to feed off of mens desire, and that is what fuels her power. this elixir could have a description along the lines of 'the smell is enticing, something draws you to it, you crave to know its taste.' and the powers it could offer are 'increasing your wolf's desire' or making the wolf you feed it to attract 2 or 3 times more pray on the explore map for one full explore round (30 moves if i remember correctly). grendel: troll claw (a large claw, think a cat claw. maybe brown or reddish stains all over, in ode to the thousands grendel slaughtered) these claws could have been dropped when grendel lost his arm. the description could say 'inhumanly large. they have a weird odor, and appear bloodstained, clumps of flesh still cling on in some parts.' these could be used to increase the lethality of one chosen attack of one wolf permanently by 3%. can only be applied once per wolf. percent could be increased or decreased. dreki: bottle of poison in the book, beowulf is bitten on the back of the neck by the dragon. this bite is soon realized to be venomous. in ode to that, something similar could be a dragon poison. this can be used once in battle (non pack versus pack) to 'poison' an enemy. once poisoned, every round of the attack (everytime either side makes a move) the affected party will lose 3 hp. the description could be something along the lines of 'this substance bubbles and pops powerfully. it looks acidic. it seems like it can't be contained.' Edited at November 8, 2023 10:34 AM by analya